Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Can you hear me now?

Yesterday was a bit of a struggle with work. New things to learn. First, I needed to get my new email "signature with new logo" attached. An IT guy logged into my work computer and did that. Then I needed to have access to the new phone system. That one is a bit of a challenge. A different IT guy called me and walked me through various steps.

Since I get my work calls through my cell phone, I had to download an app for my phone. And pay for a years subscription. (which I will get reimbursed for). The app I had to pay for comes with a free weeks trial. I then got an email from Apple confirming the subscription and payment method was the last 4 digits of my old card. When I got my new debit card, recently, I did not think about updating it with Apple. I never buy apps, so didn't even think of it needing to be updated there. I went to Apple and updated my payment info, so hopefully, in a week, it knows to charge this new card now and not the old one.

Then I had to open a program on my work desktop via the internet. This is basically our "phone system". It's confusing. It takes up a whole screen to view.  Our old system was a separate program (not a web browser deal) that we could open as kind of a side bar size format and see a vertical list of staff, if they were in/out/vacation/lunch, etc. It was easy to use and you could just leave it open on your desktop to access when needed.

This new system integrates with the app I had to download. It basically has it's own screen for making/taking calls, separate from my cell phones regular calls. A feature this new system has (the old one didn't) is that if I am on a call I received at my work extension and I need to transfer it to a co-worker, I can now do this. I don't know how to do this yet, but I can. LOL.  I also need to have my phone app open to have it working and be able to take calls. We did a couple of test calls. One worked and one didn't, so I'm not feeling confident it actually works.

This morning, with my status set as still "gone for the day" I used my landline and called my direct work line. Got my vociemail. Then I set my status to available and called. Got my voicemail, which was correct, as I had not opened the app on my phone yet.  Opened the app and called and the call came through. Set my cell phone down for a minute, where the phone went to "sleep" or whatever it's screen...and called my direct line. Call went to voicemail.  Wrong. Apparently, the app disconnects once my phone goes to sleep. I figured out all on my own to turn on "enable push notifications". Let my phone go to sleep and tried again. It went to voicemail. But this time I did get a "notification of missed call".  No, I want to be able to answer the call. Grrrr! I was going to email the IT guy, but decided to try calling one more time and it worked. I guess we'll have to see if it works on a regular basis.

I'm sure it's a much better system. It's just new and confusing. Now, if I want to call a co-worker, rather than having to dial their direct line from my cell phone, I can be logged into this desktop webpage, click on the person I want to call and my cell phone will call them. Also, if I have a voicemail I can click on it and send it to my phone and my cell phone will call me and play the voicemail. Plus, now when my cell rings I can tell if a call is for work or not. Most of the calls I get are out of state mfg's calling me, so various area codes. I also get those pesky spam calls, which I end up answering because I don't know if its a work call or not. Now I can ignore those ones coming through.

It sounds like there is some grumbling with those trying to use it, especially the ones that are on the phone a lot. Some headsets/ear pieces work, some don't, the program sometimes freezes up, etc

That being said, from some pics I've seen the new office sure looks nice. Very modern and open. All the cubicle walls are low, like a foot higher than desktop. I'm not really sure I'd like that. I like my privacy LOL. Plus, higher walls cut down on all the noise of people talking on their phones.  The office location is much nicer than previous area. The parking lot/street aren't surrounded by homeless rv's. There is a bike path along a river. Bikes available to ride during lunch. A coffee bar and espresso machine in the kitchen area. If I had still lived back there, my commute to work would have been about 12 miles less each way, saving a bit of time. I'm still very glad I am here at my home office, able to work remotely.


  1. It all sounds like things are working out nicely for you. As for the noise in cubicles, the walls may have more insulation for noise. Surely, will all they are spending, they would not make the environment more noisy, thus stressful. IF I worked in a cubicle, I would like a ceiling and a

    1. ya, it would be interesting to see how the noise is there. there basically are now walls between the desks now. You can sit at your desk and look right across (over top of monitor) and see all the people around you. Some people talk a lot louder than others and you could hear them in our old office...with tall cubicle walls LOL

  2. You will get the bugs worked out of the phone system. Anything new and different has a learning curve, as well as a tech curve while IT figures everything out. Just be thankful you are not in one of those partial cubicles.

    1. a manager just sent out a reminder to everyone in the office that now that they are an "open office" people need to remember customers and mfg's that are visiting and sitting/standing at various desks around the office can hear everyone now and to be careful what you are yes, glad I'm not in an open office. I think it would be too distracting.

  3. On site or off site, your work sounds like a good place to be employed.

    1. it sure is! I'm sure everyone is loving the new office

  4. My goodness all that techie stuff does my head in. I guess unless you are interested in it you can't be bothered to figure it out, right. Thankfully we have a very efficient IT Division at work to sort the likes of me out! Just curious though, what's a homeless RV? Anna

    1. a homeless rv is the "epidemic" of homeless/druggies living in RV's (motorhomes) anywhere they feel like parking. They are everywhere in the big cities on the west coast. They park on the streets in business areas as well as in residential neighborhoods. The city gov't as well as city police have given up trying to enforce the laws to keep them from parking. At my old office, before I moved, we had one that was regularly parked across the street (taking up employee and visitor parking). When I went back for my visit last September there were now 4 rv's. They've moved in. If they don't live in an rv then they live in tents under the freeways.
