Monday, September 30, 2019

The mind is interesting

DH and our neighbor had a chat outside Friday morning. He promises (again) the dogs will not be let loose. He always just kind of plays stupid, like "I didn't think they'd run off" type of thing. They kept them out of it this weekend.

oh good Lord. Remember back when I sat with my mom and wrote down in a notebook all her information? One of the things I wrote down and she had shown me was she had a breathe right strip box in her medicine cabinet. Inside were 3 rings and some cash (I don't recall how much, couple hundred). She had put them there after she had gotten broken into, for "safe keeping".

DD is there and I told her make sure she doesn't throw that box away! So, DD calls me. Where was the box? I said in the medicine cabinet. It's all cleaned out, she says. My mom has zero memory of it now. DD started digging through some packed stuff and found the breath right box. But inside was only one ring, but it was the most important ring. Her wedding ring from my dad. A wide gold band with a pretty good sized diamond on it! I don't remember what the other rings might have been, but nothing as important or valuable as that. Who knows what she did with them and the cash, but at least the ring was found. I asked DD, do you think we should take it and keep it, so she doesn't misplace it again? DD offered that to her and she said yes, she told her mom will take it and keep in her safe.

The other thing I had written down of a "hiding spot" was she has a small safe box inside her filing cabinet. The key to the safe box is in her kitchen, in a drawer, under a tray. Nope. not there and the safe is locked. DD and her found some keys and found the safe one and one that locks filing cabinet. DD had her put both of those on her key car key ring for now.

DD called me yesterday on her way home. There was one really strange thing my mom kept doing that DD could not figure out why! LOL. She was helping her go through her kitchen and pantry. She had some old stuff in there that needed to be thrown out. Like partial bags of sugar, flour and rock hard brown sugar. DH watches her and instead of just dropping it in the garbage can, she would empty out each bag or container first into the garbage can and then throw away the bag or container. WHY?! So strange! There was a little canister of baking powder and she said she'll throw it out, since she won't be doing any baking at her apartment. DH said, you can just throw the whole thing away, you don't have to empty it out. My mom says something like "oh, I guess so. I guess no one will be looking through my garbage".  She had a bunch of old spices sitting on the counter. DD said do you want me to throw these out? She says "oh, I'll empty them out later". LOL.

Or, like DD found a box of receipts. Just stuff like grocery store, drug store receipts. Nothing to keep for any reason and nothing with personal info on them. DD was going to dump them in the garbage, but she said she wanted to shred them.


  1. We have people who go through our trash when we put it out; they are looking for recyclables, but, I tear just about every piece of paper I put into the recycling bin!

    1. she lived in a gated community and recyclables are in a different can. Just no clue as to why she needed to empty out the sacks before throwing away, LOL.

  2. I shred my personal stuff with a cheap shredder, just in case. But regarding your mom's keys, I now put important keys on either my car or house keys because I won't be going anywhere without one or the other. I'm glad you found your mom's wedding ring though!

    1. I do too, just not receipts, unless they had my address on them or something personal.
