Sunday, August 1, 2021

Searching for the past

In working on my family tree, I had decided to find all I could on my biological father and add that info, even all his 5 marriages and divorces! I found marriage records for all 5, and divorce records for 4 of them. I can't find divorce of wife #3 yet. All the divorce records, except one, cite some wording of cruelty. One says "irretrievably broken". My half sister and I both have always taken his history in with a grain of salt and most times we just kind of have to laugh at it. She kept in touch with him until his death in 2013. I gave up on him long before that, back in about 1992.

She said when he died in 2013, and she went to his house to clean out, the only thing in the whole house neat and organized were the divorce records in his file cabinet! All labeled and chronologically ordered. LOL. I was texting with her Friday and said can you imagine being married 5 times and all ending due to you being an abuser? She has mentioned it before, but she said she really wonders/has a feeling there might be another half sibling we don't know about. I asked her what makes her think so? She said one time, when our dad was having heart/artery surgery she came down from Canada to the hospital for that and a cousin of my dad's was there. She asked my sis "what about his son?". Sis said, there is no son, just me and my older half sis (me). Sis said she never really thought more about it, just figured cousin (who lived in another state her whole life) was mistaken.

But, included in our dad's papers is a "memoir" of sorts he typed out. 10 pages of his life history and alcoholism (quite the story!). Apparently written for his AA. I had never read them, so Friday she took pics of each page and sent them to me. Page 5 discusses his 4th marriage and divorce (he never put any names, just #'s). It sounds like someone he knew from school days. It sounds like the dating was very short period (as all were) and they got married and he said she got pregnant day one and 7 months after they got married she had the baby, that he says was full term, so he said it couldn't be his and he divorced her 3 months later. He also said she had been married before, and had 3 kids already.

Sis and I are wondering if it is possible that baby really was his?? I can't find anything on this wife in records after they divorced. Their divorce certificate says she filed (cruelty) and lists 0 children. From their marriage certificate I found her previous name and her parents names. It also said this was her second marriage and I found her marriage certificate for her first marriage and his name. That divorce was 4 years before my dad's marriage to her and the record says she divorced her first and had 2 children. It's very possible my dad got things confused in his memoirs on how many kids she had. I know he certainly has some years wrong as to what years he was married to some of these women, based on the actual copies of marriage and divorce records I can view online. I was able to find the names/records of the 2 children from her first marriage. A girl and a boy.

I just keep digging and found her father (deceased) in a couple of other people's trees. I was also able to figure out her son's (my age) wife passed away about 7 years ago (so she is shown in a couple people's  tree, not listed as "private"). I found her obituary online and matched her husbands name with the info I had. There is someone with his same first and last name with a public family tree, with this deceased wife and grandfather listed as same person I found as wife #4's father, created in the last year. I decided to send him a message of inquiry and hope he sees it. If his mother is the one that was married to our dad, I want to ask if she had a baby in 1971 and if it's possible it's our dad's child.


  1. Replies
    1. I am more pessimistic than my sis. She thinks there is a sibling, but I'm leaning towards there not being one.

  2. Wow! May be you do have a step-brother. It should be interesting to find out about him.

    1. well, it would be a half-brother or maybe sister. Our dad's "memoirs" didn't say if it was a boy or girl. But it appears that technically there were a BUNCH of step siblings from all his marriages as from what he said and what I'm finding online each wife had at least 2 children already.

  3. Ancestry can be so interesting. We spent some time researching my great-grandfather's second wife. No-one really knew anything about her. He left Canada and moved to Colorado and married her. Turns out she was married about 5 times before being married to my great-grandfather (who had been a Methodist minister). We wonder if he really knew anything about her past? According to the records, she was sometimes married before the previous divorce had gone through. I guess it was easier to get away with things like that before computers!

    1. that is interesting! I have a feeling he didn't know. How long were they married? Sometimes the records can be deceiving though. Like for me and my half sis. We were both adopted by our step dads, so my birth record online shows him as my father, while at the same time shows my mom was still married to my real dad!

    2. They were only married for a year and then he died suddenly. She never remarried (and lived another 30 years) and her tombstone has her name from when she was married to him on it. They weren't buried together. Yes - who knows if the records were wrong or if she was less than truthful. It could be either.

    3. Pretty safe to say someone married 5 times (just like my dad) probably isn't truthful and is the problem LOL

  4. What programs/services do you use to find this info? I love this kind of intrigue. Good luck in getting this all straight.

    1. mostly I am using But to try to find out more (especially with some of these people still living) I am using zabasearch/intelius, google and Facebook. Sis has the copies of the divorce certificates our dad kept, so she is going to scan me the one for wife 3 that I can't find online.
