Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blue skies, chilly air

Today's construction is much quieter. They got all the trusses up yesterday (using 4 guys) and today it's just two of them and this morning they worked on building the front entrance wall and put it up over the door. The two triangles will be windows. The tree branch.....it's an offering to the trees that got cut down to build the house.

Blue skies, still, but it's getting chillier and chillier out. I heard our heater kick on for a bit during the night. We just need to keep the snow away until they get the roof on.

I received the check for the refund of my escrow account on my sold home mortgage.  As far as I know that and the $50 check from home owner's insurance is all I'm getting back. I did get a $21 credit balance from putting Dish on hold. That will cover 4 months of the $5 a month fee for having it on hold.

That's about all I know today. Just plugging along with it all.

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