Friday, August 6, 2021

There goes the neighborhood

Well, it's official. The 2 vacant lots next to us had realty for sale signs put up last evening. DH is a bit miffed that the realtor used pics showing ours and other neighbors houses more than the lots themselves, but he's private and gets annoyed easily at stuff like that. He's like sure...use our nice homes to sell your property.....He's also annoyed that the ads don't say anything about having covenants (which is rare in this county). Just another thing for dh to complain about. The list just keeps growing. They are asking twice what we paid for the property almost 5 years ago. But, of course we've always known there will someday be a house next to us, just a matter of time.

I've always thought it a bit strange that the guy that has owned these 2 lots the past 13 or 14 years has never been by, that we know of. Seems like a normal person would stop by, after we built, and introduce yourself and say oh, here's my phone number in case you ever need to get a hold of me about my lots (you know, like if there was a fire or something, or someone suspicious on the property, etc).

I'm still waiting to finalize my new homeowner's insurance. The lady emailed me back yesterday to say she was also going to check with another company they are affiliated with called Foremost, as they might have a better rate. I emailed back that is the company Progressive told me they were going to use, but then at the end declined me for something to do with wind/hail coverage, so I asked if she knew what that meant? She said she had no idea, since that is something usually related to a metal roof, which we don't have. She did the first quote so fast, I figured she'd have this other quote, one way or the other, fairly quickly, too.

I ordered 2 luggage racks from Walmart/3rd party seller. It said they would ship and arrive on 8/9. Then I get this email from the seller:

We would like to thank you for shopping with us. But unfortunately the item that you have ordered is no longer available at our warehouse at the moment. That`s why we are gonna send you this product under August 07 . So don`t panic we are extremely sorry for this. We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience. Please feel free to reach out to us in regards to your order if you need further assistance. Best Regards 

What the heck does that mean? LOL. Does it mean they can ship on the 7th? I want them by the 17th,  haha, so I'm hoping that's what they mean. I might panic, then, haha! Then this morning I get an email that one of them has shipped. 


  1. I'm glad you couldn't understand that "August 7th" email either. I read it a couple of times and thought I was losing my marbles!

  2. That was a strange email. I wonder if they are sending you the luggage racks? I got an email from Amazon that said they were sending something I have never even browsed that was very expensive. Well, a follow-up indicated they were sending a box of hair color.

    I can see why your husband worries. I would, too.

    1. I think for now, one luggage rack is on it's way, haha. Dh is a worrier, that's for sure. No wonder he's ill...chronic worrier can equal chronic illness is my theory.
