Thursday, May 12, 2022

Eventful night

We did not have a good night. Had to take dog into an emergency vet. He had been sneezing for a week or so, but then this week seems much better, like I don't think he even sneezed Tues and yesterday. Then at 8pm our UPS guy showed up (he's always so late!) to deliver and dh and dog walked out to the gate, as usual, to meet him. Dog doing great, excited as always. Then they walked back in the shop so dh could put the package inside and dog started sneezing. Sneezing blood. Then took him back outside, more sneezing and blood and then blood coming out of his mouth, too. All of course freaked us out.

We put him in the car and headed to the emergency vet in the city. He did ok all the way. No sneezes and he was panting some, from being nervous/excited, so I could see his tongue and mouth and no blood. I was sitting in back with him and had an old towel under his head in case he sneezed, to catch blood, but he didn't. Then we got to the vet (I think we were the only customers at that time) and he sneezed some and little drops of blood, but nothing like it was.

The vet said it could be something as simple as he has an infection or virus type thing and his nasal passage is inflamed and irritated and he broke a capillary. They can give something in his nose to help stop bleeding and also antibiotic and benadryl. Or it could be something more, where they'd start with blood work. We opted to have her do the blood work. She also did a nasal swab to look at under a microscope. All of that looked good, thankfully, so we decided to try the nasal stuff she sprayed in to help stop bleeding, antibiotic and benadryl. We will do this for a week. If he's not better, or getting worse, we'll get him into his regular vet. At that point they probably would anesthetize him to do xray and look in his nose to see if there is a mass or something. Our feelings are this is probably where we are headed with him, due to his age and other cancer lumps he's had removed. I doubt it's going to be something minimal at this point.

I thought for sure I had some benadryl at home so we didn't stop, but of course I did not. I must have thrown it out awhile back due to old date. So, when we got home I gave him the first dose of antibiotic and then this morning we ran to the store in town and got the benadryl as well as some hotdogs to hide them in. I have to give him 3 benadryl (he's a big dog) 2 - 3 times a day and the antibiotic 2x a day. I hide in hot dogs and folding a piece of cheese slice around the pills also seems to work good. We're praying for a good outcome for him. He is eating fine and his energy is normal, so good signs there, too.

And then there's my mom's weird night! She's been typically going to be around 8:30 to 9pm. When I go to bed I'll set the cameras to motion detection so it would catch if she got up during the night. So far, the past 2 weeks it's just getting up to use bathroom or coming out to her living room to adjust the heat and she goes right back to bed. While sitting at the vets around 10:30 I looked at my phone and did a live view to make sure all her lights were out and she was in bed. She was asleep in her chair! Fully clothed and didn't even have the recliner up, so her head was all flopped to her shoulder. It looked so uncomfortable. When we got home at 11:40 I checked again and she was still in same position. Ugh. So, I decided to try something.....the cameras have 2 way talk. I have never tried to talk to her through it because of course it would totally confuse her. But, being sound asleep I thought maybe if I just said "wake up" it would wake her up, even though she probably wouldn't realize what actually woke her up, and go to bed. It did wake her up, but she went right back to sleep. I did it again, same thing. I was using the camera under the tv across from her. I decided to try the voice coming from the camera up above on the kitchen cabinet. I just turned the mic on and tapped on my phone with my fingernail. This woke her up and she got up and went in the bathroom. I thought good, she'll get her nightgown on now and go to bed. Nope! She came back out and set the recliner back and went to sleep again, clothed and tennis shoes on! What the heck?! Well, it was midnight by then, and I was wiped, so I just went to bed.

Got up this morning and the camera motion video clips show she slept until 4:45 and and then basically was up from the looks of it. Changed her clothes and went downstairs (for breakfast?) at 6:40am and came back up after breakfast around 8:35. She seems fine. She left again for awhile and came back about the time I was leaving for the store, reading her activity schedule. When I got back she has left again. I guess she is fine, but that was something different for her night, for sure. I'm glad she's ok. I was like I do not need this on my plate today, too! I hope this was just a one time "off" night for her.


  1. That's terrible news about your big puppy. Fingers crossed that it's something not too complicated. The blood would have totally freaked me out. Poor baby :(
    Maybe your mom was just too tired to go to bed. :(
    I hope today is better for you :)

    1. I was wondering that too about mom. The past couple previous mornings she has gotten up quite a bit earlier than usual, so I was wondering if she just fell asleep early in the evening in her chair and was too tired. I thought it would be a good night - at 6pm she actually knew the med dispenser chime was for that and dispensed and took the pills all on her own!

  2. (Anne Bee 🐝)
    Oh golly! That was weird!
    Tennis shoes - oh she’s a caution isn’t she? I’ve got a recliner - yep I’m that old - and it is extremely comfortable. X

    1. We have a recliner too. I sit in it most evenings but I cannot sleep in it. I can't sleep on my back.

  3. Poor puppy. I hope he's ok. My daughter falls asleep in the oddest positions and times.

    1. She has probably done this before (I've only had the camera a couple weeks) but it was a surprise for me.

  4. I'm sorry to hear the pup is not well - and I hope it doesn't turn out too expensive for you. As for your mom, what's the betting you'll hear all about her "funny dreams" soon!

    1. Right! I could just hear her saying "did you call me last night?

  5. I am having some pup moments, too. Bloody discharge from sinuses. Puppy cannot feel where his comes from. To tell the truth, I was sort of alarmed. Of course, I was able to control the blood. Maybe you could teach puppy to hold a Kleenex over his nose and mouth. I certainly hope he is better. Privet hedges are blooming, so I am attributing my problems to those. Wonder what puppy's allergens are.

    Tell her you have the phone fixed where you can talk to her. She would certainly not understand a talking camera. But a phone is for talking.

    I cannot sleep on my back either, but I put the recliner all the way back and turn on my left side with a travel pillow under my head. The recliner is not really straight when all the way back, so I sleep crooked and wake crooked. Once I get over the initial strain of sleeping crooked, I am okay. I have slept as long as four hours in my chair.

  6. Sometimes when I can't go to sleep, I go to my living room turn the TV on and sleep in the recliner listening to a documentary. And as for the pup, hope he will feel better soon.
