Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Let's flush

Dh's labs and xray looked great, so nothing serious is going on, says the surgeon. He thinks it's constipation still going on and/or possibly that there is a big bruise on his stomach at the biggest incision port at the same area he's having pain. Could be nerve pain from it. We did also bring up that the GI dr, when he did the endoscopy, says the tail of his pancreas still looks a bit "off" and he wants to do an MRI on it to check on it a little bit down the road, which is not for a few more weeks. Since the tail of the pancreas is also right where dh is having pain, the surgeon decided to try to get a hold of the GI doctor to see if he thought, with the pain now going on, if the MRI should be done today, since we were already in the city. He said "well, I'm going to try to get a hold of him/his office, they are impossible to get a hold of".  I said yes, I know!  He finally got through to someone there and found dh's GI dr is on vacation but he consulted with their GI team covering for him and they said since his labs are all good, they don't think it's causing this. Surgeon said start taking Miralax and lots of it. Thinks he just needs a good "flush out". He said if this were something serious, he'd be having lots more signs the past couple/few days, that he's having none of, in conjunction with the labs being perfect. So, while they don't know exactly what is causing this extra pain, he said we can rule out anything bad/serious. He also said, give his office a call Monday to tell them how dh is doing. If he's feeling better, we can skip the appt for next Tuesday that was supposed to be his 2 week follow up. So, keeping fingers crossed he'll start feeling better from here on out.

The Hero medication dispenser (when it's plugged in!) is really a godsend to me. Unfortunately with her memory she's taking the meds (daily and at the right times now) but 20 or 30 minutes later she can't remember she took them, so she goes to the machine and presses the button I taped "push" on, trying to take her meds. It (thankfully) then displays to her she has to contact her caregiver, because she's not authorized to dispense more. Then she calls me (not every time) to tell me she's trying to take her meds and it's telling her she's not authorized/call caregiver. I tell her it notified me she already took them. "oh I did?". Now, before this machine I KNOW she was not doubling up on her meds - she's always had more than she's supposed to left over by the time the next refill is done, or pills left in her pillbox when I'd visit, so isn't it strange that now she's trying to over take them? All's I can say is I love this machine. It tells me she took them and exactly what time. She still thinks it's noisy when the pills are dispensing and thinks the whole apartment can hear it. It literally lasts like 10 seconds of a whirring noise as it cycles through each med and drops each one down in the cup. I told her tough on if anyone can hear it - it works and only lasts a few seconds, LOL.

DH's best friend (the one we visited in Texas) sent dh some M&M's yesterday. I said too bad you can't have any yet! He scowled at me. The day surgery staff, who took care of dh while there, sends out a thank you card they all signed. Nice touch.

Back for the afternoon and need to work, but what I really want is a nap.


  1. Hope things are better this evening. At least things sounded positive!

    1. I hope he has a better evening. Last night wasn't as bad as Monday night, at least.

  2. You must be beat. Exhausted even.
    I'm glad there's nothing serious going on.

    1. I am tired. I'm hoping for a decent sleep tonight

  3. We had a medication dispenser like that for my father-in-law. It beeped when it was time to take the meds. He figured out that if he flipped it over it would stop beeping...

    1. oh no! LOL. This one doesn't beep, it's just kind of a nice chime sound. It's also pretty large, larger than my Keurig coffee maker.

  4. That dispenser is ideal for you.
    A success I think. X

    1. it really is a very neat system. Well worth the money and the peace of mind it's giving me. Even though we're dealing with user quirks, haha, it's still great in that I always now know if she got her meds or not.

  5. Now if you can just get mom to leave it plugged in ....

    1. Sigh.....she unplugged it again this afternoon.
