Sunday, May 15, 2022


It was a nice pretty quiet Saturday - until about 9:30pm. The past couple of months off and on (seems like every 2 or 3 weeks) we've been hearing some gun shots from whoever is shooting about 1/2 down river from us. Now this isn't the one bullet type of shooting. This is someone unloading magazine rounds. Super loud and like 30 bullets in 2 or 3 seconds. But it's always been during day or early evening. This was at dark time and went on for a half hour. Now this time I KNOW our neighbors can't say "oh we didn't hear it!". They still had lights on inside their house, so Mrs was still up.  DH is pretty sure it's coming from the house in that neighborhood that that "thrill seeker" killed himself with the motorcycle jump/flip and it's known that his sons still come over from where they live (another state) to spend weekends at the house. There are about 7 houses along that street and this one is in the middle.  Friday dh was out at the gate talking to our UPS guy and the gunshots went off (it had been going on off and on that day) and he said he was just down at so and so's place, which is on our side of the river, directly across from where the shooting is coming from and that guy is mad and sick of it.

So, last nigh dh calls our sheriff dispatch office to complain/report it. Just while he was on the phone with the gal they probably dumped 100 rounds or more. About half hour later a deputy or someone calls dh back and says there's nothing they can do, it's not illegal. It's not illegal to shoot in a neighborhood where the houses are like an acre apart and to shoot in the dark? Apparently not. Two or 3 houses down from where the shooting is coming from is the lady who is running for sheriff. Why the hell doesn't she complain or try to do something about it? I can't imagine being basically right next to automatic gunfire is good for her horses? Sad and annoying that people have to be such assholes to their neighbors/neighborhood.

In other local politics news there is a primary coming up for a state representative for our county. The same guy, who claims to be a conservative, has been in the position for years. No one ever runs against him. Yet his voting record time and again shows he votes democrat at the state level. There is someone running against him in the primary for the first time and things are getting nasty. Geez, you'd think in a small county of 4000 people it would be pretty tame, LOL. We have this local community Facebook page, but 2 people brand new suddenly show up to start bashing the new candidate. A lady that doesn't even live here (lives in another state) but claims she is moving here in a few weeks. Then a someone with a brand new Facebook profile made days ago, like 5 "friends", shows up and starts bashing this new candidate. Claims he lives here, but is kind of new to the area/state. Yet he then knows stuff that happened like 3 years ago. No one has ever heard of this guy, he's not a property owner in the county. It's obviously a fake profile. So, dh and a friend on FB (who has lived here longer than us) pretty much figured out who this guy probably really is. Then dh, who is great at detective work, went to that guys Facebook page..and what do you know, this lady from out of state who is supposedly moving here is friends with him and always commenting on his posts, LOL.  Then another person figured out his profile picture is some stock photo from the internet. The even funnier part is this guy is extremely liberal, but makes sense he would want to keep the "liberal" conservative in office and not the new guy, who is very conservative. These 2 yahoo's are alleging all kinds of untrue things about him and also saying he's really a Marxist who is trying to infiltrate the GOP, LOL. 

Saw a couple of hummingbirds yesterday so got the feeders put out for them. 

Anne Bee made a great observation the other day:  Before the days of the camera you could leave your mother at the end of a visit, safe in the knowledge that it had been a useful visit with some issues that you could work on next time. Being home and not seeing her gave you a break and when you did think of her - which I know you do a lot - it was perhaps hoping she was downstairs with companions or chatting with the lady across the landing etc.

Now with the cameras (especially having 2 views now) I find myself constantly checking in on her. Worrying about stuff that isn't really an issue, etc. I am definitely not giving myself a break anymore! So, yesterday I tried to disconnect myself from looking at the cameras to check in on her and turned off motion detection. She's fine. Whether she's out of the apartment doing activities or visiting with others or just sitting in her recliner. 

I do like to set motion detection on when she's down at dinner. It tells me when she's back, so I can then make sure she gets her 6:10pm pills. She got back just before then yesterday and just as I turn on the camera view I see her dispensing her pills on her own and I'm like yay, it's one of the days she does it herself. Then right as she takes the cup out of the dispenser someone knocks on her door. She sets the cup down on her desk and goes to answer it. Someone dropped off a dessert or something. She proceeds to stand at her sink and eat it and I'm thinking great, now she'll have forgotten all about the cup of pills. Sure enough. she sits down in her recliner to finish her dessert. So, I call and we chat and someone knocks on her door again! Finally she gets the pills in her hand and we get off the phone and I can see her go to the sink and take them. I didn't spend any more time checking in on her. When I went to bed I turned the motion on and called it a day.

Ok, it's a nice sunny day and supposed to get up to 72. Dh and I are heading outside to plant the flowers. Keep your fingers crossed we are done with freezing nights, LOL.


  1. I am amused how some people don't realize other people with ordinary skills cannot figure out who they are on the internet! People who want to shoot like that guy should have no less than 20 acres and preferably 100!
    Baby cameras have been the rage for a few years. I put my baby down and went out of the room. Of course, at first, I was in his room every few minutes, or at least looking in to see he was okay. Nothing ever happened with my three children that I needed to see. Of course, maybe I was lucky. However, it is interesting that you can observe your mother and get a feel for her habits and cognitive abilities while you are not present.

    1. I agree, should be 20 acres minimum, not 2 acres and not when you have neighbors on each side of your 2 acres. Would be different if they were surrounded by a bunch of state land or other large acreage.

  2. I am not sure you figured this out, but, we are shooting enthusiasts. We have a variety of firearms we shoot. We have 5 acres, and a berm. Several people around us are as well. That said, there's a sort of courtesy, if you will--you don't shoot at night, not on a Sunday, not on a holiday, and never, ever if you know a neighbor, (relative term, as we are far apart) are experiencing turmoil. There are, however, some "MY FREE-DUMBS" folks who, because they can, will. I am so sorry you are within ear shot of them.

    1. Glad we aren't neighbors :) We like peace and quiet. There is a gun range with all the amenities a mile from these shooters. We don't hear that, nor do they shoot at 10pm. It's good you and your neighbors have a courtesy with each other. These guys do not.

    2. It's not just a neighborhood thing, it's an unwritten law among other competitive shooting enthusiasts. We'd never shoot at 10 p.m, (even if it was light enough to do so safely) any more than we'd run the tractor at that hour.

    3. Wish a couple of the shooting enthusiasts near us followed the unwritten law. Their attitude is we can do what we like, when we like, as much as we like.

  3. ( Anne Bee ) It's frustrating and a little demoralising that your boss is dragging her heels over your rise.
    Maybe someone has intervened with a "don't promise anything till we take a good look at the annual accounts"
    I hope she'll realise that promising something means you automatically start to factor it in to future plans and if it doesn't materialise its almost like a loss in pay!
    Thank you for those kind comments regarding your mother's camera - sounds like you've given yourself some much needed downtime. X

    1. thanks for making me realize I wasn't giving myself a break at all from mom after I got the cameras! She's safe, fed, socializes/activities, and now I know not up and about all night. I can take a break from it ;)
