Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tell me the secret

I can't for the life of me hard boil eggs that peel off easily. What is the darn secret??!! Someone please tell me, LOL. Somewhere I have an electric egg cooker. Somehow in our first move, I lost the little measuring cup that came with it to know how much water to add for what type of cooking desired. Now I can't even find the egg cooker. So, I cooked them the old fashioned way. Of course the shells won't peel off.

When went to the feedstore yesterday afternoon I got behind the school bus as I left my house. It stopped a few miles down the road where there is a horse farm and several houses. About 7 or 8 little kids were getting off the bus. Excitedly waiting for them was about 4 or 5 dogs and 2 horses came to the fence. It was the cutest thing.

The feed store lady called me back yesterday only to tell me she couldn't get anymore of the seed we had just bought. OMG. Isn't that just our luck?! Her supplier was done with grass seed for the season and none available until next spring. I asked her if she knew of anywhere else to buy it. She said it was like a proprietary blend that the supplier makes for them, so no. Ugh. But, she said their other blend was very similar and she had bags of that left.

So, DH said for me to make the call on it. I decided to get the 15 pounds (in their bin where they sell by the pound) of the first seed she had left and a 25 lb bag of the other blend. The other blend was exactly the same seed ratios as the other in 80% of it. The 2 bluegrass seed ratios were same and the one fescue was same. The only difference was instead of a ryegrass, there was another fescue type seed. And like she said, once it's all established the bluegrass takes over the lawn anyway.

The topsoil screening and spreading work crew finished up yesterday. The last 2 days they also brought a young guy who helped DH rake it all out. He sure was a nice guy and DH said he did a great job raking. Now everywhere has been seeded and we just wait and pray and keep our fingers crossed we see some grass blades soon. There is about 50 or so yards of topsoil left. I guess DH decided not to have it hauled over to friends 20 acres. He just piled it on the side of our property. We did give some of it to our neighbors (with the dogs). Even without grass growing there yet, the nice topsoil and all smoothed out looks nice.

We've been trying to eat better and a bit lighter. Now that we can eat regular meals again we are both putting back on the weight lost. So, we've been eating salads and baked potatoes as meals. It's not helping that we now have ice cream in the freezer again, LOL.


  1. I have raised chickens for 20 years now so I know a thing or two about eggs. Eggs that are too fresh are a bear to peel. Older eggs work much better. You might try buying some and just let them sit in your fridge for awhile and then try. I have tried all the little tricks you see online and frankly none of them work except cooking them in the instant pot. I don’t own an instant pot but my daughters both have them and omg, eggs come out of that thing perfect every single time. Even eggs that are less than a week old peel. The only other “trick” I have ever figured out is that my green eggs usually peel better than my brown ones so if I need hard boiled eggs that’s what I use, but that’s not helpful to you lol. My best advice is using older eggs. I literally have tried every method and at least with my own eggs nothing works.

    1. they are store bought (a week ago) so guess they are still too new. I just need to find my egg cooker LOL

  2. I agree with the above comment. Very fresh eggs are tough to peel. I have a trick that I have learnt from my dad. I crack the hard boiled egg and blow into it on both ends. It mostly works.

    1. I came across this today: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/yes-art-perfectly-peeled-egg-121033684.html

  3. Before moving, we also had chickens. I agree with the comment about fresh eggs. While they taste FAR better than store bought, fresh eggs are a bugger to peel. Here is an interesting tidbit that many people don't know about store bought eggs:

    Here's What Fresh Eggs Daily Tells Us:
    By law, an egg can be sold for up to 30 days after the date it was put in the carton. And farmers have up to 30 days to go from when the egg is laid to the carton. That means those supermarket eggs can be two months old by the time you buy them.

    Are you still planning on getting chickens? I really miss ours. They were fun, plus I liked knowing exactly how old the eggs were.

    1. Until I started researching having chickens I never knew you didn't have to refrigerate the freshly laid eggs, as long as you don't wash off the coating that they have. Yes, I still want chickens, but DH hasn't had time to build the coop/shed yet. Next spring/summer, I hope!

    2. Unwashed fresh eggs can last up to 6 months. I never wash mine. Sometimes when I have some I know are getting older I will test them. Never have I had one not test as fresh. Chickens are fun! Everyone should have their own chickens. My daughter just bought her first house. She’s in town with a very small yard and she has 3 chickens. I don’t really eat eggs, but I love having chickens.

  4. As the others have said, older eggs peel better after being hard boiled. Glad you'll be able to get more grass seed, even if the blend is a little different.

    1. I hope the grass seed will be fine, being different.

  5. We raised chickens for many years, too, and it's true about older eggs peel better. Another trick is to have them very cold before you peel them. The shells come off easily, then. Usually people are in a hurry to get at them and don't take time to let them cool down properly.

    1. They have been in the refrigerator two days now, so super cold and still hard to peel :(

    2. I've had good luck peeling eggs when they're WARM. What I do is, after they're cooked, I pour out most of the hot water and run some cold water in the pan. Then right away (just as soon as I can handle them without burning my fingers), I crack one end and then the other, then crack the egg all around. It's usually very easy to get the peel off then. These are supermarket eggs, btw.

  6. I agree with anonymous. I boil mine until I know they are hard, pour the water out and run cold water on them until I can handle them. Smash the hell out of the shells in the sink and put them back in cold water. Leave them in the cold water until they are really cold and then the shells will just slide off. Usually works every time. Good Luck!!

  7. I cannot make hard boiled eggs. They are okay with theegg cooker but other than that I am hopeless. which is why I am always heading for the deviled eggs at events and once a month allow myself a large egg sald sandwich at which which. I am helpless.
