Sunday, July 2, 2017

Saturday happenings

Yesterday was a pretty packed day, but it still seemed relaxing. We got up and left the house around 8:30. Took DH's pickup and picked up our little dump trailer from friends, that had a little gravel in it. Friend had bought a load of gravel and DH needed just a little bit too, so he left enough in it for him. Then we went the extra 15 miles into the city and bought a tree at Lowes. It was the last thing to plant in our backyard. They were all 50% off, so we got a nice 6ft tree for $38. I've been wanting to more comfortable seating on our front porch - just a couple of nice chairs with cushions, but they didn't have a lot of selection and the only one's I liked was a chair set with a small table - on sale for $300! So, that wasn't happening. I bought 2 pretty cushions for our existing seats (my $10 garage sale buy a few years ago) instead. $38 much better than $300

We got the gravel dumped at our shop doors (at the edge of alley) so it's all more level to the garage floor and the alley. Then DH took our trailer back to friends, while I stayed home and took a short nap with the dogs. When he returned we planted the tree and a little ornamental grass plant we bought out front.

We rested a bit and then around 3:30 headed up into the mountains to go have hotdogs and fixins at the campsite our neighbors across the street were at for the weekend. They are caretakers of an old mining camp up in the hills. It's remote and most people would not even know it's back there on this little side road. They have been doing this for years and years. It was our neighbor couple and one of their sons, his wife and baby. So peaceful and relaxing (other than the mosquitoes, but they had some spray).

As we were sitting around the campfire our awful renter neighbors got brought up in the conversation and our friends son had some info on them. He lives/works in the city, for the city doing like road maintenance type work. He said one of his coworkers was telling him about his wife's sister and her husband, that live in our town and had called him up, asking if he knew of any place to rent in the city because they were getting booted out of their house. Our neighbors son was like "wait - they live in my town (where he grew up and his parents, our neighbors, live)? what are their names?" So the coworker told him and said where his brother in law worked and our neighbors son told him "oh god, those are the people that live across from my parents and everyone has all kinds of problems with them". His co-worker said "ya, they are lowlife's. She's my wife's sister and she's a mess and her husband is just a lowlife".

So, apparently the renters called their brother in law to see if he knew of any rentals in the city, since he drives around the city all the time and thought he might have noticed for rent signs. We asked our neighbors son how long ago this was and he said about a week ago. Could it really be true?!! It gave us hope they might actually be moving at some point soon!

I have all next week off work and it's going to be 100 degrees. UGH! Not looking forward to that. Too hot to do anything outside, like go on hikes. Maybe we'll have to try it first thing in the morning, I guess.


  1. 100 is mighty hot. Maybe you can do something cool and indoors instead.

    1. yes, we're either going to have to stay home inside or find something to do where there is a/c! Too hot!

  2. I love the chair set. The cushions were a cheap fix and pretty. About two years ago, I found $50 chairs on sale at Lowe's for $12.50. Those are the first new chairs ever. Usually, I pick up something at a yard sale or just stuff on the side of the road. I may look for cushions on sale as I have none for any of my chairs.

    I hope your neighbors leave and hope you get less annoying neighbors! All the renters behind me are not good neighbors. Owners are better neighbors so far.

    1. I know not all renters are bad and not all home owners are good, but we sure haven't had any luck with having renters for neighbors. At least they have been gone since last Thurs night ;)

  3. Thought I would stop by and say hello!!!!!!

