Sunday, September 8, 2019

A money spending day

No matter how hard I try to keep my mom's emails from those pesky spam emails, some slip through. Though every time I log in (especially in the morning, when I know she hasn't been on her computer since the day before) there is very few. I'm sure she gets a few during the day. But, I'm also pretty sure she actually opens her Spam folder! She has kind of said that a couple of times and I keep saying do not even open the folder! But, of course, she can't remember, so............

Apparently she got an email Friday that said we have confirmed your registration into Adult Dating site. Click here to deactivate. So, of course she did. Yesterday morning there were 30 "mailer-daemon deliverable emails". Just from that one email she replied to......Sigh.........

The favor DH was asked to do was to take some video with his drone and make into a little video. Nothing too hard....except now he doesn't have a computer to put the videos together on. This morning he decided to go over and do the video with the drone. I went with him and then he says do you want to go buy the computer now? ok. LOL.

We got one at Staples. An HP. Just a basic computer tower. He doesn't do gaming and advanced stuff. It was on sale for $369. It has 8mb RAM and the one I was looking at Best Buy was only 4mb RAM for the same price. Plus, Best Buy has always annoyed me, with all their extra sales pitches. Well, Staples is the same way. No, I do not want this protection or that. No, I do not want your extended warranty. Just sell me the dang computer.

Then we stopped at the Verizon store. Quite a long time ago DH dropped his phone and the screen cracked. Well, someone said it's probably just the screen protector that got cracked, not the screen itself. Sure enough, it was just the protector. And since neither of us can install one of those without messing it up, I just had the guy at the store put a new one on it. It's like he's got a new phone now, LOL.

Then we went to a farm/feed supply store and bought some weed killer. Two different kinds DH likes and we went for the bigger jugs, so that was $125 for both, but should last at least couple of years.

I spent at least a couple hours yesterday after we got home setting up his computer. Setting up his favorites in Firefox and entering all his logins and passwords. To do his drove videos he had used Windows Movie Maker that was on his old computer. Well, of course, now Windows doesn't offer that anymore. He doesn't want (nor do I need to deal with) to try to learn a whole new program. It was amazing that he figured that one out! I found where I could download it online. They had 2 versions offered, 2016 and a new 2019 version. I figured  the one he had before was 2016, but the download failed. So, I did the 2019 version, but it looked nothing like what he had used. I tried to download the older version on my pc and it worked and was the same as he had used. So, I deleted the downloaded version on his new pc and tried to download the older version again. It worked. WHEW! But then when he went and tried to use it, it said there would be a watermark on the videos, unless he paid for the program (this version was supposedly free per the website). So, I paid the $29 for the program. That's worth it to not have to deal with him having to learn something new, to me. He owns the program now, it's a one time purchase.

And he just got up this morning. Nice that he can sit down at a computer again, like he usually does with his breakfast. I'm on my computer, doing my normal daily checks. Look at my bank account and credit card. WTH?! The Staples purchase is showing 3 TIMES! I know they were having trouble with their card machines. We had to to a different one. So, now I have to call them and figure this out.


  1. My highly educated, very worldly, fully capable DH nearly got scammed by an email. I teased him saying I was going to shut him off, but then realized it's not a joking matter, is it?

    1. I think it's hard enough for us capable folks to make sure we aren't scammed. It must be so hard for aging people like my mom to understand and not realize it's scam. I keep trying to remind her to only open emails from us that she knows. Ignore all other emails and delete them. I wonder what it is going on in her mind that she thinks she has to open them and reply.

  2. Mom wants to reply to every single piece of mail and pay whatever the sales pitch is for. I am thrilled she is computer illiterate

    1. oh goodness, I hadn't even thought of the regular mail...

  3. Is there no way you can delete items in her "spam" folder first thing in the morning? That must be possible surely (ok that doesn't help re the stuff she gets during the day of course). I actually got one yesterday saying they had "decided to send me $30,000 from an NGO but I had to give them XXX info first". I just wrote back "ha, ha, ha, that's really funny, now Pxxxx off"! I don't usually respond but I was just in that kind of mood. BUT I agree, for an older person it is more of a risk!

    1. That's what I've started doing, too, is deleting her spam folder. I rarely get spam. I'm almost considering having her get a new email address and see if that helps but I'm sure it will just make things more confusing for her

  4. You are so useful to your mom's computer issues, but what a lot of extra work for you. Darn scammers and spammers.

    1. I know it is a lot of extra work. I was thinking yesterday I don't have time to monitor this all day long :/

  5. I hope you are able to clear up the extra charges with Staples!

    I'm sorry your mom keeps opening the spam mail. Maybe, next time, write a sign you can put up next to her computer monitor, reminding her not to open the spam folder! That might help?

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I big sticky note or sign on her monitor!

  6. My husband has AOL and gets swamped by stuff; I have Hotmail and get very little. I possibly do check and delete more often but it does seem a simpler system. I’m glad your mother has someone “looking over her shoulder for her”

    1. my dh and I both still have an aol email and we don't get much at all (well, we do, but it all goes into spam folder before we even see it). I'm not sure why my mom gets so much. It's much much better now that I changed her settings and it "learned" to start pre-empting the spam and putting it directly to the spam folder. It's just sad that she cannot seem to understand it's spam email. When we talk to her about it she totally seems to understand it, but obviously she isn't.
