Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Extra money

I opened my work emails to a nice little surprise this morning. A $200 bonus from my side job. It's the company's 9 year anniversary (and I have been with them since then) and they are giving all their people $200 cash gift, so I was told to just cut myself a check for that amount and cash it (since I can't be there). Nice! More into savings for future house stuff :)

I made that chicken and rice crockpot dinner for last night. I thought it was pretty awful, really. Kind of dry (you'd think soaking in cream soup and milk for hours it wouldn't have been). I figured DH would have hated it......he asked for seconds. LOL.

So the last 30 days of "extra" income has been pretty good. The unexpected $200 above, I finally got over the $100 level for GoogleAdSense and now should be getting a check for $108 (if I'm understanding how it works, still new at it), I earned $20.53 in Swagbucks in July and I don't know the total yet, but usually I earn about $25 cash back using my debit card. Oh, and I also got a big check for $1.32, a stock dividend from a few shares of stock I still own in a company I worked for many moons ago. Wish I could just get rid of the stock, but from what I checked into it would probably cost me more to sell them in fees than I would get out of them.  Total $330.57..........which is coincidentally just about the amount of that bedding set for the bear log bed that I would SO LOVE to have........ but for now, the money will just sit on my bank account.


  1. Good work on that extra money! Free cash always comes in very handy. Good job!

  2. A title of "extra money" always gets my attention! Way to go! Let me know how the cash out works with Adsense. I'm about $20 from the threshold...that is if I'm figuring it out right! Lol

  3. A little extra cash is always a good thing!

  4. The google ADsense checks are cut around the 20th of the month so you'll see that July money at the tail end of Aug.

    1. Thanks for the info! Good to know.

    2. I really need to do a little more research on Adsense. I don't blog for the money, but I certainly won't turn away any money that may come my way for doing so!

  5. I can always use extra money, especially now that I have my heart set on a mandolin.

    1. I saw your post on that :) Sounds like a good lunch, too. You'll have to watch Craigslist or ebay for a mandolin.
