Monday, August 2, 2021

In search of a wife

We finally got the temp cooled down and a bunch of rain yesterday afternoon. It was so nice. In less than 2 hours our outside temp went from 93 to 70. Lots of thunder and rain which is much needed. But, at 70 degrees outside it was so muggy from all the rain and smelled like wet smoke, from all the fire smoke still in the air.

Linda! My birdie lamp was delivered by FedEx yesterday! It's really cute, but I didn't realize it takes a small candelabra type bulb and I don't have any, LOL. Next trip to the store I'll pick one up. I'll post a pic when I can show it lit up.

No reply yet from that message I sent that guy to see if his mom is the one who was married to my dad. I didn't ask anything about if he has a sibling born in 1971, I just asked if this person who was married to my dad might be his mother. If he replies and she is, I'll go from there. But from some additional searching it appears she is still alive (80 years old, like my mom). She does have a Facebook page that she created a couple years ago, but doesn't seem to use it after that. I found her son (that I messaged, he's my age) Facebook page. I tried to see his and her friends that may have their last name, but while there are of course people, none that look like a potential sibling of ours.

So, it appears after she divorced my dad (married to him 11 months) she went back to her first married last name (of which she had 2 kids from) and it doesn't appear she must have remarried again, then because she still has that last name. I'm pretty sure this is her. Her Facebook info says the name of the town she was originally from, and that is where my dad was from. I am wondering why I cannot find a birth record online of a child born to her in 1971. I just entered the year and state and listed her as the mother, but nothing. Also, in my dad's writings he said he divorced her (due to the baby being born 2 months early and not his). On the divorce certificate it says she filed, due to cruelty. I also lists 0 children from the marriage, so maybe she did admit to him it wasn't his. I hope we can find out one way or the other. You would think, since birth certificates are pretty much done right at birth, since they were married at the time, that it would have listed him as the father. But, it's also possible that she didn't or the child's birth certificate got changed later, legally. That's what happened to both me and half sister's birth certificates/records. Our step father's adopted us, so now if you look at mine (and hers) you will see that it shows my father is my step the same time records show my mom was married to my biological father! That will probably be confusing to ancestry searchers in  years ahead when they get to me, haha! they would be like what the heck?! She was married to this guy, had a baby by the guy she married 11 years later? LOL.

I've also been able to find a bit more info about his 3rd wife. In his writings he had moved to Denver, with .11 cents in his pocket, to get away from his previous lives. He met her, as she lived in same apartment complex. He said she was pregnant and living there because she didn't want her family back in Nebraska to know she was pregnant. She had him for dinner, often. He said he was by her side and held her hand after she gave the baby up for adoption. She then decided it was time to go back home, so he went with her to meet her family (it doesn't sound like they were married). He says her parents were Rich! Her father was mayor and owned businesses. He was in! They got married (though they got married in Denver.....) but his drinking took over again and he was divorced again. Funny, though with this wife, he did not mention she already had 2 children. I discovered this through researching her last name she put on their marriage license. I found her first marriage and divorce record (2 kids). So, she apparently left them to go to Denver to have this baby no one knew about.

I was then able to find her maiden name and who her father was. I found a few articles about him online. He was just as described. A councilman, mayor, local businessman, involved in church, etc. His daughter died 5 years before him at age 60. There are some local articles about his life. His obituary lists he is survived by 2 grandsons, with the same last name as she had on her marriage record to my dad. I wonder if she raised her kids or their father did. She obviously left them, while she lived in Denver, and it doesn't sound like she may have had them when she married my dad and they lived in Nebraska, as he didn't mention them, like he did with all his other wives previous children. And, it makes you her 2 sons even know they have a half sibling out there?? She appears to have remarried at some point, as she died with a different last name, but I can't find that marriage record. I do not know yet how long she was married to my dad. I can't find the divorced record (he says they divorced in Nebraska) and my sis hasn't sent me the copy yet. 

Too many wives! LOL


  1. Crikey that sounds awfully complicated to me! Was your dad married three times or did I miss something? I know I couldn't even begin to go down that rabbit hole because I wouldn't be able to let it be, but it would be interesting too!

    1. Sorry, I was reading your posts in reverse order and now see that he was married 5 times??? Crikey, once was enough for me!

    2. Yes 5 times! That's what I was saying to my half sis - geez, you'd think after say 3 times, all divorced due to cruelty on his part, he would have given up on getting married, LOL. Sis said "but he was trying to find "the one" LOL. I can't let it be, either, haha.

  2. Replies
    1. he was a good looking cowboy and could talk a good talk when he wasn't drinking, that's for sure.

  3. Some people lead interesting lives! Or complicated. My mil married a man after her first marriage who was an alcoholic who kept the alcoholism under wraps until he married her. So, add devious to the list of attributes.

    You would think that the lamp sellers would note the special bulb needed. I am so glad you finally got it. I assume it is okay so far.

    Did you ever get the humidity problem in your home solved?

    1. it seems most of his marriages were shortly after meeting these women (except his 2nd marriage to my half sister's mom). He must have been able to keep his drinking under control for short periods (he was a binge type alcoholic). The lamp is really cute and I'm happy with it. The description does say that type of bulb, but since it's been 7 months since ordered, I probably forgot. No, we haven't gotten the humidity figured out, waiting for insulation guy to return - again....
