Thursday, September 12, 2019

The wedding gift

Our woodworker friend finished the hope chest wedding present for DD and SIL. It turned out great. He does such nice work. I hope they will like it.

We were joking it looks so good there at the end of the guest bed, that we might have to just keep it :)

The good news out of it is while woodworker friend was here delivering it, he noticed DH had installed the tracking for the barn door over the entryway closet. Since DH has never built a barn door (not sure woodworker guy has, but it's a piece of cake to him) he's clueless and that's about the only reason they haven't been built yet....he's working up the nerve and ambition to tackle the project. Within a few minutes woodworker friend had a little sketch drawn out. They went out and looked at our lumber pile and they pretty much had it figured out, haha. It sounds like they will use our 2x6's (from cutting our trees) for the frame and use the leftover tongue and groove boards (from the soffits on shop and house) for the main part of the doors.

DH messaged DD and SIL...we have something for you, come and get it! LOL. Hopefully they can make a weekend trip over here in the next month or so. She said do we get a hint what it is? (I know she's dying to know, haha). DH said nope, only that if you don't come and get it soon, Mom is going to keep it!


  1. Absolutely beautiful! If your daughter doesn't come and get it, and you change your mind about keeping it, can I be third in line for it? Stunning work!

  2. So I'm guessing your daughter doesn't read your blog :-)

  3. At least I hope she doesn't read your blog! Beautiful gift.

    1. No, no one but me knows about the blog :) From the very beginning I decided to keep it that way

    2. Your blogging secret is safe with me. Lol On a side note, does the guy who made the chest have a website? If not, he needs to!

    3. No he doesn't. DH keeps telling him he needs to start marketing his stuff! He seems to keep fairly busy with making stuff for people, considering he is supposed to be retired, LOL.

  4. Gorgeous!
    I see that as a heirloom in the making. So nice:)

  5. What a beautiful wedding gift! My son got married 3 weeks ago and as of yet we haven’t thought of a gift for them. I told them it was coming as soon as I paid off our part of the wedding ($$$$$) and came up with an idea lol.

    1. it took us awhile to figure out what to get them. DH came up with this idea after we met the woodworker friend.

  6. That is a lovely hope chest! I don't mind being fourth in line, after Lucy, above, for it! LOL! I am sure your daughter will love it! Sounds like your barn doors will be done, soon, too! :)

    1. ok, 4th it is ;) I think they decided to use some boards another guy has - our tongue and groove boards were already stained, a darker color and won't work inside with what have already stained. I think friend is picking up DH soon, to go get the boards, so I imagine he won't waste anytime getting them done. LOL

  7. Very beautiful piece. I'm sure they will cherish it forever.

    1. One of these days I might have to have the guy make me one :)

  8. It's just gorgeous!! I'm sure your DD will treasure it for ever. I don't think #'s 2,3 and 4 stand a

  9. Oh that chest is beautiful. I am VERY sentimental so that would be one helluva gift for me. Just stunning!

    1. I think it will be a great keepsake for them and something to pass down.

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