Sunday, August 28, 2022

Saturday static

It was nice to have yesterday to just do what I felt like. Well, I didn't really feel like mopping the whole downstairs, haha, but I got it done. I also tried making some tapioca pudding using the monkfruit sweetener instead of sugar. Turns out fine, maybe just not quite as sweet. But, 1/3 cup of sugar is 255 calories I won't be eating over the next 2 days now, LOL.

In between mopping and baking dh thought his computer was sounding weird and "about to blow up". I took a look at it after he went out in the shop. It's not his computer, it's his external speakers. Awhile back I was doing something on his computer and realized he has the speakers knob and the volume control on his computer set at almost the highest and was kind of wondering what was up, but forgot about it. I went upstairs and spent 10 minutes getting my speakers unplugged and untangled from the mess of wires behind my monitors and tried them on his computer. They worked fine...and at normal level. The constant faint static (that's what he thought meant the computer was blowing up was) was gone. I decided to just leave my speakers plugged into his computer until a new set arrives. I could deal with no speakers a few days. I ordered the same ones from Amazon. Only $14. Then I was looking through Facebook and a video post came up and there was sound! Apparently my computer already has built in speakers! So, I quickly went to my Amazon account and was able to cancel the order.

I guess changing her top was so now on my mom's mind yesterday she changed it twice, LOL. In the morning she changed into a turquoise top and I didn't look at her camera the rest of the day until she got back from dinner.She had on a white top with a white sweater, but I could see another top was underneath the white top, just visible a bit at her collar. It was hard to tell, but it looked purple! I was like did she go put that purple top back on again and then put this white top and sweater over it?? Then the caregiver showed up for the pills. She had some new lady with her that she appeared to be training. Of course, she said hello to mom, asked her if she had a good supper and was then explaining to the other lady how mom's machine dispenses the pills. She gave mom the pills, told mom to have a good evening, mom thanked her and said "you too". Then mom went and sat back down in her recliner and said "I am so tired of this shit!". oh goodness, LOL. I was telling dd and she was like what does she have to be tired of? She doesn't have to take care of anything, haha. The caregiver was literally there only a couple of minutes. A little later she took off the white sweater (it was a top and sweater connected together) and it was a blue top under, so at least she didn't put that purple one back on. I see this morning she has on this blue top she had changed into at some point yesterday.

DH spent the rest of the day and evening out in his shop working on the side by side. He got his winch wired up and mounted. He's got it set up so it slides into a receiver hitch and he can either put it on the front or back, whichever he would want to use it at.

DD sent me a picture of the breakfast she made her and her dh.  Avocado on whole grain toast, an egg fried in grass fed butter, and a bowl of yogurt with granola, blueberries and blackberries on top. Looked healthy and delicious. I've never liked avocado, but it's been a really long time since I tried it, so I'll have to give it a try again. Maybe my tastes changed. I always hated yogurt and then about 10 years ago tried some and it was good.

I think today I will be re-staining our wood gate and the little bridge out in the front yard. It only going to be 77 out today, so it will be perfect outside. 

One of my friends just had some major surgery and will have to take it easy for 6 weeks or so and had asked on Facebook for tv show/movies recommendations. I read the comments as I'm looking for something new to watch, so decided to try "The 100" I had never heard of it, but apparently a network show that ran for 7 seasons. It took me like 3 tries to get through the first episode as I wasn't sure if I was going to like it, but it got better and now I'm about halfway through season 1.

Still all quiet next door at the proposed warehouse property....


  1. She has lots of clothes, probably enough to go several weeks with a different top. I think when she undresses at night she leaves what she just took off out and then the next morning that's all her brain she just grabs them. She seems to have forgotten there is a closet full other clothes to choose from.

  2. I chuckle whenever I see you become tech support for DH!
