Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday soap opera cliff hanger!

In true soap opera Friday leave you hanging fashion:

Of course we have been very curious to know where renter neighbor took all his garage stuff (as well as all the junk outside his garage). We figured it must be somewhere in the area (vs. somewhere in the city, an hour away) due to sometimes he was back fairly quickly, not enough time to drive all the way to city, unload, and drive all the way back here.

DH went out to our property this morning to meet up with the site work guy. He needed to pull back the bank running along our driveway a couple of feet. When we had run out there last weekend to do some measuring DH commented on this little turn off road about a mile from our property. It goes across (actually under) the freeway and on the other side is a little neighborhood of maybe like 30 homes or so. It's about the only area we haven't driven around to look at.

So, as DH is coming back from the property this morning he decided to take the turn off and go take a look at that neighborhood. It's kind of a dumpy area, for the most part. As he's driving along he sees renter neighbors 2 trailers parked at one of the places! Aha! now we know where he moved it all to. LOL. Now the mystery plot thickens.  Are they moving there? It's an older house with a big detached garage and a really big shop (like 4 bays) and his stuff is parked in front of the shop. No other cars around and it almost looks like no one lives there.  DH got the address and we tried to look up on it what we could find.

It was listed for sale last May. Shows it went unlisted on 8/22 and our state property search website shows it apparently recorded a sale just last week, but doesn't show them as the new owners. Will they be renting it? might they be moving? or might he just be using/renting the shop? I guess only time will tell. From what they told the sergeant that one night in June, they still had 6 months left on their lease. Regardless, it's apparent that's where all his shop/race stuff is staying and that's where he'll be spending all his time, so that is good.  DH should have been a detective - he's always good at finding out stuff.


  1. can I just say that I can see this saga becoming a book at some point? LOL

  2. Will they impact you in your new home in any way? Like, will they drive by your new house to get to their house? If so, just shoot me now! You can always check the online records for your county to find the new owner, or ask a realtor.

    1. If that is where they end up living they'll be a couple miles from our new home. He probably would take the exit off freeway past our exit to get to that neighborhood. We did look online and it's not their name as the owner

  3. You sure have taken an interest in these folks.

    1. There's not much happening in his little town, LOL.

    2. Meg, they have been a thorn in her side! And, she moved from a place with horrid neighbors.

    3. at this point I don't care if they move or not. They have cleaned it all up and stopped with the machine shop noise until 2am, so we're good. The wife/GF thing just makes you shake your head in wonderment. People seriously live like that, I guess, LOL.

  4. This dumpy area sounds perfect for trashy people like these neighbors!

    1. it really is perfect for them. They'd have a whole acre to turn into an auto parts yard, haha. He brought home the big flat bed car trailer last night, which is what he has used to move big heavy items.....could more stuff be leaving? :)
