Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Rain and sleep

The rain off and on the past couple of days had somewhat quieted down the annoyances coming from next door. They aren't playing outside quite as much. 3 more days, LOL. I cannot imagine having 6 people (let alone 4 of them screaming banshees) and 2 dogs stay at my house for almost 3 weeks. Probably just the introvert and hermit in me, but I couldn't do it. I'm worn out just after having anyone stay here a few days.

DH thought maybe they went home yesterday as their big SUV left yesterday morning and didn't return. I told dh I doubt it, they probably just went somewhere for the day and they did. Over the weekend Mr and his son were gone both days as hunting season started. They apparently got a deer late on Sunday and were in their garage getting it all taken care of, as the garage door was open for quite awhile into the evening. At 8:30 I was sitting in our living room, reading, and could hear the kids outside screaming their heads off .

DH has a bunch of used (and some new, I think) big semi truck type tire chains in buckets. He messaged a local friend who has equipment and asked if he'd like them, for free. He said yes, so I imagine he'll be stopping by sometime soon to pick them up. More stuff out of the shop! He really is making some progress.

I overslept a little this morning. Just getting woken up too many times a night by dh lately. He's taking Tylenol/acetaminophen off and on. While most of us know and just call it Tylenol (old habit) he cannot seem to understand it's the same thing. I usually buy generic OTC, so of course the big bottle doesn't say Tylenol. I've told him this for years. And then he wakes me up in the middle of the night to ask if he can take some Tylenol. Again - yes...if it's been 4 hours since you last took it. I don't know what is so hard about this concept. And most of the time he'll walk to the cupboard where it's kept and say "which one is it?". It all really doesn't need to be this difficult.

Neither does a simple request at work, for a billing company name and address! OMG. I've lost track of how many emails this stupid order has become. "Can you invoice this for service work we did". Sure...I just need the billing company name and address. "Ok, let me find out". Then a phone call to me. Ok, I just need the name and address we are billing. Then another email included the person at the mystery company we are billing. Her email organization name doesn't match her signature line company name. And it's also highly possible it could be something totally different I'm supposed to bill. The email asked for her billing address. I replied all "and I need your company billing name, also". Her reply back she didn't reply all, so I didn't get it. I get a ping from our guy asking if I could get this invoice done now that she sent the email. I said I didn't get an email? He forwards it to me. Ok, got the address but no company name. I email him back and then I emailed directly the lady who supplied the address that I am trying to do the invoice for her, but I need the company name we are billing. Still no reply. Are people just that stupid and incompetent? Why yes, yes they are!

Ok, another morning and mom took her meds ok. She didn't take until almost 9am, because she must have went downstairs for breakfast. When I set up the time I asked her what time she's back from breakfast and she said "oh I hardly ever go down, I usually just have cereal or oatmeal in my room" (which was true, she was always having me buy cereal, oatmeal and milk). Ok, so I set it for 8:30. Well, she's been going downstairs to eat now, most days (which is a good thing!) but then of course she is not back up in her room until almost 9. I had set the machine to remind her every 5 minutes for 15 minutes, so until 8:45, but if she doesn't get back until after that, the reminders have stopped. So, the other day I changed it to remind for 30 minutes, so that must have worked.

DH wears through shoes faster than anyone I know LOL For indoor shoes he wears a Skechers Go walk slip on type. He kind of has flat arches or something so maybe that is why. It's been less than a year and I just had to order him another pair. For outside he wears New Balance tennis shoes. Those last a bit longer, but I think it's because he has 2 pairs. A nicer pair when going somewhere and an older pair for doing yardwork, etc.


  1. I bet my husband has yours beat for show wear. I work shoe band two pairs tennis shoes minimum per year. I try to buy in twos if on sale because he's particular to certain brand and style. I wish you continued luck with your mom's medication.

  2. Time to get DH a little pill box!!

    1. He has one, but with the tylenol being as needed it's harder to use that.

    2. Oh DH! Never a dull moment for you!

  3. I wear shoes out faster than your DH. I also wear Sketchers and New Balance running shoes--the Sketchers slip on are for in the house/yard, New Balance for any serious time walking/working in the yard. I need 3 pairs of New Balance/year. When I was running 5+ miles, I had to replace them every 3 months. My dress shoes (sandals and boots) last a long time, because I only bother wearing them when I go out. I think with flat feet it's common to wear them out. We wear out the support faster because we need it more! New Balance are about the only running shoe that works for me, and they are somewhat affordable.

    1. I also wear New Balance tennis shoes. I have an old pair that I love, so I bought another pair that I thought was going to be the same, just in a different color, but their aren't nearly as comfortable. The fabric is stiffer

  4. I still have nice dress shoes in the closet but, all I wear nowadays are sneakers. Love New Balance shoes. They literally saved me from tendon surgery. My grandmother absolutely refused to take anything but Aspirin by Bayer. She never got the concept of generic. Lol!

    1. I only wear sneakers too. And my "chicken" rubber shoes to go out into the chicken coop.

  5. Just wondering about your neighbours. You say the older couple are quiet and not a bother; would it be possible to have a friendly word face to face with them after the son and kids have gone home? They might have some influence in how they behave when they're staying over.

    1. We have tried that in the past. They definitely know how we feel about the barking dogs. It's obvious when their son and family comes, all neighborly consideration goes out the window. I am done trying to remain friendly with them.

  6. Just keep the Tylenol bottle and refill it as needed. Keep the other one out of his sight.

    1. I don't have one, but I should just buy a bottle of Tylenol in the label and refill with generic, LOL.
