Thursday, July 21, 2022

Frustrating transactions

Gosh, what a long wait for this desk I ordered for dh from Pottery Barn. Ordered back on 3/11. I then got an email on 4/15 that is shipped, but had this wide date range of like 3 weeks before it's delivered. Then I got an email from Ryder, a delivery company that they would be delivering my Pottery Barn order in the next couple of weeks. Then I called like in May or June inquiring on it and got some vague answer that it was shipped to their distribution company, but not out for delivery yet. Well dang, now it's past mid July and still no desk. Now when I look at the status is still shows shipped and says "estimated delivery between July 8 and July 28". They just keep pushing the date out and every time I wait it out, the date changes to a later date. It's getting a bit ridiculous. Either it shipped or it didn't!

So, I called customer service again. I was on hold for 25 minutes waiting to speak to a customer service agent. Then I was on the call for another 20 minutes while the agent tried to figure out what is going on. Apparently it shipped from their distribution center to their delivery "hub" which is Ryder, but now it's apparently no where to be found. At first she was saying it doesn't appear that it made it to the delivery hub. I said well, I got an email from Ryder 3 months ago that they received it and would be delivering in a couple weeks and when I called last May or June (can't remember when now) I was told it was at the distribution center, it just hadn't been prepared for delivery yet. She got in contact with someone else and now they are putting in a request at the delivery hub to figure out where the desk is and this could take 3-5 days before they get a response and then they will call me back with what is going on. It basically appears that it was delivered to Ryder and they have lost it in their system and never got it out for delivery. Frustrating.

Another weird transaction was my monthly electric bill. I have that set up for auto pay and it charges my credit card (for the rewards) each month on the 20th. Well, on June 11th I noticed that the May 20th charge was showing on my credit card twice, for the same amount on May 20th. I put in a dispute that it was a duplicate, which I keep getting emails that they are working on it...5 weeks now. This morning I get a call from someone from their dispute department that the duplicate charge isn't there so they are closing the case. I said well, it was showing twice and she explained it away by saying well some companies put a hold or put a charge through to make sure it will go through/has the funds. I'm like ok....but it was still on there 3 weeks later?? She really didn't have an answer. Guess I'll just have to really watch it from now on. If it happens again I'll call the electric company and complain.

In trying to finish off that guest bedroom I just added the chair to - that whole wall to the left of the chair is blank and needs something. Dh also thought a floor lamp next to or behind the chair would look nice. This room is all "buffalo" themed, but I just did not want another buffalo picture or art and wasn't finding any nature/scenery type of painting/picture that jumped out at me. I decided on a "River" sign I found on etsy. It's 12" tall and 36" long and says River with an arrow pointing the direction of the river, haha. I found a floor lamp on Target that I liked and they also had the option to scan it into your room to see what it looks like. I was able to put my $50 Target gift card towards it and only $9 out of pocket. For Mother's Day dd had given me a Williams and Sonoma gift card because I had wanted a copper and glass butter dish from there, but at the time they were out of stock and not shipping until August. Well, i finally decided to get online and look again and now it's available to ship, so I ordered it and since I still had $10 to spend more I ordered a new pastry brush. I swear the one I have must be 50 years old, haha. I'm sure it used to belong to my mom at some point. Past time to throw it out. 

Mom (of course) was fine the rest of the day yesterday after she got dressed and up and about. Later morning, before she got dressed, I did see she ate a banana, so at least she is aware enough to grab a banana from downstairs to keep in her apartment and she got something to eat. I see this morning one of the caregivers woke her up just after 7:30 and she got dressed and downstairs. I need to check with the caregiver on her billing - in our initial conversation she said she bills monthly and it's been a month now. I'll send her a text today to ask how/when she bills.


  1. It is good, at least to me, that you decorate slowly. Many people rush in and buy all they need. I hope they have not beaten up the desk in the warehouse!
    At least what your mother is eating is just right for diarrhea.
    Dealing with bills is distressing most days.

    1. I'm just a slow decorator and also add in I don't have the money to decorate all at once haha. I will only buy if I have the money and not charge it (well, I charge it to get the cash back, but pay it right off). I just hope they resolve this missing desk quickly, but I have a feeling they won't.

  2. I hope they find your desk! I know how frustrating that is. I ordered counter stools for our new house in May 2021 from West Elm - same parent company as Pottery Barn. They were part of a warehouse sale and stated in stock ready to ship in 3-5 days CLEARANCE items. I finally received them June 2022!! And their customer service was anything but friendly during the whole process. Once they arrived, we saw the paperwork on the box that noted they were delivered to our local hub in January 2021! No clue why it took another six months to make it less than an hour to our home. Never again lol. But at least now we can sit at the kitchen island.

    1. OMG - that's a long wait for the stools and, like me, I'm sure they already had your money this whole time.
