Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hell Week

Gosh, is it really only Wednesday? The past 2 days have been work days from hell and it sure feels like more than 2 days of it. Usually my job is extremely boring and uneventful, LOL. Most of Monday was spent on the phone with IT and accounting software guys, trying to get that condensed filed for our audit year. It finally worked and before we all hung up the tech guy restored the backup so all was working and current.

Only yesterday morning I realize that none of the documents I attached to transactions could open now. Yesterday morning wasn't the time to try to spend a bunch of time on the phone figuring it out, because I was waiting for the call for the meeting with the IRS auditor at our office. I was going to have to wait until that was over. And I waited and waited. No call from my boss. Finally she called at 1pm. She and our CPA had the long meeting and didn't need me (as I figured, when she was trying to get me to fly over for the day on short notice!). Then come to find out, apparently we didn't need to to all that headache the day before trying to get that condensed file for our audit year. According to the auditor, if we give them a complete back up file (of all our years) their program only lets them look at the year in question. He apologized to her and said he should have explained that better in his instructions.

So, yesterday afternoon I put in a ticket with our IT and he tells me to call the accounting software tech support back to figure it out. I got some lady who I really don't think she understood what I was trying to explain we did the day before and she actually messed it up more. (what she did was overwrote my most current back up with the condensed one year file - wrong!) I also kept telling her, I'm sure you need to access our files (she was remoted into my computer) from the server, like they did the day before, but she just kept ignoring me. When she got done the only thing I could open was that condensed year. While it was "processing" she said we didn't need to stay on the phone, it should work (it was end of day) fine. Of course it didn't work. I knew that to fix this our IT would have to get involved because the fixes have to be done on our server and not from my desktop. I called software tech back and tried to get the Joshua who had done all the work the prior day, only I got a different Joshua ( they didn't have record on the ref# who helped me?). Our IT guy (we use outside company) was available then (I was texting my boss to have her check and see if our IT guy was available to get on this call) and he wasn't going to be available Wednesday until noon, so I didn't want to wait until this afternoon to start working on the fix again.

The tech guy tried a few things that didn't work and just kept telling me "well, unfortunately, I know it's a minor inconvenience, but you're just going to have to re-attach those documents". I said that's not possible. There are years of documents attached - thousands of documents. After he said the same thing again for about the 3rd time (after our IT guy was on the call) and I said NO! it's NOT a minor inconvenience!! Our IT guy understood me. Then the tech guy was out of solutions to try and our IT guy says "can't we just rename this path where the attachments are archived so it works with the new company file name". The tech was was sure it wasn't going to work, but said sure, if you want to try it. Well. it totally worked! Thank God for our IT guy. The only bad part was they could only restore the back up from last Friday (because the previous dumb lady had copied over it with the wrong file), so I lost everything I input Monday and Tuesday. But, like I told them, that is way better than the alternative of losing all of our attached documents. That is our "filing system". We don't do paper files in filing cabinets any more.

By the time all this got done it was after 6pm my time. I had texted DH from my office earlier that dinner was going to have to be a cereal night, as I didn't know how long I was going to still be working. It was a long 11 hour work day for me.

Oh, and to top it off, yesterday was payroll processing day........


  1. My friend, IT guy for me, worked for NASA company and kept their computers and files safe and accessible. He scared me all the time doing what he did. He explained to me that he never did anything that he could not undo. I wonder why every tech and IT guy does not know this. He explained how he did this, but since he was in the register, I was not going there on my own. So, payroll is going to be late or are you going to work too hard to get it done on time?

    1. I got payroll done yesterday (I didn't have a choice) but of course, problems/questions came up that I had to try (and wait) to get a hold of our payroll advisor person. She's never available.

  2. UGH! Sorry for all those problems you had to deal with. I cannot stand incompetent support people. My team never messed up like that when I was in the IT Services. We made sure, the team was appropriately assigned to Customers depending on their credentials and the customer requirements. Hope, the rest of your week will be easier on you.

    1. Our IT is really good. I think the accounting software support guy was really good, it was the lady I got when I called back for additional support that wasn't so good and then the 3rd guy involved wasn't too bad, but obviously didn't know quite enough. I think if I had realized the attachments were missing while we were still on the phone with that first guy, he would have been able to fix it/figure it out.

  3. You deserve a week of comp time!

  4. Hopefully, all that is behind you, now, and the rest of the work week goes smoothly.

  5. We used to have a very competent IT Division and then much of it was out-sourced. To be fair they were mostly very good but I always hated trying to fix computer problems remotely. It was always so much better to have our in-house guys come over but then I guess outsourcing is so much cheaper isn't it!

    1. honestly, I don't think our outsourcing is really cheaper. We are paying a year about what we were paying our in-house IT guy. It's probably better because during an IT emergency we now have several people that can work on things, rather than 1 guy stretched to thin.

  6. Hopefully you are through the worst part of the week and it gets better.

    1. yes, thankfully it's been getting better. A pretty normal day today. Just busy.
