Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Getting ready for guests

DH was out working in the shop yesterday afternoon. It has windows across the roll up doors and he just happened to look up and see the neighbor lot guy's white truck going by slowly out on the main road and then he turned into our street. Then stopped in front of our house (dh texted me right then so I went to look out an upstairs window). He kept stopping, pulling up a couple inches, stopping. Then he drove on down, past his 2 lots, and turned around and drove back and then got in front of our gate/driveway and started doing the stop/inch forward, stop/inch forward thing again. DH texts "what the hell?" I texted back maybe they are trying to get a good look at our house so they can figure out what an actual residence looks like. Obviously trying to get our attention? like we're just going to come running out of the house down the long driveway to go see them? Or why not do that at the other 2 houses? Hopefully the guy doesn't try to make a confrontation while our guests are staying here (starting tomorrow). DH will not put up with that for one second.

I'm not a realtor, nor do I pretend to be one, but seems to me if your house has been on the market 336 days and it's not selling, something is wrong. You need to make a change, if you want to sell it. The couple who owns the 2 lots next door, who's house in another state, has still not sold their home. Number one is I'd say the price is too high. Like probably $100k too high for their area. They did reduce it by $25k 2 months ago, after their pending sale fell through. I think the other issue is the yard...1.5 acres of gravel, with a tiny patch of grass, next to the front walkway to the front door. If I were looking for a home (and one in this high price range) and suddenly came upon this house for sale and saw that it had been for sale this long already, there is no way I would pay what they are asking. It's obviously too high priced. It's not a "odd" home, or a home that someone can't envision. It's all neutral colors inside and outside. Nothing that would turn people off, at all, as far as the house itself. What are people thinking when their house has been on the market so long and nothing? Both houses we sold in the past 6 years went fast, even the one we sold in town, here, where it's such a small market for selling, it sold in 2-3 weeks. Obviously they are going to have to take a (probably much) lower price in the end, anyway, so why not get it priced correctly now and get it sold now? 

I'm working up a grocery list. I was going to drive into the city tomorrow morning to stop and see mom and pick up groceries at Walmart...but I'm just for some reason so not in the mood to take 3 or more hours out of my morning tomorrow as we get ready for our friends to come, sometime in the afternoon. Mom will be fine to not see me for another 5 days. Friends are supposed to be leaving Monday and most likely will head out sometime before noon and I can run in and see my mom then. I'm just going to run into the grocery store in town and get what I need. I don't need a lot, so I can get that trip done in less than an hour. I'm going to make my "taco soup" in the crockpot tomorrow so we can have that for dinner tomorrow and maybe leftovers one of the other nights. I'm sure we'll be out to dinner or lunch a couple of the days. I think one dinner I'll make the ham and cheese sliders with the Hawaiian rolls. That should cover us the 4 dinners.

DH is mowing the yard today. Hopefully he'll have a little time to rest tomorrow before they arrive. He's been wearing himself out lately. I'm trying to get a work project done by the end of today. It's kind of a messy project, so it's taking me awhile, but I just want it done and off my work plate. Basically, I'm having to recreate some reports because we made adjustments after the fact and now I have to run revised reports, but the system won't recognize the changes after the fact, so if I put in dates to run the report for say February, it won't work now, so I am having to recreate 3 months manually. Ugh.

Off to it!

Oh! I meant to add that my new guest bedroom floor lamp arrived yesterday, 2 days early. I love it!


  1. The guy's moves in front of your house is threatening. He is trying to intimidate you. He probably wants you to think he is putting out a hit on you! Husband should step outside the garage or just do it surreptitiously, not going out, and record his actions. He is weird. I just hope he is not confrontational. He seems the type who might bring a gun just for show and decide to demonstrate. At least you have a locked gate!

    1. At least he doesn't have our phone numbers, haha. He does have Mr's phone number. Technically he could have gotten out of his truck and walked in the walkthrough openings on each side of our gate piers. But to just keep inching forward and stopping repeatedly, and then to do it again the other direction, just weird and like you said, kind of intimidating.

  2. Hmm, I wonder what the guy wanted inching up and down in front of your place, all the more so since you weren't the actual people to sign the letter to him (or at least, on the face of it, not the instigators of it)!

    1. that's what I said - we ALL signed the letter - go sit in front of one of their houses. But like I said before - I had a feeling we were going to be the one's he tries to confront.

  3. I find the guy’s odd driving creepy given the backstory. As a one-off, not to worry, but if this happens again I would think about security cameras (if you don’t already have them) at least on a temporary basis just so you can document his actions.

    1. It was weird! I think he wanted dh to come out there and say "what are you doing?" so he could then confront him. We do have a game camera and I think you are right - dh should put it up out there for awhile.

  4. I meant to say that the lamp fits in with your decor.

  5. Anne Brew: the lamp looks gorgeous and just in the right place for reading in that nice chair.
    I hope your future neighbour isn’t trying to intimidate you but just checking out the road generally.
    The house opppsite ours, a mirror image, went on the market at a ludicrously high price - £600,000.
    As everyone expected it’s now been reduced by £75,000.
    It’s in a state of disrepair with unfinished renovations.
    I think he’ll be lucky to get £400,000.

  6. The lamp is really nice. The River sign is a nice touch.
    I hope that weirdo never makes it in to your neighborhood.
