Friday, August 20, 2021


The dumb part of all this with dh is that it's mostly his hands/wrists that are really hurting him! They really did a number on him with those IV's and the right hand is quite a bit worse then the left. You could see his wrist swollen yesterday. He took a long nap for 2-3 hours after mowing. Then of course he decided he would need to use one of those pain pills they sent home with him.

The GI specialist office called me back about an hour later and said they can get him in next Wednesday now. Not sure if one of the hospital dr's had called them yet, or they figured out something on their own, but she was like "a time just came open". His discharge paperwork had said come for a follow up in the hospital clinic in a week and follow up with the GI specialist. I'm guessing they (like me) were thinking it was going to be 2-3 weeks before he could get in, so they wanted him to get checked out next week to make sure he's still doing ok. Well, that clinic appt got set for next Friday. I really don't see any point in going to that now that he'll be seeing the specialist about the same thing on Wednesday. There is certainly nothing the clinic doctor is going to know/do, if they didn't know while he was in the hospital for 9 days with it, so I'm going to call back today and cancel that appt. And no reason to spend that extra money.

And of course next Wednesday was my appointment for my annual check up. It had taken me like a month to get that, so I figured I'm going to get pushed out another month for it, but she said they can get me in the next day, no problem.

DD will be driving over this afternoon and should be here around 9pm. Hopefully it's not going to rain too much tomorrow and she can do the push mowing part for dh. Otherwise Sunday looks to be no rain. She plans to stay until next Thursday early afternoon. Figuring the lawn will need mowed again and she can do it Thursday morning before she leaves. She is bringing one of her dogs with her. He's kind of he buddy and active, so she hated to leave him all day, while her dh is at work. Their other dog is kind of old and grumpy so he will probably enjoy being by himself all day. LOL.

I've started an "EMERGENCY" folder on my computer desktop she can access should the need ever arise, with all our info. We are also going to get her a house key made while she's here.

In another example of male stupidness, I needed to fill up our dog food bin. It's a 40 lb bag that is on a shelf above our big chest freezer. While he was napping I went out in the garage and got it down. I was able to just slide it down from the shelf to land on top of the freezer, so I wasn't lifting it. Then I slid it off the chest freezer to the floor. Then slid it in to the laundry room. When dh got up (I waited until he got up so the noise of all the food being dumped in the bin wouldn't wake him) I went and got my big plastic pitcher I use in the chicken feed bin and opened the dog food bag up and started dipping the pitcher in the food and dumping in the bin. Easy and no lifting of the 40lb bag. I got about 3 or 4 scoops into it and dh comes out into the laundry room and moves me out of the way and picks up the bag to dump in. Before it even got all the way emptied he realized it was too heavy for him and had me grab it. I got mad and said you know what? There's more than one way to get something done. It would have taken me probably 3 whole minutes to scoop the food with the pitcher until the bag got light enough for me to dump the rest in. And neither of us would have had to lift it. Just stupid.

Not sure how he's feeling yet today. He's still asleep and I'm sure when he first wakes/gets up he's going to act like he usually does, only worse. Once he gets up and moving he always starts to feel more normal. 

So, the tiny little egg I found on the patio last week, that I thought was a bird egg, but how in the world could that get there? there's no nest nearby. Well, after some online research dh is pretty dang sure it was a snake egg!!  EWWWW! It looks just like and the size of pictures he showed me online. And somewhere nearby is probably a nest of the eggs.....


  1. Speaking of eggs...are your chickens out during the day, or in the coop? And, are they still laying? Ever since our stellar layer was snatched at 3 p.m. by a coyote (right in front of me) our chickens haven't been laying. We cooped them until our fencing was delivered, which took about 4 weeks. They're much happier now, as they have about 120 sf of run space, but still not laying. I was told that nobody here free ranges chickens due to coyotes. Also, I am hoping that the fenced area is so close to the trees that the eagles can't snatch my girls. New place, we have to build a run with a screened in top. Well, there'll be plenty of scrap lumber--kids are told once the grading is done, they're up for building it.
    Hang in there!

    1. They are in the coop. We don't have a set up for free range (and would worry about predators and neighbors dogs when they are loose). They are still laying, 3-4 a day (4 chickens), though they still are missing their butt feathers, though it looks like 2 of them might be improving a bit. Some soft feathers starting to show up a little.

    2. I would worry about our eagles here getting them, too. There are two eagles always around.

    3. I have been told that if I have the run area close to the trees, (which I do) the eagles can't get in, as there isn't enough room. Even so, new place, the girls are getting a fully screened in run...something like this, only bigger...and prettier, hopefully.

    4. I would have loved to have a run like that. Where we have the shed/coop behind/below is down hill and the area in front that is flat is our lawn area in between house and shed/coop.

  2. My last two chickens disappeared and I was baffled. they were free ranging. Then a neighbor kid came asking about his cat. It seems two other neighbors were missing cats, too. So, I figured it was the chicken hawks that soared around. If a chicken can get under a bush, they will run there after an alarm call to other chickens.

    When I try to do something, Tommy will tell me to move because he can do it. I know it is difficult for both of us, but he insists on doing things. Like you, I do things the easy way, but he will yank something up all at once.

    1. I really don't need him to be some "macho man" just to prove he can lift a heavy bag. I knew should have filled up the bin before he got home, but there was still some left in the bottom to use up and I wanted to use it up before adding new.

  3. I am no doctor but, I pay attention to every medical issue that happens around me. With that said, if my hands were swollen like that, I would ask to know my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) factor. IV swelling should have subsided by now I think.

    1. I'll be lucky if I get him to follow through with the 2 specialists he's going to be seeing, let alone another one for RA.

    2. I hope, he follows through. In case he needs another blood test, you may simply ask them to add that. Does not require anything else. They will draw blood anyway.

  4. Oh boy. You're going to need something(tranquilizer)for yourself before this is all over.
    Having your dd there should be a bit of a buffer for you. I hope :)

    1. that's what I'm hoping she will be. Even if dh has to be Mr do it all himself, then I'll get her to do a few things for me and give me a little break and recharge.

  5. I love hearing about US wildlife; I would die of excitement if an eagle appeared here in the UK and coyotes just don't feature here at all.
    Not so exciting if they're taking your chickens though. It's foxes here that do the damage; they will break into a chicken coop and kill the entire flock immediately then choose one to run off with.

    1. We do have an abundance of wildlife in the US, that's for sure.I think we have foxes around here too. We've caught skunks on our game camera. My favorite are seeing the goofy wild turkeys.

  6. I worry about coyotes and we're still in city limits. They've been bolder and now, people can have up to three chickens in town. We'll see. Yes, my DH figures his way is best, but I just ignore.

    1. we definitely have coyotes (and wolves) around, we hear them every so often, but haven't seen any.
