Saturday, August 27, 2022

Cool Saturday

I'm going to enjoy 74 degrees today, LOL.

DH has got the plow all wired to the side by side and showed me how it works. Pretty nifty. He will be plowing snow like a champ this winter. He had to do his lawn mowing in 2 sessions yesterday as it started raining halfway through, so he didn't get to finish the other half until around 4:30. Then FedEx dropped off another one of his orders and after mowing he went back out in the shop to work on that some more. I don't even know what it is he got today - I think some sort of wiring/cables for the winch he wants to add to it. It sounds like FeEx will be delivering the winch he bought today. He had done some research and bought a winch from Harbor Freight that is supposed to be really good, but much cheaper than other winches. 

I got a text yesterday from the wife of our Texas friends coming to visit later next week. She wants to go to antique stores (or if there might be another flea market in the area, like last time). I said that antique stores is exactly what I was thinking too! I've been wanting to go back to that big 4 story antique mall in the city, where I got the church pew and china hutch. I told her I had looked online but didn't find any flea markets. I want to get an old washboard to hang on the wall in my laundry room. I also want to look for an old library card catalog cabinet.

Still no update on the covenants letter. No new is good news, I guess. Still no equipment dropped off to start site work. Mr. did say he stopped at the local state DOT office and gave the head guy there a copy of our letter and covenants/short plat. He told Mr that this subdivision was approved for a single entrance/exit only. The only thing the guy could do, and this might not even be granted and would take forever, is to improve our street in width, strength and make the corner easier if west bound traffic wanted to turn by the mailboxes.

Well, yesterday morning I realized that my mom had been wearing the same outfit all week. She only wears jeans (has like 5 pair of the same, so that is hard to tell if she's changing, but unlikely) but almost always changes her tops daily. I went back and looked through the camera clips and since Monday she has worn the same purple top. I was trying to decide how to bring this up to her. She's still with it enough if I say "you've been wearing the same top all week" to say "how do you know that?" Then last evening, when the assistant caregiver gal came to her apartment with her as she was coming back from dinner, I heard her mention it to mom! I was like oh good! and impressed that they are paying attention to that kind of stuff too! But, of course mom forgot all about it and I see on the camera this morning she's wearing it again. UGH! So, I called her just now and mentioned it and suggested she had a few hours before lunch, so may be a good time to get in the shower and some fresh clothes. She said ok....hung up and I looked on the camera - she went right back to sitting in her recliner and looking at her activity calendar.....then about 10 minutes later she did get up and go back into her bathroom for about 13 minutes. I highly doubt she was able to shower in that time, but she did come out and put on different/clean clothes, at least.


  1. It seems everything he wants to do might be denied him. Good.

    With your mother it is a little like talking to a teen who does as they please because you are at work and not home to see she does things. It is a good sign the caretaker does notice. And, caretaker could go to bathroom and see if she showered.
    88 here today and I am happy.

    1. For sure on adding a new road access. I don't know who the guy thinks he is that he can just do whatever he wants. Hopefully if he insists on going ahead with his other plans a judge would see it in our favor as well.
