Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sunday this and that

One of the things I've tried to do since moving here is put a little away each month in my Capital One savings account for travel expenses, to travel to visit DD and my mom. We used up what I had saved when we drove back there last March.  For this trip I just had $100 saved back up, but that will cover my gas there and back.  I transferred the money back to my checking and it should be in there Monday or Tuesday, in time for me to leave on Wednesday. We also just filled up my tank the other day and haven't really gone anywhere, so I should only have to top my tank off with a few gallons before I hit the road.  I'm anticipating one more trip back in December, but that will be for work, so company will pay to fly me over. (and I can visit family at the same time).

My company has a bunch of 3 ring binders they have been trying to donate/get rid of for a long time and can't find anywhere to take them. I had a thought that maybe the school here in town could use them, so I asked my neighbor across the street and she said definitely could use some, so I will pick up a box of them next week to bring back with me.

I just talked to my mom. I wanted to see if she got her landline phone figured out. She ended up calling Comcast to come out and as I figured she had just unplugged it or something LOL. 

I've had the afternoon to myself, which is always a nice break. DH's friend came over this morning and picked up some metal siding and trim pieces we had. The previous owner of the house had left in in the shop (leftover from when he built it, I guess) and friend said he could use it to build a dog shelter/run. DH ended up riding back to his house with him to help him construct the dog house thing and I'll go pick him up and we'll have dinner at friends. Works great for me!

My DD finally found a puppy to adopt. Adorable! She's been trying for various dogs for the past month or so and no luck. The shelters all preach adopt, don't shop, but they just about make it impossible to adopt. She found this Australian shepherd puppy (one of several in the litter) on Craigslist. They had to drive a couple of hours to get him, but she's very happy now. We had a wonderful Aussie dog while the kids were growing up.

Then she texted me this morning that someone tried to break into her BF's pickup during the night. There wasn't anything inside to take and no much damage - just a scuff on the paint on the door, but he's pretty upset. Then she texted me back "well, I guess we have to move now LOL". I said there is NO where in the metro area they live to get away from that! It's just an every day occurrence there now for people. I don't know how many home security videos I see shared of Facebook of camera's catching thieves on people's property. Doesn't seem to be doing much to deter them, either. I told her the only way they could get away from that is to move here. She said if it wasn't for her BF's really good job, she would be pushing for it!


  1. that is a cute little girl, does she have a name?

    1. it's a boy and they are still trying to agree on a name :)

  2. Adorable puppy! Enjoy your day of peace and quiet! Good planning on your trip money.

  3. Such a sweet little thing!

    As for the break in - yep, a way of life unfortunately. It is one of the reasons I am so very militant about parking our autos in the garage. Many people use their garages for storage - which is fine, but when you live in a city, it opens you up for break-ins.

    1. I think they had dd's car in the garage. I'm not even sure his pickup will fit in their garage! It's a big F-350 with a canopy.


  4. Can he get a car alarm that goes off when anyone touches the car. At UAB, I walked near a car and it yelled at me and an alarm went off. If he leaves nothing in sight, maybe the thieves will not attempt to break in unless he has a good stereo or something.

    1. I'm going to mention that to DD. They recently put on a house alarm, guess they'll need to do vehicles too. He didn't have anything in the truck to steal, so at least nothing was taken.
