Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Set back

DH had a really bad night last night. Throughout the evening he just kept saying he didn't feel very good. About 10 or 10:30 (I can't remember what time, I had already been asleep) he went outside to lock up the shop. It's cold out and he only had on a t-shirt. He came into the bedroom saying he couldn't stop shivering and was in more pain than earlier in the evening. Just pain all over he said. I had him get in bed with his heating pad and he took one of the pain meds. A bit later he had to cough and said it felt like pain all thru his heart with it. Then he was up walking around, sitting at his desk chair, back and forth.

Possibly he had done too much walking yesterday, so soon after surgery. Maybe just too strenuous right now. Or maybe it's his diet. He's supposed to be on a very bland diet and he just keeps eating more normal type foods. The last 2 days he's had a lunch meat and cheese sandwich for lunch. He's been eating a bunch of sunflower seeds. Cheese and crackers. That type of stuff. Drinking his daily mountain dew. He doesn't listen to me when I try to tell him what he should and shouldn't be doing, of course.

A lot of the pain was on the side he had the pancreas pain, but a bit higher up. I know he was worrying it was that again. During our consult with the surgeon he had said sometimes the tube to the pancreas still has "stuff in it" and can still cause problems, because that part is not removed when they take out the bladder. So, I know dh was worried it was that. He didn't know if he should go into ER and if so, which ER? Drive the short distance to town where they don't have as much skill and medical equipment, or drive in the middle of the night to the city. I called the ER dept at the city hospital (where the surgery was done). The ER nurse there advised to call his surgeons office and talk to the on call doctor. He called back about 15 minutes later, around 1am and I think that helped calm dh down. I had dh talk to him, rather than me trying to explain how he felt, and I'm glad I did. He didn't have a lot of answers, other than if he really felt worse and needed to go to ER, he'd recommend the city, as if he goes to our town they can't transfer him because they are considered "full" but if he goes straight to the city ER, they would admit him, if needed. 

A little before 4am dh agreed to take 2 of the pain pills (the instructions say 1-2 pills as needed every 4 hours for the first few days and might need to take at night for up to 2 weeks). He slept the next 4 hours until I got up at just before 8am. So, that's about all the sleep I got was the 4 hours.

Part of the discharge and surgery pamphlet we got about the surgery said that the gas they use can cause pain after, especially in the shoulder area. I then researched some more and it said this pain from the gas they put in him to do the surgery can be there for up to a week. Right now his pain is up  higher than the pancreas pain was. It's up behind his shoulder blade and in front of his left side chest.

I have a call into the surgeons office again this morning and a nurse is going to call me back. I want to know if they think this pain he's experiencing since last night could be from the gas used or what. Up until then the only pain he was having was at his incisions areas and then mostly from moving around. He wasn't in pain to lay or sit, so hasn't been needing the pain meds, though taking some tylenol at times.

I called and canceled the vet appointment for the cat we had this afternoon. I got that rescheduled for later next week. 

Lately, it seems to be always something to deal with.


  1. Hope he feels better soon but I think he should learn to take it easy and rest for a while. No matter how small, a surgery is a surgery. Sending good vibes your way.

    1. that's what I keep telling him - he just had SURGERY! it's not the same procedure as the endoscope where he felt better in a day or two.

  2. Essentially, in my experience, and my DD's, they fill you up with air to operate, and, yes, this pain is dreadful, but it's definitely in the shoulder area, and usually clears within 24 - 36 hours of the procedure. The shivering leads me to believe he might have a mild infection. Neither I nor my daughter (who was 11) experienced much post operative pain after the first day. The gas pain, however, had me incapacitated about 6 hours afterwards, for about 4 hours. (I recognized it from my c-sections, though.) I'd get him in to see somebody--I was running 2 miles just 48 hours after my surgery, and DD was able to go back to school. (Though I let her take an entire week off, and kept her out of PE class for 21 days--mainly to avoid the locker room.) This is what I was told was typical healing, so if I were you, I'd err on the side of caution. It might be normal healing, then again, it might be an infection.

    1. that's not at all what we were told for him to do/expect for healing. He's not supposed to do anything strenuous or physical for 2 weeks.

  3. He should have very plain food. I would think no nuts or seeds. Mountain Dew...no comment:0×
    He probably was too active also.
    I hope he doesn't go backwards.
    Good luck to you! :)

    1. I think you are probably right. I told him if he had had to have "open" type surgery his recouperating time would be like 6 weeks...so he can chill for a week or two with this.

  4. I did eye surgery and thought I would bounce back in a day - WRONG! I wish your DH would listen to the doctors - stick to the plain diet, do minimal movement for the two weeks. It is probably a combo of post op pain and what he has been doing - hopefully it resolves soon!

    1. I wish he'd listen too. Still trying to eat non-bland foods and getting annoyed because I keep saying no.

  5. Oh my goodness, that sounds terrible. I sincerely hope DH feels better soon!

  6. OMG - YES!! The air they pump into you when they do anything laparoscopicly is AWFUL!! I mean freaking awful! After my hysterectomy, I cried & my husband called my doc at night - I thought I was having a heart attack the pressure was unbearable! On/off for a few days. So I'm sure your husband will have that - you just have to grit through it. It just has to work itself out. But yeah, it's terrible. And if I were you - I'd hide some of that crap he's eating - not gonna feel good going through his system! He's best to stick with soup, water, etc. They told him BLAND for a reason! Men!! Do they ever listen?!? I'm sure your taking good care of him, but frustrating when they don't listen to what instructions the hospital gave for after discharge.

    1. Oh, that sounds just awful! He did say he thought he was having a heart attack, too. Men do not listen. at all.

  7. Sorry for him and you. Recovery takes time.

    1. I think right now I'm more tired then him! He got to sleep until noon. I got like 3 hours sleep last night

  8. When I had a complete hysterectomy, I had zero pain until after the car ride 60 miles to home! There was no pain from gas and no one warned me, at least that I can remember.

    After my daughter had gallbladder removed, she was up the next day. I did not hear about pain. But, I am sure she did what dr said. But, all people and surgeries are different.

    Men think they are super heros and will not feel pain like other guys.

    My thought was to hide his food he should not have and say you ran out. He certainly is not listening to doctors or you. The shivering does worry me.

  9. Remember the old saying “don’t come running to me when you fall and break your leg” ha! Aren’t you tempted to say “do what you want, eat what you want, don’t listen to the Dr’s, you’re an adult but don’t come complaining to me or waking me up!” I’d be worn out!

    1. Ha! I did finally say that last night when he was complaining about the dinner I made him eat!
