Friday, September 7, 2018


TGIF - right?! Other than Monday being the holiday, it looks like the framing guys are pretty much getting in almost full days this week. I say almost, because they usually don't get here until 9:30, take a short lunch and leave by 5:15 or 5:30. They've almost got the house first floor exterior walls up. They are working on the last/hardest part today. The big great room wall that is mostly all windows and tall, up to the ceiling. Now that walls our up, it doesn't make the house seem so big as it looked on paper, which is good. I'm sure once some inside walls are put up, it will not seem so big either.

When I turned in our post office box key, apparently we had been given 2, which I didn't remember. I even got a $3 refund on the key. We did find the other key in DH's truck, so once I turn that one back in I'll get another $3 back.

I had 300 swagbucks points exactly, so I redeemed for a  $3 Amazon gift card and I think I am done with them. I'm just using ebates now and am up to almost $10 and will get a check, but not until like November. That's the bad part, takes a long time to get the rebate check.

My free months (due to giftcard) of Netflix end next week. I'm still watching a show (5 seasons so far watched, out of 10) but trying to decide if I want to spend the $8/mo to keep watching. I still have Amazon Prime and I'm sure I could find something to watch on there to keep me entertained, and pick up on the Netflix show next time I get another giftcard (DD's go to gift for me now that she knows I really like having it).  Then I thought - hey, this is a network show (Heartland) so it also might be available to watch on Amazon. And it is! So, I definitely don't need to pay $8 a month to watch it on Netflix. The only thing I can't watch yet on Amazon Prime Video is season 10.

I have the one manufacturer I deal with at work that for some reason cannot/will not "reply all" to emails. It drives me nuts! Every order I send to them I have someone cc'd (because that is the person who requested/will follow up on it). Any questions they have they only email me, which I then have to forward on to the person I had cc'd in the original email.  I just sent them an order and in the email specifically said if you have any questions or follow up on this please reply back to S and J, cc'd in this email. So, they have a question and only reply back to me. GAH! How hard is it?  It needs to be 4:30 - I am so done with work today, haha.


  1. Your house is now on the fast track!
    You are going to love it!!
    I'm so excited for you. :)
    Have a great weekend,

    1. it's going good so far. I'm sure when it's ready for all the subs, it's going to get super frustrating again. Have a great weekend, yourself!

  2. Is there any way you can replace the slow contractors? You might have to only replace on before the word gets around. I am glad it is going up anyway.

    1. All the contractors and subs around here are so busy it's crazy. It would be next to impossible to find replacements, not to mention would cause much delay.....we're still trying to find someone to come and finish the stone work on the shop....still trying to find a reasonably priced electrician to do our house (since the one we had lined up passed away). The ones that we got to finish the shop were twice the cost the first guy was. We had to get the shop done due to our sale of house in town, so we had to use them. Our contractor just told me today that a guy wanted his son to do like a 1000 sf concrete patio or something and do it in 2 weeks. Told him no way, they were way booked beyond that. Guy said tell me how much to come in 2 weeks. They gave him a ridiculous high number and he paid it, because he can't find anyone else. And now I'm sure someone they had already scheduled is delayed. None of them can find labor to hire, either. So, right now it's just two guys framing our house. It's going to be slow.

  3. I can't bear people like the client who won't cc all. I have had a couple of bosses who would be copied on emails and then forward me an email and ask me to reply on "their behalf" - hit send you bloody idiot. I can understand if they are frantically busy and running out the door but don't send me an email asking me to reply to X when you could just as easily reply yourself. I am also working at the moment with a pompous Greek ass who seems to think we should be running around kissing his coattails (see how polite I was there). Trouble is, I know him, know he isn't competent and have no intention of kissing the ground he walks on. I'm supposed to be working with him on a meeting set up for next April - I haven't told him I'm retiring at Christmas. The boss knows so he will have to sort it out. It's no big deal anyway but to Sergios it will be like treason! Ha ha!

    1. it's so frustrating when it's such an easy fix/thing to do.
