Thursday, August 31, 2017

Today's installment of "The Jerk"

As I expected, wherever renter neighbor took all his garage stuff to, is where he must be hanging out every night. He didn't get home until like 11pm last night. He was running late again this morning. It doesn't appear the wife has been to work for at least a week or more now. I'm pretty sure she didn't leave at night to go to work at all last week and hasn't left at all this week, either.

Last evening around 9pm DH was sitting out on the porch, while he was watering the lawn, waiting it out a bit before it was time to move the sprinkler. Renter guy's girlfriend drove by, kinda slow, and waves at DH as she sees him (which was funny in itself).........then she sees wifey was sitting on a lawn chair in front of her front door and sped up and drove past! Wifey got up and went inside and slammed her door. She came back out a minute later on her cell phone to someone. Then GF drove back down the street that crosses our corner of our street and wifey went inside and slammed her front door again.  We got a chuckle over it all. Stupid, ignorant people.  Apparently guy hasn't updated his GF what is going on the past week or so and with wifey not leaving at night, I'm sure it's really putting a kink in GF's life, haha.  DH said he heard some arguing coming from the house when the guy got home at 11pm.

I've decided to cancel the long term disability insurance through work. I'm just not willing to fork over $61 a month for the insurance at this time. $36 was pushing it and I almost didn't sign up for it at that. I think I'll might take that $36 and increase my 401k contribution by that amount. It's not a lot, but with company 50% match it will add another $54 a month to my retirement. Plus I just got my semi-annual auto insurance policy renewal rate that is coming up and it went up $6 a month.

I am so ready for the long weekend. I only have to work a half day tomorrow. We are going out to dinner with our neighbors across the street, so that should be fun. Other than that we have no real plans. Stupid weather is supposed to be 97 on Saturday and Sunday. I also need to make a trip into the city at some point (preferably early morning, when stores are less crowded) and do some grocery shopping stocking up. DH does kind of like to go with me, but he's not a morning person. Maybe we can go in and do it an early evening Saturday or Sunday. Stores are usually also pretty empty then, too. I just cannot stand shopping with crowds. I get tired of trying to wheel my cart around everyone and waiting in a long line to check out.

DD has said she and BF are coming for Christmas this year. Not sure if they will drive (they have to go over 3 mountain passes) or fly. It sounds like they will get to stay about 4 days, which will be really nice.


  1. It has to be slightly entertaining to be able to watch the soap opera next door!

    1. It is a bit entertaining. You never know what's next with them

  2. It must be nice to be able to watch this never-ending soap opera without having to turn on the TV. I did not play off Anne's comment. It is funny that probably many of your readers would call this a soap opera.

    The gf character is not well-developed. Can you find out more about her? jk

  3. So far all's I got on her is that she looks to be in her 20's (he's got to be 40) and has a infant and about a 4 year old that she always brings with her. Poor babies being carted around at all hors of the night when she should be in bed

  4. I feel sorry for those poor kids. This GF must be pretty desperate! Lol

    1. All these poor kids involved are sure getting a crappy deal. It's really sad.
