Monday, August 16, 2021

Waiting to hear

And another frustrating day dealing with these inconsistent/poor communication staff. The doctor on Friday evening told me she was putting him on the schedule for the MRI on Monday. It is a mobile unit that is only there on Mondays. She said if he improves a bunch over the weekend and it's not needed we can always cancel the test.

So, at 10:45, yet another dr who has never seen dh, comes in. Says his bloodwork from this morning looks better than yesterday. DH asks her about having the MRI done today. She says something about she doesn't know if one can be scheduled today. Well, apparently dh didn't say to her that he was told it was supposed to be scheduled! God! I am so frustrated. And again,  he had to ask her to call me to update. Hellllloooo....the patients not allowed visitors or to have their "person" there to also talk to the doctor when they come the damn person and update them daily! I told dh the only f'ing time I get an update is because he asked them to call me or I called and asked.

So, I wait about 30 minutes and decide I'm not waiting longer. If he was supposed to have the MRI still, then it needs to get figured out. But, of course I'm told everyone's busy and she can't grab the nurse or anyone that would know to the phone right now, they will have to call me back. DH says ER is slammed and they are all in there now.

I am going to be livid if he was supposed to/should have had an MRI today and it didn't get scheduled like it was supposed to. And if they had decided he's better and it wasn't needed, then wouldn't today's doctor have just said that, instead of saying she doesn't know if they can get one scheduled now for today.

I've kind of had it. They did decide to give dh something for his stomach, settle it, protect the insides and he said that helped a lot. He felt much better after that. Has had broth, jello and apple juice and is up and walking around quite a bit right now. But, he's still on the every 2 hour pain med. I don't know what the procedure/plan is to start weaning him down to see if he's still in pain or not? Again, a question for the doctor.

I did get a reply to on of my messages where I am trying to find out about one of my dad's wives/possible child, but not from the person who I really wanted to hear from. I honestly don't even know why this lady would have my dad on her tree! She's not related to him in no way whatsoever! Weird. Anyway, she had shown my dad having 5 children on her tree (but of course all showing as Private, since all living). I had asked her who she has listed for his children. She had myself and my half sister (listed with his last name) and then one other female listed with his last name. She also had another male and female with a different shared last name.  I told her all 3 of those other children she has shown belonged to a girlfriend he had in later life (me and sis were grown) and he never married her and they weren't his biological children, so that was no help. And that's why all these supposed relatives that go way back for all my ancestors I take with a grain of salt....I have no idea how this lady could have gotten those the children of his girlfriend listed as his kids! There would be no record of that anywhere to find on ancestry. This lady is older, like my dad's age. She said she remembers visiting my grandparents on their ranch, with her parents. Her half sister was in same grade as my dad. Ok....why is he on your tree?? LOL. (I didn't ask that).

The other person I messaged is (I think) the actual son of his 4th wife, who had a baby while married to my dad. Apparently ancestry does not email the person to the email address on the account letting them know they have a message. The only way I knew she replied back to me was because I had put the app on my phone and it notified me. The only other way I would have known is if I logged in to check and if someone hasn't logged in in awhile they wouldn't know there's a new message there.


  1. Is it possible for your DH to call you when the doctor is in the room? There have only been a few times I was not able to be with my husband when the doctor's came in (while he was in the hospital) and so he just would call me when the doctor came in the room and put me on speaker so I could listen, ask questions, etc. I know how super frustrating it is not being there and only working with bits and pieces of information, hang in there.

    1. Good idea, I just suggested to dh that he do this next dr visit.

  2. Can DH call you when the doctor comes in to speak with him?? That way you can hear the convo and ask questions?

    1. I just asked dh to do this - it's a good idea and would save the dr from having to take time to make a call to me

  3. Okay, just because he gets better does not mean much when he becomes worse. That seems to have happened. So, they do need to get this MRI done, I think. I have heard that the stones can move out and then move back. Maybe that is what is happening.

    Didn't you say your father adopted those three children? Maybe not. Maybe this woman has nothing to do and just collects facts about people she knows.

    1. No, every wife (except his first, my mom) had at least 2 kids, most3 and he did not adopt any of them. He never even took care of me or my half sister financially, I doubt there was any way he was going adopt step kids. I'll bet between all his wives I technically had like 12 step siblings, LOL.

  4. I hope, by the time I am writing this, he had been given the MRI. Sending hugs...

    1. Nope! It's late afternoon now, so I'm sure it's not happening.

  5. There are people that will do family trees for the fun of it or volunteer to do them even though they are not connected to your family at all. I have seen this on Ancestry before. There is someone doing this for one of my lines of family. He gets messages from whoever he does this for asking him if he still is interested in continuing this type of work.

    1. oh, that could be why she did it. Well, she's got it all wrong, LOL.

    2. She might have gotten the information from a Census Report during that time. I was able to find out how my grandfather met my grandmother that way by accident. Grandfather was a renter along with two of his friends on her parents property which showed on the Census Report. We had always wondered how they met, mystery solved!
