Monday, July 11, 2022

Sunday done

On Saturday I had stopped at Lowes and bought 2 plants. One we needed to replace the azalea that didn't make it (the other azalea is doing great) and one to plant in memory of our pup, with some of his ashes. To replace the azalea I chose a forsythia and for the memory plant I chose a Veronica, a plant with pretty purple flowers. As per our usual "luck" with planting things, I give them about a 50% chance of making it.

Kitty overseeing the planting

After the planting I cleaned out the chicken coop. When I was done I felt like I had taken a dust bath like the chickens do. Fortunately I hadn't taken a shower yet, so threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and got all the poop dust washed off me, LOL. 

For dinner I tried a new recipe dd sent me: Hawaiian roll ham and cheese sliders. Easy and yummy. DH loved them, so I will definitely be making these once in awhile. They will be a good thing to make when our friends are visiting.

I finished watching Stranger Things. I didn't realize the last episode of season 4 was 2 hours, so I had to stay up an extra half hour to finish it, haha. DD started watching the show too, last week and is up to season 3.

Mom's caregiver is going mostly going better. There was only one evening (I think it was Saturday) that she showed up at 6:40, but by then mom had heard the "phone ringing" at 6:30 and called me to ask if I just called, so I told her it was time to take the pills. All the other evenings she or the other lady were there before 6:30. I didn't text her that evening that she already took them. Figured hey, if we're paying her to check on mom, even if she doesn't have to make sure the pills are dispensed, she can still do a "check" on mom. Since I installed the 2nd camera recently is when I started noticing mom will take one of her dining chairs and push it up against the door in the evenings. The caregiver has been noticing this so she has started reminding mom and explaining she can't do this. It's not safe. So, hopefully the constant reminders will start to sink in. I definitely don't see my mom turning into a "wanderer" trying to leave the building (the office lady told me she has one who started doing that so they had to tell the family it's time to move her). My mom just wants to barricade herself in!

This morning just before 8 the caregiver did text me that she's on her way there, but stuck in a traffic backed up for an accident. So, I called mom. As long as she can communicate with me, I don't mind if she can't make it every single day. But, I did text her back that Wednesday morning and Saturday evening I will be on an airplane and not available to help my mom over the phone. 

We have some friends (in another state) who the husband is in the hospital for a major procedure. He's at a well known, supposedly top hospital in the country....she was saying on Facebook yesterday how this awful nurse they had yesterday actually handed the wife the narcotic pills her husband is supposed to take and said "here, make sure he takes these" and walks out of the room. The wife was like OMG! what if I was a drug user/addict?! You just don't hand off narcotics to anyone but the patient! 

Starting off the week good - the work remote connection still working strong. Whew!


  1. Is that kittty qualified to supervise? :p I am glad you're ironing out the kinks with the caregivers before you leave,hopefully it all goes smoothly from now on. Canada had a nationwide Internet outage on Friday, no debit, no phone or home data/TV, etc for millions due to one service provider having no service. Very frustrating!

    1. apparently kitty is qualified - we don't argue with him LOL. I saw a funny meme the other day about Canada and a provider - that must have been what I was referring to.

  2. Lowes (and Home Depot) have a 1 year refund or replace plant policy... "For replacement or refund, a receipt is required for any tree, shrub or perennial purchased at Lowe’s within one year of the original purchase date. All other plants fall under our 90-day return policy." So far I have had good luck with their plants/shrubs.

    1. I know and I always save my receipts but then never take them back....I don't know why! Sometimes it is just past a year. We plant and then are good that summer but then the next year they don't make it

  3. I hope your trip goes smooth both for you, and with caregivers. The memorial tree is a nice thing to do.

  4. ( Anne Bee ) Sounds like the caregiver situation is on a much more even keel. x

    1. Keeping my fingers crossed it will keep going ok.

  5. I think the camera is great for watching your mother and minders. At least they now know you are aware of what happens. I wonder if your mother will quit barricading the door.

    In the spring you can cut branches of forsythia when buds swell, bring them indoors and force them for some early blooms. Since kitty supervised, I predict this plant will survive for many years.

  6. I'm glad things are improving with the carer/your mom, and I get why she likes to block herself in, I really do. Hell I do that when I travel "just in case"!
