Friday, May 13, 2022

Happy Friday

I don't know where I read the article the other day, but it was about this couple in their 50's who are retired and live on cruise ships - and they only spend about $32,000 a year to live this way. What an interesting way to live and travel. The article said they were from Seattle where the average house cost almost a million dollars, so having a mortgage would cost them about $50,000 a year. They were working towards retiring and when they crunched the number of living on cruise ships they realized they could do it now, so they sold their home. The average cost for both of them is about $88 per day. That seems kind of low, but what do I know. I looked up "retiring on a cruise ship" online and an article gave a figure of about $100/day and others quite a bit more or gave that as per person. Of course being on a cruise ship (I have never been on one) this also includes all their food and I'm assuming there is lots of free entertainment on a cruise ship. They also do not have any expenses like utilities, etc now. It's an interesting concept!

I discovered that there is a new season of Grace and Frankie on Netflix. I thought that series was done, so I was glad to find there is a new season to watch. I had started to watch it the other night, before we had to dash off to the emergency vet.

The other info dh learned from Mr Neighbor is that Mrs. retirement starts in 1 month. He said he is also quitting his various part time jobs he does. She is 72, so very due to retire. He is 67 and has been working p/t jobs for the past few years. The good part is they will be home a lot more and we'll only have to listen to the dogs barking (again, now that son's 2 dogs are here) near as much (hopefully). He was also told they are having a "community picnic" at their house the weekend after Memorial weekend...whatever a community picnic is, LOL.

Now mom has lost her wallet, but she thinks she's only lost her credit card. The reason I know it's her wallet is because the little "motion detection" video clip shows her walking into her apartment after lunch yesterday and setting her purse on her desk (why she had her purse with her, no idea). The video clips are short (otherwise the batteries would go dead fast), so she just had walked back into her bedroom/bathroom for a few minutes and next clip shows her back at her table going through all the pockets of her purse and finding nothing and saying to herself "oh, no...what did I do with it?". She kept looking around her apt for about 10 minutes and then called me (knew the call was coming as I could see her pick up the phone). She tried to explain that she lost her credit card. She was downstairs "in a room and they were selling some food thing" and now she doesn't know where her card is. I asked her "do you have your wallet?" thinking if she has that, the card is probably there. She went and looked in her purse and on her dresser again but came back to the phone and said no, she can't find it. I said well, you are missing your wallet and your credit card is probably in the wallet. She kept trying to remember what she was downstairs doing with it. I said let's have you go downstairs to the front desk/office area and tell them you can't find your wallet and were in that room...she said yes, I was just thinking that's what I need to do. So we hang up. 10 minutes later it doesn't appear she went downstairs so I call her and she says she's just about to go down. Then I turn on the live view and someone knocks on her door and I'm thinking "oh, I hope it's someone who found her wallet!". but dang, it was just someone reminding her of a 2pm activity starting in 10 minutes. She tells the lady she was just down for that earlier meeting and now can't find her credit card. A couple minutes later she grabbed her purse and went downstairs.This was just before 2pm....she came back at 7pm LOL.  She did have her purse with her when she got back to her apt and put it away. I ended up talking to her then because it was time to take her meds and she needed a reminder and talking thru it. She didn't mention the credit card and neither did I. I was wiped out and tired from getting very little sleep the day before. I had wanted to get the meds call over at 6pm, so I could go lay down and take a nap, but that didn't get to happen.

And speaking of her med dispenser I don't know why the app for it on my phone keeps signing out. Twice now in the past 24 hours I have had to sign into it. It's never done that before.

Pup is doing ok. When he gets up from resting he will sneeze a bit. He did that this morning when I went out to the laundry room to feed him, but no blood. Last evening he had been laying under dh's desk (he slept most of the day and evening due to the benadryl) and got up for dh to take him outside and he sneezed, but it was like one little drop of watery blood. Nothing much. Of course we are still worried about him, but I told dh we've got to give the antibiotics a few days to kick in and also for his nose to settle down inside.

The new "Alzheimer's clocks" I ordered for my mom are supposed to arrive today. I have a feeling having one in her bedroom, that actually tells the correct time!, will help quite a bit. I also know that come next day light savings time clock change I am really going to appreciate that I won't have to make a special trip in that Sunday to get her clocks changed. She really does use that one on her desk all the time. Without it I'm sure she'd have zero idea what date or day of the week it is and to be able to look at her activity schedule and then refer to her clock to know what day it is. She did go to bed normal last night :)

Our weather is supposed to get out of the 50's and be 72 on Sunday and Monday. I should be able to get all my flowers planted then.


  1. I really hope the "Alzheimer clock" works for her! You really are so, so good about trying to take care of her!

    1. She has had one of these clocks in her living room area for over 2 years and refers to it all the time for the time/date/and day of the week. It also says if it's morning afternoon or night. In her bedroom she has just had a small regular alarm clock, that is now constantly the wrong time because I think she tries to set the alarm and messes up the time. I'm hoping that having the additional "Alzheimer's clock" in her bedroom will make it easier for her to know what time it is when she gets up and whenever she is in her bedroom. The first clocks available (a few years ago) didn't have automatic daylight savings time adjustment, but this new kind does, so I ordered 2. I will replace the one on her desk with this new one :)

  2. That clock is a handy device to have for her. Some days, I need to know those things! I am glad your dog is better. I had no idea dogs could get sinus infections. Maybe someone returned her wallet. Or, another person may have mistaken if for their own and took it.

    1. the vet was kind of vague, but it sounds like dogs can get rhinitis and such. Hopefully that is all it is. Either by the time she got back to her apt last evening (5 hours later LOL) she either forgot she lost it or did find it downstairs. I'm scared to ask to start it all over again!

  3. Yes!!, to Grace & Frankie. I'm gonna miss those old girls.
    I have no desire to live anywhere but my home. I'm too much of a homebody, it's where my heart is. :)

    1. I don't think I could live like that, but it's an interesting concept compared to living in senior/assisted living. In her earlier days of retirement my mom probably would have loved something like that, haha!

  4. It seems you've done everything possible to support your mom. I hope your pup continues to feel better. I enjoyed our cruises, but not enough to live on a ship. I'd like to find out though-perhaps.

    1. thank you. Pup seems "ok" and are hoping the 7 days of antibiotics does the trick.

  5. ( Anne Bee )🐝
    I agree with comments above, you really do look after her well. Yes, the card may have been found in her handbag so better not to stir the hornet’s nest by asking her!
    I’m very glad to hear your dog is improving - what a relief.
