Sunday, July 3, 2022

Another visit

Apparently our friends from Texas had a good time while they stayed with us over Memorial weekend as they are coming back up to stay over Labor Day weekend. Fun! And her best friend and her husband will try to come down (live 2 hours north). They were supposed to last time, but had a family emergency come up.

Dh noticed that the couple's house, who bought the lots next to us, is back on the market and not pending a sale now. I guess it must have fallen through. They had told us they were supposed to close in August. They haven't lowered their price at all and the house has been on the market over 9 months now.

I started watching Netflix's Stranger Things yesterday. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm almost done with season 1. My dd said Bridgerton is also a good show, so I'll probably try that one next.

It appears we are going to have a "quiet" 4th of July - at least neighbors son and family haven't shown back up and if they do...well, it's supposed to be thunderstorms and rain the next 2 days. I'll take it, LOL.

We went into town yesterday to fill up all our gas cans and dh's pickp. While he was filling up I went inside the little convenience store to get some Powerball lotto tickets. I have always done the "multi-draw" option, where I pick a set of numbers and it's good for like the next few weeks of draws (or however many you choose). This time the lady told me they changed the machine and multi draw is no longer an option. What? that's stupid. She's like do you still want the $16? I'm like $16 for ONE drawing? No thanks. I'll spend $2 on one drawing. but not $16 for one shot. I ended up not getting any. I cannot find anything online that says this was changed. If you go to our state's Powerball info it still says multi draws are an option. I guess I'll have to try another seller and see. Dh likes to have the lotto tickets. But obviously we're not going into a store 2 or 3 times a week to buy them. How ridiculous. They just lost out on sales that way, in my opinion.

My mom called me again last evening not too long after the caregiver popped in for her meds. Again with the "how much am I paying for this?" and then "are you ok with this lady?" I told her yes I'm ok with her. I'm the one that found her to hire. Back to trying to tell me she can take her meds herself. Me telling her no, she can't. Again I reiterated assisted living is going to cost at least a couple thousand more per month, compared to this lady at a couple hundred (for the med part). "ok, I guess you are right". She did at least know this time that the lady is only there a few minutes. I also just tried to say we all want you to be able to live there as long as possible and having her stop in to make sure you get your meds every day will do that.

I can hear a bald eagle calling out this morning, as I have my office window cracked a bit. Sounds like it's right straight across the river.


  1. Your mom is funny. I think she'll get use to the ladies help & won't really notice anymore.
    Let's hope the 4th goes peacefully!

    1. of course she keeps telling me "ok" when I explain to her why we need the help for her, but the next day it's the same thing. I'm hoping the adjustment is soon. I almost feel like I need to come up with a different "explanation" as to why. Shorter explanation with less detail? Just say "ok, I'll think about it" and leave it at that? I'm really getting tired of explaining it every day :(

    2. Could it be a "new policy" at her establishment? And insurance covers it or there's no extra charge:)
