Monday, May 2, 2022

It's Monday again

Cupcakes and flowers got dropped off with my mom. I didn't tell her I was coming, so she was surprised. I stayed and visited for about an hour. I had brought that black pillow case with me to try to put up on top of her kitchen cabinet, under the little camera. I was waiting for her to get up and use the bathroom at some point and I could grab her dining chair and step up on it and put that on under the camera. But, she never did, LOL. Guess I'll try for next time. I ordered a second camera this morning, so hopefully when I sneak that in I can do that, too.

And guess what I finally did? Got my passport photos at Walgreens. Only took like 5 minutes. I thought I might have to wait to pick the photos up, so I stopped and did that first, but the lady had them printed right off. I can't remember who commented awhile back and suggested the passport card instead of the passport book. I thought more about it and decided that's really all I need. I have no plans to go overseas, so the card will be just fine. Much cheaper and faster to get. Plus, if we are ever finally required to have the Real ID (they keep pushing out the date) driver's license to fly domestically, I'll have this passport card and won't need to get my driver's license updated before it expires. When I am in town on Friday, at the courthouse for my jury duty, I'll also take care of turning in the passport application. Yay me! LOL

When I was going down the elevator to leave mom's place there was a resident, with who I assume was probably her son and grandson riding down. She told them that they will now be having all of their meals in the dining room again. That is good news. I still can't figure out how my mom even kept track of knowing when meals were downstairs and when they were delivered. It apparently depended on how much kitchen help they had at any given time. I meant to mention it to her when I called her last evening for her pills reminder, but I forgot. I'll bring it up today and see if she knows/remembers hearing about it.

Well! My stomach is not feeling well this morning. I have been to the bathroom 3 times in the last half hour. I don't feel sick, so hopefully it will pass soon. The only thing I could think is the milk I had frozen earlier this week (like 2 days past sell date) and then Saturday morning took it out to start thawing. I left it sitting in the sink for a few hours. It thawed just a bit but then I put it in the fridge the rest of the time. Shaking it every so often. I had a glass with breakfast yesterday morning and a half glass with dinner. It tasted fine but maybe it's going bad ? I bought another gallon while in the city yesterday, so I will probably just throw that other out and drink this new gallon.

When I got back yesterday around 4pm dh was just finishing up mowing the lawn for the first time this year. Before I left to go to mom's he kept flip flopping if he was going to do it or not or wait another couple days. Then I asked if Mr. Neighbor had mowed yet and he said no. I said well as soon as one of you sees the other doing it.....I guess right after I left Mr. Neighbor started up his lawn mower, so game on, LOL. Dh said he will do the annual spring fertilizing later this week.

I guess little neighbor boy was out riding his bike up and down the street and saw dh mowing. When dh stopped for a minute he asked dh if he could get another hat (dh has every so often been letting him pick out a hat from his big box of old hats), so they went in the shop and did that. Later he was out pulling his baby sister (who is almost 18 months now) in the wagon. Very cute.

Let's start of Monday with a cute cat picture :)


  1. You should start playing The Dualing Banjos when they both go out to mow the lawn!

  2. That kitty kat is too much adorable 😍!

    1. He's either being stinkin cute or a stinker LOL

  3. Oh your cat is too sweet! Glad your visit with your mom went well :)

  4. I doubt the milk made you ill. But. I would never leave it out to thaw. I would complain about the dates. The person who picked your order was just lazy.

    Next time, ply your mother with

    Where is kitty sitting? He is soooo cute. What is he looking at?

  5. I really don't think it was the milk either, it tastes and smells fine. Kitty is sitting on the landing of our stair case. There is 4 steps to the landing, then up almost to 2nd floor and then another landing and the stairs turn and 3 more to the upstairs. Dh hung his cat wand/mouse toy over the railing and it's hanging there and he was playing with it, then looking up at it

  6. Your cat is a hunk! I am sure he entertains you a lot. I think, the second camera is a good idea. Have a great week.

    1. the second camera will be really good I think. She spends alot of time either sitting in her recliner or at her sink (where she takes the meds) so it would be better to be able to view there, too
