Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Try again

I had made a note that I called and canceled my mom's cell phone service June 17th. Well, I was looking at her bank account this morning and another Verizon bill charged. I log in to her account and it's still active and this is a billing for after I canceled. So, I called again. It took the guy forever to get it canceled. He did see in the account notes I called last month to cancel. So, then I say I need this billing credited and he says "oh, I will see what I can do, I'm limited in this". Fortunately he came back on the line and said it's been credited. There is no way I was paying this billing when I already canceled it and it was someone on their end who didn't finish the process. He assures me it's all taken care of now.

DH's clutch replacement in the quad worked when he test drove it yesterday. No more slipping clutch. Well, hey, the thing is almost 30 years old! He was pretty proud of himself that he figured it all out on his own without too much trouble. He had never replaced a clutch in a quad or motorcycle before. 

I just got the kitty head butt right as I was trying take a drink from my coffee cup and got most of it saved in the cup and only a little sloshed out on me!

DH's best friend who lives in Texas keeps trying to talk him into moving down there near them, LOL. His wife keeps sending links to nice homes for sale, practically neighbors to them, haha. Dang, for the price of these really nice homes it's almost tempting. We'd basically be mortgage free and have just as nice of home as we do here. But there's one problem. Well, two. It's currently 109 degrees there, haha and there is no snow. Not to mention the thought of moving again is a huge NO. But, not going to lie - the thought of making my salary and having no mortgage is pretty appealing. So are the pools, haha.

Ok, my mom just called again this morning -  says she has diarrhea. I'm like are you sure you really have it or just a stomach ache? she says she has it and wasn't sure what to take for it. I said she doesn't have anything in her apartment for that, just drink lots of water and we'll see how she's doing a little later. Ugh. I know when I call in a couple of hours she'll be totally fine and probably won't even remember she supposedly had it. We'll see, I guess. It's always something, isn't it?

When I was at dd's and we were antique shopping she kept looking for a small bench she could put outside next to her front door. She never found anything except on Saturday she found the store with the live edge pieces of wood. She already got the wirepin legs she ordered and the bench fits perfectly next to her front door! She is going to seal it to protect the wood. I love it!

Her dh just found out he finally got his promotion to the next salary level. He's been promised it for quite some time. And then the manager left and then he had to start over with the new manager. That's the part of very large companies that is not fun. Too much red tape. I'm sure between the 2 of them they now make around $200k per year. Good for them. They have worked hard and set themselves up to do well with careers.

Well, I need to make a walk to the mailbox to mail something before they pick up this morning.


  1. Keep an eye out for the credit from Verizon. My husband dreaded it when I asked him to cancel my dads cellphone through Verizon. It was a PITA to get our phones cancelled and changed to a new company. He had to call back twice to get my dads cancelled. I think they do it intentionally, hoping you won't notice. I do not have good things to say about Verizon. Ranee (MN)

    1. I have a feeling I'll have to call back to get the refund either credited back to her bank account or a refund mailed. I was thinking the same thing - they do this on purpose. I have always liked Verizon for the coverage we get (especially living here) but those kinds of customer service tactics are so wrong.

  2. I had the same problem with Sprint. I cancelled it and had to call for three more months. That is one reason why I do not do auto pay. If I don't owe them I don't want them to be able to take the money.
    LOVE the bench!!

    1. That's a good idea. I just went in and removed her account from auto pay and removed her payment method. It's still not showing closed, nor the credit, as far as I can see yet

  3. Finally, I started a spiral notebook for what I said to ATT, what date, time of day, and to whom I spoke. I would call about something supposedly settled and the person would say there was no record of that conversation. So, I reeled off date, time of day, and to whom I spoke and what the person said they were going to do. THEN, they could find the conversation. I kept at them with my notes until I was not paying for things i did not want or get. ATT is rough and Verizon is getting that way.

    I wonder if your mother really has diarrhea.

    About the live edge, does it not pick clothes? I think about brushing up against a tree. It is a nice bench. Love it.

    1. I'm glad I wrote down the first date I called and just wrote it down again for yesterday. The live edge can snag on stuff, but I don't think where she has it will be a problem. I have a live edge sofa table that would snag, but we never are close enough. It does make it hard to dust it though. For my kitchen bar countertop the woodworker took off the bark and underneath was this awesome worm trails. He sanded and coated, so it's not rough to lean up against while sitting at the bar.

    2. I wondered about the live edge bar, but said nothing. I like the worm trails look.

  4. I would keep an eye on Verizon. They'll eventually get it right.
    I love the bench your dd put togethet. Creative!
    I know real estate in TX is tempting. I couldn't deal with the heat & humidity.
    I think the state you're in is much prettier:)

    1. I think the whole bench cost her about $50. I just saw one almost the same (though not near the character of this wood) on Amazon for $200. Montana is much prettier, and much more expensive, that's for sure.

  5. The TX climate would probably be good in the winter time. Summer time, way too hot! Congrats to your SIL for getting his promotion. That is an awesome income for a young couple! The bench is beatiful. You DD is very creative! I hope your mom is recovered from whatever it was that she had going on. Good that you don't have OTC meds in her apartment. With her poor memory, that could create an entirely new problem!

    1. I hope mom is past this "stomach" thing too. I was thinking the same thing, I don't want to have any other OTC type of meds there, as it would be so easy for her to take multiple doses, not remembering she already took one.
