Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year is here

Who forgets they have a $500 Visa giftcard?!! Me, that's who! Good grief. I was laying in bed last night, about to fall asleep and suddenly remembered "hey! I still have that $500 gift card, or at least part of it". I couldn't remember if I used about $100 of it or not. I checked the balance this morning and nope, still $500. I think between my trip (when I got it), all the mom stuff, and Christmas, I forgot about it. Wooo!

As usual New Years Eve was no big deal at my house. I went to bed at 10:15. I'd rather sleep than stay up another 2 hours, LOL. Our big snow expected was rain instead as it warmed up to 40 degrees. DH not happy, haha. We did watch a movie on Amazon Prime - the latest Mission Impossible movie - it was dumb - really dumb.

My uncle is going up to get my mom's car tomorrow and I guess he had my son pick up her title for it today. I don't know why he just couldn't have gone to her place and got it from her himself (and visited her in the process). It's not that much farther from where DS lives. He called this evening and said she's called him about it several times today, as apparently she keeps forgetting exactly what is going on with it. I'm not surprised. It's probably overwhelming her all a bit.

Well, back to work tomorrow. I don't know why I just didn't take Thurs and Fri off, too, LOL. I certainly have more than enough vacation days and Friday is my half work day, so kind of dumb to just work a day and a half. I guess it'll be a short week! ha!


  1. I wonder if your uncle did not feel like doing any extra driving? So he just asked DS to grab the title and meet him somewhere with the car? Or perhaps he was worried she would misplace it? DS seems to be helping out more with her lately!

    Happy New Year to you!

    1. I'm sure he doesn't want to drive the extra but it's probably only about 20 more minutes to my mom's from where DS lives. I'm thinking maybe he had DS get it so that he knew for sure it was found and not spending time for her looking for it (though she is very organized with her papers)

    2. I think you're right, he wanted to make sure it was found and there were no worries. I am so glad you did find your $500 gift card however!!

  2. Oh, I am glad you remembered that you still had that gift card! Now you get to treat yourself to something nice in the new year with it! Enjoy your short work week!

    1. I'm going to use some of it for regular purchases and I think some of it for some more blinds we want on a couple windows.

  3. What a nice surprise! That would confuse me, too, fixing the car one week and hauling it off for good next week. Has anyone gotten any input from her about giving up driving?

    1. We've been bringing up driving for the past couple of months and especially uncle has, and telling her he'd take the car when she's ready to get rid of it. With it not working/starting last week, this seemed like a good time to see if she was agreeable to him taking it now and she has seemed ok with it.

  4. You must have had a lot on your mind to forget $500! Nice find, for sure!

    Given your mom's memory issues, it is probably best that she doesn't have access to her car. It makes me think back to many years ago when I was working as a nurse in a long-term care facility. There was patient who would ask me almost hourly where his car was. Fortunately, he was satisfied with a simple answer "your daughter took it for an oil change" or something along those lines. It was far easier (and ultimately kinder) than trying to bring him back to the reality that he was living in a nursing home and no longer could/should be driving.

    1. Apparently, my mind has been overloaded! That's kind of what we did with my grandpa when he first kept asking about his car. Then he finally just forgot out it. But, it's good that he was able to tell her he's taking it permanently and she agreed.

  5. Wow, "forgetting" $500 is great - well no, actually, "remembering" it is probably the right reaction!
