Sunday, September 3, 2017

Evening shopping trip

Our after dinner grocery shopping trip went well. We headed to the city at 4pm and stopped at Wendy's first for our dinner (yay, I didn't have to cook again) and then just ate it in the Target parking lot. Target was a bit busy, lines at the checkout, as we walked in. We spent maybe a half hour there, at most, getting stocked up on toilet paper, paper towels, soda (because it was 4/$12), etc. When we got up to the checkout lines there were no lines at all. Then we drove over to the next shopping center to the grocery store, which wasn't very busy either. We each had a cart and got ourselves all stocked up for (hopefully) a few weeks. Again, zero lines at the checkout, which was great. I hate standing in line. I'm sure if we had gone and done our shopping at Walmart it would have been pretty busy there.  We got back home about 7:30.  It's so much easier having DH help with the loading into and out of the car, but he has trouble getting his muscles going in the morning (which I've always found is the best time to shop with very low crowds) so this worked out better. I think just about every time he ended up deciding he'd go shopping with me we ended up doing it in the middle of the day on a weekend or a Friday afternoon. Too many people.

I always feel like I totally bought the store out and spent a bunch of money, that I shouldn't have to shop for a month, but then in 10 days I'll be at the store spending another $100 :(. I guess I should realize that what I spent yesterday ($330) is really my two week budget amount, so even though it really feels like we totally stock up, we really aren't much. A few things I won't have to buy for a month or two: toilet paper, soda, water, dishwasher tabs, tissues, paper towels, coffee, but the rest will get mostly eaten in the next couple of weeks.  I did get a $5 Target gift card back and signed up for the grocery store app and saved $4.25 there, plus I used $2 in paper coupons. They had cases of water for $2.22, which is a great price.

I did forget to put cheese slices on my list, darn it. That will mean another trip to the store here in town later this week, as DH likes cheese on his lunch sandwiches. By then I'll need more bananas anyway, for his smoothies. I had also hoped Target would have the fish oil for dogs, as that has seemed to work well for black dog's itchies, but they did not, so I'll just order from online again.

I'm glad tomorrow is a day off. I'll get some housework done again. We have a houseguest coming in about 10 days, for I think just one night. DH's best buddy from Texas. Wish he could stay longer, but it will be great to see him, even for a short visit.


  1. I tend to go to the store at off hours, unless I am taking Mom shopping. She likes to go in the middle of the day on Saturday. Ugh!

    1. that time of day just ads to the aggravation of it all LOL

  2. Walmart was a nightmare on Saturday. Getting in and out of the car to get to an electric cart is a nightmare for me, so WM and Publix are it for me mostly.

    1. I used to go shopping around 8:30 am on Saturday mornings and it was usually pretty quiet. But now I'm almost an hour away from major shopping stores, so not quite as easy to get there that early, unless I want to get up really early, haha.
