Sunday, October 17, 2021

The barking dogs rerun

Dh is starting to feel a little better, though as I told him last night - he's not going to feel back to normal 2 days after surgery! He's just been taking Tylenol since Friday evening. Getting off the narcotic pain med also helped get over the constipation they cause. He's eating a little more regular type foods. He said it's pretty painful to move, but if he's just sitting or laying down he's not in pain.

He actually took a nap yesterday afternoon, which I was glad to see him doing. The more rest and sleep the faster he will heal.........until we had to start listening to 5 dogs barking for 4 hours (actually I typed "5 f---ing dogs", but I'm trying to be polite LOL). So, there went the good nap he was in the middle of. At first we thought someone was home over there. One of their garage doors was open. But after 2 hours of it, we realized they were all gone and had just left it open (they do that sometimes). Did I mention that son, wife, 4 kids and 2 dogs were actually staying almost 3 weeks, not 2 that Mr. said. They do not leave until the 27th. After 2 hours of listening to it I texted Mr - "hi, are you guys home? The dogs have been barking non stop for 2 hours and sorry, but this is not allowing dh to rest and recover". No reply. Finally after a little over another 2 hours they all got back. So then we listened to slamming car doors for 10 minutes (seriously, the car has 4 passenger doors and 1 back end door, how many times do you need to close the doors? along with the 4 kids screaming, as always.

We are at our wits end with this situation. It's 1/4th to 1/3 of every year spent dealing with them and their chaos. It's either them dumping off their dogs for months, and/or them spending weeks here. It wasn't too long ago that their DIL and 4 kids and 2 dogs spent 2 weeks, then son showed up for another week. We are sick and tired of them invading our space and peace and quiet. We do not need their dogs over here scratching up my patio doors and windows. We do not need them and their kids using our 2 driveway entrances on/in front of my house/property as their playground to ride bikes. I do not need to listen to 5 dogs barking or 4 kids screaming for days.

We would never ever have chosen to live next door to his son and family, yet here we are, a good portion of every year we have been here so far, basically living next to them. We would never ever let a dog bark for hours, let alone let FIVE dogs bark. We would never ever let any guest (even our dd and kids, if she had any) go play in front of their house/driveway. We would never ever let kids just scream every time they were outside. We'd tell our dd and her kids, hey, no screaming outside - we have neighbors. We'd make sure they stayed on our 2 acres and weren't obnoxious. They have 4 acres, let alone on the other side of that is 20 acres of free to play on state land. Why do they choose right in front our our gates? and why do that literally 2 minutes after I just told you your dogs were scratching my patio doors/windows?

The thought of having to move again is exhausting just to even contemplate. We built our dream home. We shouldn't have to listen to dogs barking so often.

What really makes me mad is THEY ALL KNOW that they cannot leave their son's big dog out if they leave. We've already been through this every damm time he dumps his dogs off to stay for months. Mr and Mrs leave for work and we listen to him bark all day, which then of course gets all the other 4 dogs barking. We complain, they either use bark collars or put sons dogs inside in a crate. They know that leaving the house and leaving all the dogs free to go inside and out, they are going to be barking. It infuriates me that they don't care. If you met them you would not think that they would be that type of people, at all.

And we are SO tired of complaining about it. That is not the type of neighbors we want to be. It's been over 3 years dealing with this now. We shouldn't have to keep complaining. They are all just f----ing rude.

So, I set my phone alarm to remind me to call my mom just before 6:30 last night, when it would be time to take her eve med. I wanted to be on the phone with her, in case she had any questions. I call her up and it goes straight to voicemail. Try again a minute later. Same thing. Then it's after 6:30 and the medication app on my phone is still showing she has not taken it. OMG. I give up! Most likely her phone died and she couldn't remember where I plugged in her charger (I had to move it because of plugging in her dispenser and her microwave was in the other slot). If she hadn't taken it by 6:45 it was supposed to notify me (not that it would have done any good, as I couldn't call her!). About 6:50 the app showed she did take her pill. I think there must be a bit of delay in notifying me. It's almost 8:30 am this morning so we'll see how it goes. I'll try to give her a call later this morning and see if she answers. I did order another landline phone, but it won't be here until next week.

I brought all her extra meds home with me. She has lots of extras, but that is from probably a couple years of missing doses here and there. She started a new med around first week of July and with what is left from that and it's been about 100 days since filled, it appears she missed about 20 doses in 100 days. This new system should take care of that problem.

Ok, yes! it's 8:35 and the app just updated that she took her meds. Yay! success so far.



  1. When you decided to move and build a home in a less populated area, I was glad and relieved for you so, you did not have to deal with the druggies anymore. Would've never guessed you would end up with such rude neighbors. They may not act rudely, but I think they are. So sorry for what you are going through. Your DH needs all the rest he can get. I think using a landline will help you and yr mom a great deal. She does not actually need a cell phone, does she? After all, she is not a smart phone user. The charging and the misplacement of the phone are probably too much for her to cope with.

    1. We never dreamed we'd have to deal with 5 dogs when we moved here. (also our covenants say 2 dogs max, they have 3 (always have had) and son has 2, which are here as much as they are with their son.

  2. I've had thoughts about downsizing and moving to an apartment but I like my neighbours and who knows what I would find with new neighbours anyway (although, to be honest, I've always been lucky). And while next door's yappy little dog sometimes gets to me (as well as shit-shoveling in my own back yard for other people's dogs) so far I'm leaning towards staying as my neighbours are mostly great. That being said, listening to all those dogs constantly barking would drive me insane - but then why should you move out of your dream home because of them? Don't they bother any other neighbours (or are you too far away)? I feel for you, I really do!

    1. We are their only "right" next door neighbors. There are 7 2 acre lots here on our little road. Mr and Mrs own lots 1 and 2 (their house is on lot 2) and we own lot 3. The young couple who also live here live down at the end on lot 7. I'm not sure how loud it is for them, I haven't asked. Other than that the next nearest neighbors are a mile each direction.

  3. I would text them and say plainly how long the dogs had been barking and that husband was recovering from surgery and ask for the barking to stop. I suppose they think you will be tolerant because you have a dog, had two at one time. Also, I might hint in person that you are thinking about moving. You are...and thinking you don't want to move. I would address the scratching of your property. Is there any reason you did not enclose your property with a fence? Kids in your about insurance concerns also concerns with kids' safety. Those children are they get older will roam more and it seems they like being over with you instead of the other side.

    1. After 2 hours of it, I did finally do that and said the exact same thing. No reply (even this morning) and they got home about 2 1/2 hours later. We did not put the fence all the way around, because we did not want the view out our back windows of the river to be blocked by a fence. Not to mention we shouldn't have to deal with their dogs on our property, fence or not. We fenced 3 sides, but at the main gate on each side of the stone piers is an open walkthru path. We have never ever let our dog(s) bark, other than a hello because someone came to visit. They know this goes on, we have been complaining about it for 3 years now. It's obviously not going to change.

  4. I like to be neighborly, but, damn, kids and dogs who are not mine in my space would set me off. I particularly try to give dogs a bit of grace, as I have had, over the years, a series of big dogs. But, what I told any neighbors is that if my dogs are out of the house, I am home. The kids--NO! (I am at the point where I don't even try to hide the fact that I despise other people's kids.) I would text again, something like, "We have tried to be patient, but the barking has become a nuisance, as have the kids in our driveway. Please rectify this."

    1. We try to be so neighborly and considerate, too. Their 3 dogs will bark if someone pulls into our street and that's a good thing. They bark a couple of barks and that's that. But, Mr and Mrs and son and DIL all know that if they leave their big dog alone and able to go in and out while they are gone, he will bark and then the others will get agitated and bark too. I just do not understand the rudeness at all. I like your text suggestion and the wording.

  5. I'd quit with the txt and literally walk right up and have conversion when both incident are happening. Texts can be ignored "oops, never got it" or easily blown off if they read later when it is not actually going oe. I know when they're gone that won't work, but you've shared sometimes it's when you are home. Also, insread of texting, I'd call so you can hold the phone up for them to hear how terrible it is. We've had people crabbing in our ton about a "barking patrol" like in 101 Dalmatians. I cant imagine how people would react if they experienced this! You shouldn't have to think about moving or fencing more of your property you bought specifically for the views. Some people will ignore until it is right in their face. I say this as both a dog lover and a kid lover.

    1. it's only when they are gone. when they are home the dogs are fine or if they do bark, they come outside and tell them to stop or bring them in. BUT, they are gone ALL the time, more than they are home. We have talked about it with them, emailed and texted. It just happens again as soon as son and dogs are here.

  6. Your neighbours are just plain rude. Yes, they may live out in the country, but they still have neighbours. My dh and I live in a small city. Our neighbours are only 6ft away. If our dogs start barking we immediately bring them inside. If we are going out the dogs are inside and I will make sure our windows are closed, so if they are barking it isn't very loud. It's just called being considerate. The neighbours beside us have sold their house. We are hoping we don't get a-holes beside us.
    That is great that the medication dispenser seems to be working. I agree that maybe your mom shouldn't have a cell phone anymore, just the landline.

    1. we do same as you, with our dogs, to be considerate. When we first moved over here and lived in the little house in town, we had neighbors 10 ft away. our little yard was fully fenced but we never left our dogs outside if we weren't home and if they barked outside while we were home, we brought them back in.

  7. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. Noise pollution is one of the worst types.
    We’re all so vulnerable to noisy neighbours but like someone said it isn’t you that should be moving.

    1. inconsiderate neighbors just plain stink to have. We thought being in a better higher end neighborhood would be different, but apparently people are the same.

  8. These people should have bought more acreage! and put their house in the middle of their land. I don't dislike children or dogs, just their owners who encourage and ignore bad behavior. I did not mean to actually move, just muse about it to them. I don't blame you for not fencing the whole property, just wondered. Scratching up the door would really irritate me.

  9. That's really too bad about the barking dogs. It's so inconsiderate of them. I think you need to have a conversation, face to face, with them. Originally they sounded like decent neighbors to have. I wouldn't want their dogs scratching up my doors and windows either. I almost think they had the kids in front property, just to annoy you on purpose.
    It's good to hear your dh is feeling better already. I hope he doesn't rush his recovery. You only get one chance to do it right.
    Keeping fingers crossed on your mom's pill dispenser. :)

    1. In the past 3 years we have done face to face, emails, and texts. Obviously they don't have any respect for us and are going to do what they want to do.

  10. We live in a small town and all of our neighbors are dog people. We do not have a problem with that, as we like dogs also but due to living in the suburbs, previously, have been and continue to remain, cat people. My point is, we rarely ever hear any of the dogs bark. The neighbors next door, on either side, and across the alley in the back, each have a dog. The neighbor across the street, on the corner has 2 dogs and friends that visit, who bring their dogs, making it 4 or 5 dogs at any one time (fenced in yard) and still really quiet. The house next to them now have a labradoodle and never hear it bark and he/she is very active and playful due to being a new (lockdown,pandemic) puppy at that time. Please, please, please tell these people it has to stop. It continues because you haven't been rude about it, so they still think it's easier to let it go and just keep apologizing, but doing nothing permanent about it. They should not be dog owners - period, neither should their son, especially. If you can't do what's right for your dogs, then you find them a home they deserve and get a gerbil. Ranee (MN)

    1. when we lived in town 2 of our neighbors also had dogs. We never heard them bark either. They were responsible to make sure they didn't, just like we always do. That son and his wife have NO business having 2 dogs. Honestly it barely looks like they have any business having 4 kids.

  11. The next time their dogs are in your yard or the kids are in your driveway send a text with the picture. Some people need the visual proof. Follow it up with a phone call. The barking is something that may take a phone call each time it happens. Good luck.

    1. We've been going through this and calling/texting for 3 years now. It's obvious they don't care that it bothers us.

  12. Can you complain to anyone in town (noise ordinance?). We never knew how much we appreciated our elderly (now deceased) neighbor until a couple with three dogs moved in. They don't let them bark all day, but they do let them bark at 5:30 in the morning when they want to be let back in the house!

    This same neighbor (in their 30's) mowed their lawn, weed whacked AND used a leaf blower the entire time they could see we were having a dinner party in our back yard. I think people just don't care any more.

    1. No one to complain to. We do not live in town, so aren't covered by the towns noise ordinance (not that anyone would do anything even if we were). You are right, people just do not care anymore. That is so rude of your neighbor!
