Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday ramblings

Yesterday was an exhausting day. Frankly, dh was just a plain *@%hole all day. At least he kept busy doing his annual maintenance on the 2 tankless water heaters we have. You have to run vinegar through them to flush them out. He also changed the furnace filters. He got out one of our small fans and I put in in my office window ledge facing out with the window cracked some. He thought that might help draw out smells to the outside from this room. He didn't complain any last night at least.

As usual, when I came up to my office this morning I cleaned the poop out of the tray and took it to the outside garbage. I really don't think I like this pellet system and I think today I will switch back to try the regular (unscented litter) I had bought. One of my nice commentors suggested a Dr. Elsey's cat litter. I see that they offer a $20 rebate on your first purchase and a 40lb bag through Petco is $19.99, so might as well buy some and try it, since it would be free. Also, when I went back downstairs for a bit to get some breakfast I opened the dining room window a little, hoping if there is by chance any smell downstairs it would go out.

I also started kitty on different food yesterday. Probably not much different than the cheaper kitten chow, but it was a more expensive food, so we'll see. But, when I cleaned out this morning there were 2 very large poops. Hard to imagine a little kitty could poop those out overnight. I will be calling the vet tomorrow morning to set up an appointment for shots and a check up. He probably does have parasites that need treating, as I read that is common in kittens. I would have made the appt for last week (the week before) but I honestly thought dh's surgeon referral would have gotten done and he might have his appt last week (instead its now next Friday). I really should have made an appt last week when I had Thurs and Fri off. Our vet is open part of the day on Saturdays, so I'm hoping I can get him in next Saturday and not have to take time off work.

I did make another "funfetti" cake yesterday, as dh really liked the one I had made the week or so before. Plus, then the house smelled like cake for awhile, haha.

Today is the 5th anniversary of when we moved out of our hellhole old neighborhood/state and to this town. As I always say, it was the best decision. 

I chopped a few inches or more off my hair yesterday. Now, I still need to work on getting some layers back in, as the chopping off got rid of the layers that had grown out. I just wasn't in the mood to mess with layers yesterday, but at least that length is all gone and back to the top of my shoulders.

I still haven't received any billing from all the doctors dh saw while in the hospital, nor for his follow up appt with one of those doctors at the clinic. Seems strange that they got me the hospital bill fairly quickly, but still nothing on the doctors. I see the claims were processed by the insurance quite some time ago. There is also the billing from a radiologist office that they said the insurance denied as not eligible for the dates. Well, if they processed it and denied it, don't you think there would be a claim showing on dh's insurance claims for this? There is nothing. The lady said she would resubmit the claim to his insurance, but still I'm not seeing that his insurance has recorded it yet. That bill was $765. I'm sure there will be some small adjustment off amount, but the most I should owe on this is about $300. I see there is a small $3.80 owed to some lab service, but they have not mailed a bill yet, either.

Plus, still will be getting billing (from new insurance) on his urologist visit and the endoscopy with the GI and hospital. I already paid his initial GI dr visit (that was under old insurance). They sent that one out quickly.

My uncle called me again last night. It was almost 8pm my time. I was exhausted from the crappy day and just let it go to voicemail. Figured it it was something real important he could either leave a message or text me, which he didn't. I was just not in the mood to talk to anyone.

The other thing on my "to do list" today is to order that Hero medication system for my mom. Need to try it out and see if that helps her remember to take the meds every day. I just can't tell with her pill box. I think she sees part of the week empty, as she's taking and then fills it up, but I'm not sure. Or if she knows I am coming, like last Friday, she fills it up, so other than counting pills (and I didn't do that this time) I can't tell. This system should just take care of all that.


  1. I cut some of the length off and have decided it is not enough. However, it did cut off layering. So, I have to put the layers back AND cut off more of the length. I did take the hair in front of my ears, hold it up, and cut that in layers so that it is not so long and draggy looking. I need some fluff around my

    I have put saucers of vinegar around to absorb odor and it really works. Of course, there is the kitty who would like to knock them over. Maybe you find places high enough to keep them safe.

    1. I need layers too, or it's all poofed at the ends of my hair, LOL

  2. How about using an air purifier in your office?

    1. you know, I think we have two of those. They were left in the first house we bought in town and the people didn't want them back.

  3. Gosh I can't believe it's been 5 years already since you moved! I must be getting old (well, of course, I am but .....)!

    1. Hi Treaders, I lurk on your blog too (I live to the west of Paris in the Vexin français but will soon be moving to Brittany) but I notice you’ve locked it down recently. Is this permanent? If so I will miss you. I’ve enjoyed reading about your life in the mountains… Cheers, Joan

    2. One Family, sorry about hijacking your comments! ;)

    3. Hi Joan - and sorry for the "co-hijack". I locked my blog down this weekend because I was pissed off at a friend who "outed" me as the writer of my blog, when I had asked him specifically to leave me anonymous. Oh there's nothing untoward on my blog anyway but I felt very strongly that I wanted to remain anonymous! Anyway, I've cooled down a bit now and will probably get back to posting next week (I have too much floating around in my head to ever keep quiet). So nope, I'm fine and will be back soon. Thank you for visiting my blog, and good luck with your move to beautiful Brittany!

    4. 👍. Thanks for letting me know!

    5. I was just making a post to ask what happened to Treaders! I thought I must have missed a post explaining why you were going private. Ok, I feel better that now I at least know. Hope you are back soon!

    6. ok, and why would a friend out you? what was he thinking to gain from doing something you specifically asked him not to? I swear to god I do not trust anyone in my life anymore. No one is loyal to family or friends when it comes right down to it. Ok...I'm jaded, I know, but geez!

    7. This guy was having a drink with the Dutchman, and while I told the Dutchman ages ago about my blog he never showed any interest in reading it. So my other friend decided to wind him up, I guess, because lo and behold the next day the Dutchman asked to read my blog. I talk about the Dutchman quite a bit (nicely) but wasn't sure how he would react so I had to spend an hour going through my blog and removing all reference to "the Dutchman". And yeah, I should have known better because a couple of these friends love to gossip and I just find it so tiring. For god's sake get a life instead of gossiping or slagging someone else off! The Dutchman saw how mad I was and it will get back to my other friend - but in any case I'll either get back to blogging next week or start a new blog. But I agree with you, it's hard trusting anyone to keep a confidence these days!

  4. I have no advice or ideas to offer re: the kitty odor.
    I guess your dh is feeling better or maybe not, if he's back to complaining. lol

  5. I hope that you figure out the litter situation, but I wish DH would just grin and bear it for a while!

  6. We tried the pellets from Tractor Supply, and it was more work so we switched back.

    1. I'm still trying the pellets but just not loving it at all. He can't really bury his poops so it smells awful in my office until I get it scooped out.
