Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Reading list

I finished reading the new book, Quantum by Patricia Cornwell. was ok, but definitely not near as good as most of her Kay Scarpetta series books. Though I must say the last few books of her Scarpetta series haven't been all that good, either. I thought maybe it was just me getting tired of the character, but I think her writing just isn't as good lately. Quantum is about a whole new character and it's not that great. At least I'm glad I didn't pay for it. I keep reading the Scarpetta books, when they come out, but I'm getting really tired of Kay trying to figure out what the other characters are really saying, because in her books no one ever comes out and says what they really mean. She spends half her time trying to figure it out. I get to the point in reading and I'm like "just ask them!".

I love reading series books and the only other one that I got tired of, is the Stephanie Plum series, by Janet Evanovich. After 20 some books, they are now just getting boring. Nothing ever changes with the character or her life. The series I have not gotten tired of yet are Lee Child's Jack Reacher series and Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series (and I love the Amazon tv show). I also love the Longmire series by Craig Johnson. I see he has a new book coming out in a couple weeks. I'll have to get it reserved with my library's e-books. Some series are all read, as no more will be written.

I need to find some new series to read. Any suggestions? I pretty much like all genres.

and in a totally unrelated topic......I need some chocolate!


  1. Sorry, no suggestions. I basically only read on airplanes these days. But I too love the Harry Bosch books. I have read a few of the others-Mickey haller or whatever. Not the same as Bosch.

    1. I have read the Mickey Heller books too, but Bosch is better. I used to listen to a lot of audio books when I had to commute, but don't have that anymore. I kind of miss listening to them

  2. for some reason I'm not able to comment on your blog from my iphone so I never comment anymore but i'm using a regular computer for this one.

    JD Robb - in death series, Iris Johansen book are fun and she has multiple series. I have also been reading Sue Grafton A-Z series.

    1. JD Robb - isn't that really Nora Roberts? I'll check into both of those. I haven't heard of Iris Johansen, I don't think. thanks for the suggestions.

    2. I meant to add (well, I did have it written, but my reply disappeared) I loved the Sue Grafton Books. I was so sad to hear she died and didn't get to finish the alphabet series.

  3. and my all time favorite author is James patterson. He has multiple series called Alex Cross (this one is the best!!), Women's Club, Michael Bennett, NYPD, Private, and Harriett Blue. I loved them all.

    1. I have seen those James Patterson books. I'm not sure I've ever read his stuff. I'm going to try the Alex Cross books. thanks!

    2. Oh yes! Love James Patterson! Reading one now!

  4. We have very much similar reading interests! Try Louisa Penny series and Kathy Reichs. Also I have heard CJ Box series is good and that will be on my short list. My DH and I also love Harlan Coben and Nelson DeMille. And finally, have you tried Sue Grafton (like Evonovich - A is bor Alibi, B is for Burglar, C is for Corpse...etc.

    1. From your list above I've only read the Sue Grafton books (ALL of them!). Thanks for the suggestions. I'm making a list! I think with everyone's great suggestions I will have lots to read for awhile.

  5. I could read for Britain if it were an Olympic event - and I'm getting back in my groove now after a few "off" months after I retired. I agree with you on the Scarpetta books though. I found they just became "silly" and unbelievable so I stopped reading them. I will read most things but I also now don't finish a book if I'm not enjoying it. One of my favourite, sweetest books was "A Man Called Ove" and I also loved "The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Walked Away". Very silly, very sweet and both written by (different) Swedish writers. Don't know if you've read them.

    1. I have ready both those books. Very sweet :) When I was in the book club A Man Called Ove was one of our books.

  6. Yes, love Michael Connelly & Lee Child. Have you ever read Stephen J. Cannel? He's great. Read ALL of them, then found out he died of cancer. But I think you'd love him. Also Harlan Coben? Love him, too! CANNOT wait for the next Season of Bosch! After we finished Season 5, we went back & watched 1-4 again!

    1. I haven't read Cannel or Coben. Thanks for the suggestions! I love when I have lots to choose from and can keep reading on.

  7. Sorry, no suggestions. I tend to read more non-fiction than fiction. I do hope you are able to get some chocolate, though!

  8. I agree with you about the Stephanie Plum series. I used to wait impatiently for the new one to come out, and I haven't even bothered to read the last few.

    1. I think that series has run it's course. They used to give me a good laugh, but like you I haven't even bothered with the last few.

  9. I am not a series lover but if you want a few stand alone books I will share my 3 all time favorite books.
    A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole
    A Prayer for Owen Meany John Irving
    A Fine Balance Rohinton Mistry

    1. Thanks! I read lots of stand alone books, too :)

  10. Do you read Robert Crais and David Baldacci?.they fall right in there with to Bosch and Reacher thing. Oh and the John Sandford virgil and Prey series...I must need to write a book post!
