Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday this and that

 I did an Amazon search for "gardening gifts" and saw something like this for dd

I wasn't sure if she has anything like this, so I messaged my son in law and he said no she doesn't. I said she gave me an idea of "gardening stuff" so I was trying to figure out something. He said she hasn't mentioned anything she wants to him and it seems like now if she wants something she just goes and buys it, LOL. I said I know! This is the first year I can't come up with ideas for her. I'm also going to get her a Lowe's gift card. Our little town store now has a gift card section, so I'll look there tomorrow and see if they have one. If not, I'll be in the city this coming weekend to see my mom and can pick one up then. We got some new store owners a year or so ago and they have done a really good job to update the store and get things in, like the gift cards.

Yesterday afternoon the medication app said my mom unplugged her machine again. I decided to wait a couple hours to call her, if it was still unplugged. Went straight to voicemail, so then I assumed maybe she unplugged it to plug in her phone charger. Who knows. I never could get through to her, but at 6pm, when it was time for her evening pill, it showed she plugged it back in and took the pill. I tried calling her a couple more times, but still went straight to voicemail.Then when I went to bed at 9 it showed she unplugged it again. Why why why? LOL. It's still unplugged this morning. I'm going to go see her either Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully between me taping the dang plug in to the wall (with a note not to unplug and installing her new landline phone, we'll take care of these issues. What's next? LOL.

The investment assistant lady did get that savings money transferred over to my mom's local regular account yesterday. I'm hoping she got the paperwork for the beneficiary change in the mail as well and hopefully it will be at my mom's when I go there this weekend and she can get it signed and I'll mail back in. I'm going to of course make a copy of it, to put with my mom's will copy. If she mailed it Tuesday it probably won't get over here until Friday or Saturday and my mom's mail doesn't come until early afternoons. I'll check with her tomorrow (provided her cell phone is working!) afternoon and see if it's come in the mail. If not, I'll wait and go see her on Sunday, hoping it shows up in Saturday's mail.

I know it was driving dh nuts not to respond to Mr.'s text yesterday afternoon. He's also the type that will just let it smooth over......until the next time and then he's ranting and raving and I have to text them to complain. I told him if he decides he all good with this BS apology and is ok with just going on with them like we are great friendly neighbors and they did not treat us with complete disrespect while his son was here for almost 3 weeks, then the next time (and there will be MANY next times with this same exact thing) he wants the complaining done, HE will have to do it.

Our new neighbors-to-be must be back in town. We saw their truck pull in to the neighborhood for a quick couple of minutes and then leave. DH was sitting at his desk, which the window to his den faces out front and saw him stop his pickup in front of our gate for a bit, as they were leaving. Not sure if he was hoping dh would see and go out to talk to him or what. DH wasn't in the mood and is too tired to stand there for an extended period, while he's still recovering from surgery. I'm sure they'll be around sometime in the next few days. 

I emailed my boss yesterday about 2 things I've come across that might either save our company money or bring some extra money in. Maybe one of the 2 will pan out and score me some brownie points. She's going to check with our CPA.

It's only Thursday and feels like it should be Friday already. This afternoon we have our trip up to the vets for the kitty to get his first shots and checkup.


  1. As I read she had unplugged the pill machine again, I was ready to bring my Gorilla tape for taping it to the wall! lol

    I think your daughter would like a gift card to Lowe's for gardening supplies. That would make me happy.

    1. I think Gorilla tape is really what I need to use haha! I see she must be back from breakfast and has plugged it back in, so she can take her meds. I just can't figure out why she keeps unplugging it.

  2. Gorilla tape is an amazing idea! I hope DD enjoys her gardening kit, comes with everything it seems. I know folks don't like them, but I love giving gift cards once I know the person will use it!
