Saturday, July 30, 2022

Fasts and fishermen

Dh decided to try my suggestion of fasting for a day and just drinking lots of water. He lasted until 2pm. He got himself all in a fit because at some point during the day (or it could have possibly been during the night, but doubtful) someone with either a boat or rafts truck and vehicle and trailer turned down our street. Realized it was a dead end and drove off our road in front of our house and through what is technically part of our yard to get back over to the main road, barely missing one of the culverts. It's not nice perfect lawn out there on the other side of our street, but it is mowed wild grass. 

We tend to go through this during the middle of summer. There is a small boat launch about a mile down the road. It gets completely filled up with peoples cars/trucks and boat trailers. Then they start parking off the shoulder. Finally the people in the houses on the other side they were parking on in front of their houses and driveways started putting out cones and barriers a couple of years ago.

So, they get there, can't see anywhere to park so keep going down the road, looking. Our street a mile down the road is the next thing, so of course they turn in. Then realize it doesn't go anywhere. While we are the 3rd lot on our street, for some reason ours always ends up being where they try to figure out where to turn. I recall a couple years ago, before we had our fence and gates on our 2 driveways coming into our property, I was inside our garage with the doors open, staining wood. A truck pulling a boat pulls into our first driveway and at full speed pulls through our half circle driveway and out the other end. As they are pulling out I walk out our garage waving my arms up in the air like "What the F do you think you are doing?!" 

How about this easy idea? Pull into our street. Pull into driveway #1 (it's long and goes back to our neighbors house/garage) just enough to get truck and trailer in, then back out onto the street and pull forward to get back on the main road. Apparently that is too difficult to understand.

We could put logs or rocks along the other side of the road to block them from pulling out into the grassy area, but then in winter that will be in dh's way for plowing snow. I'm sure today will be another one with it happening. It's weekend and 101 degrees today. The boat launch will be overloaded. Mrs Neighbor wants to put a sign up (they don't want people trying to use their driveway either) at the entrance to our street, but people will just ignore it. Shoot, we have this really old ONE LANE wood deck bridge down the road that crosses the river. Signs everywhere for big trucks not to use it, yet I'd say every month some truck driver in a big semi decides to go over it and gets stuck. People ignore signs and people do whatever they want.

And speaking of the bridge. Someone put a couple of small US flags on each side at the end of the bridge. Someone else keeps taking them down.

Anyway, back to dh. He was so upset that he decided he needed a sandwich. I'm not sure if he had a mountain dew or not, I think so. I went back upstairs to work. He didn't have any dinner and later evening ended up just having some jello. So, not exactly my "idea" of fasting for at least a day and trying to flush out his system. He just got up this morning and can't decide what he wants to do for eating. Ok, he decided to eat his normal egg sandwich.

We're just staying home and staying inside this weekend. I can kinda do 90 outside, not 100 (or higher). DD told me about a good movie she just watched on Netflix, so maybe I'll check it out. I have some vacuuming and dusting to get done, too. And laundry.



  1. Maybe you could put up something easily moved for plowing. If you put up cones, someone would probably just run over them. Maybe a sign along with dangerous drop off or sinkhole. They might think twice. I live in a neighborhood. One day, someone pulled in, opened the passenger side front door, and dumped the ash tray, backed out, turned around and left. I was stunned at the nerve.
    Maybe your husband can start over each day, trying the fast. Maybe just cutting back on food and Mt Dew will help him.

    1. Dh did end up putting up some temporary long pieces of timber posts he has leftover, so we'll see if that helps.

  2. I feel for you having people pulling into your driveway, but I guess at least you haven't got your neighbour parking - yes PARKING - in front of your garage!!! It's slowed down quite a bit now but when he was doing that I was having to park on the road!!!!!

    1. Oh my! I would be throwing a fit if a neighbor did that. Once or twice I'd put up with but after that I'd be out there laying on my horn for them to come move, haha.

  3. Our last two houses have been in what's known here as cul de sacs - dead end roads. Quite often cars and lorries would pull in thinking it was a through road. But we've never had to contend with a large lorry trying to do a U Turn in front of the house!

    1. There is a culdesac at down at the end of our street, but they can't see that until they get half way down there. This morning dh laid some temporary posts along in front of our house so we'll see if that at least keeps them heading on down to turn around in the culdesac....but if that's what starts happening you can bet then the neighbors (the only ones) down at the end lot will start complaining about all the trucks and trailers down there.

  4. People turn around in our driveway almost every day because one of them is a circle, so easy in and out I suppose. I did see a couple days ago that someone drove through the yard for about 10 feet or so, quite close to the house. I thought that was a bit strange because it’s a nice wide driveway. I figure it’s only grass. Someone hit the mailboxes a year ago and those tracks have finally disappeared. Hopefully these don’t take that long. Our house is the one everyone stops at for directions for some reason. Years ago some navigation system was sending people right smack dab to our driveway for a motel that’s a mile away. That was pretty funny, but it only happened that one summer. I’ve had people stop to ask if we’d keep their horses overnight, if I’d sell them a chicken, if I’d take their chickens or geese, and of course several needing gas.


  5. I suggest your DH try intermittent fasting eating only in a 8-10 hour window each day so from like 6pm-10am do not eat just drink water and then eat as normal (of course trying to eat as many veggies and healthy foods as possible) for the 8 hour period it helped me with my internal cystitis.
