Monday, August 9, 2021

Not much to say

I don't think I have anything to chat about today! Hmph! LOL.

Let's see........I'm trying to be a bit proactive today and get my payroll questions figured out today instead of tomorrow. There are always questions (typically why is someone on the calendar showing as on PTO, but they are not showing with the day requested off in our payroll system?) and my boss is always busy and sometimes I have to wait awhile to get her to reply. Let's answer them now, haha. Plus, we have so many new employees, it's crazy. And for some reason my boss always misses something in setting them up in the system, so I end up with error type messages while trying to process. This way she has all day to reply to me and I don't feel stressed tomorrow and maybe my boss doesn't feel rushed to figure out the answers. Well. That's the plan, anyway.

My mom's 2 other prescriptions on now on the way (to my address) so soon I will have 3 of her 4. The other one, was a new prescription to replace one she was taking, so that one got shipped right out after her dr appt. I'm still really considering ordering that medicine dispenser program. It has a 30 day money back guarantee, but if I don't like it/it doesn't work for her, if we don't sent it back within 30 days, she is on the hook for a year of the $30 monthly charge. I just want to have the machine sent to me. Fill up her pills (well 3 of her 4, that I will have here) and see how it all works. Then if I think it might be a good thing, I'll take it to her to try out. Hopefully we can figure it all out in 30 days. If not, I guess $360 isn't the end of the world for her money. I think it's worth a try.

Trying to find stuff to read and watch again. I kind of fizzled out during the first part of season 2 of Goliath (Amazon Prime show). I can't remember who commented about that to me awhile back, but said season 2 wasn't very good. It's not. It's weird and gory and no point to the story line, really. I've lost interest. The part of the show I enjoyed, in season 1, was all the lawyer stuff and outsmarting each other. I'm not into some guy sawing off people's body parts and some other guy getting off on watching people with no legs. Just weird. I have been watching season 2 of A Discovery of Witches. I read the books and enjoyed them and the series isn't too bad. I think there are 2 more episodes to air for this season.

That's all I got for now.


  1. I was thinking that your mother won't suffer financially if you get it and it does not work for her. I suppose you could sell it?

    1. apparently it's kind of a rental type thing. If you cancel you have to return the machine or they charge you like $1000 for it. The $30/mo is a year contract, but 30 days to decide or return to not have to pay that all year
