Saturday, April 8, 2017

The alley

I don't know if it's our imagination or what, but that strange neighbor lady behind us, on the other side of the alley, is quite the odd duck. We are rarely out in the alley. Even though our big shop doors open up the alley side, DH doesn't open them up often, since the shop is just used for storage and if he needs to get in there for something he goes in through the "man door" that is on the other side of the shop, facing our house.

Neighbor lady is across the alley, down on one end of the alley, we are on the other side about 3/4 of the way down toward the other end of the alley. There is just one other house - the house directly next door to us, towards her end. It's just a narrow, one lane dirt road alley.

We've used the alley a couple of times this past week. Last Saturday friend came and picked up the little dump trailer. He pulled in the alley down at our end, when he left he pulled out the other end (where neighbor lady's house is). Sure enough, the next day her grown up son (he's like 40 or 50) drives down the alley to go to her house. Apparently gotta check out what we did in the alley!

Thursday DH was outside in our little backyard spreading some weed killer (NOT in the alley -heaven forbid!).  Sure enough, later just before dinner time, her son drives down the alley again (not slowly, either), stops and goes in her house several minutes and leaves. So strange. He actually has to go out of his way to drive in our end of the alley to go to her house.

I'm sure she was apoplectic after friend pulled in the alley again the other evening, and then again this morning, and backed in our backyard to dump the rock and when done pulled out down her end of the alley again. LOL. What, does she think the alley only belongs to her or something? I don't know. Her son just did it again yesterday - goes flying down this alley, goes into her house for like 5 minutes and then leaves. People are strange! I think DH has decided he's just going to go out there everyday - open up our doors, mess around, use the alley to access our big doors, etc. Might as well make her son come over every day LOL


  1. She is the alley neighbor who was offended by his mowing? If I were your husband, I would take a little stroll down the alley, too. "Let's give them something to think about."

    1. Yes same neighbor. About every week or two she leaves for a couple days, so DH figures he can mow our part of it then LOL

  2. She may have Alzheimers. My neighbor did and no one told me. She saw everything that happened and was up all night, I do believe. She drove me nuts. She came in my yard to prune shrubs--my shrubs that were between our homes. If an insurance man came by, she came to see what was going on. I was paying someone by the hour to work. I turned my back and she had him in her backyard diagnosing her auto that would not run. I told him to come back and he was peeved until I told him that she would keep him there for hours. She had ripped the transmission going over something, so son put the car in backyard. They did not want her driving, so they did not repair her car. She knocked on my door and then tried to come in. She did not bathe, so she was always nasty. Things could be worse at your Even when I knew what was wrong, she still made me crazy.

    1. I don't think so. She still drives and we've talked to a couple of others in town who apparently don't think much of her either. She's just a nosy, unhappy lady.

  3. Certainly sounds like both the mother and her son have some issues. I'd probably do the same and give them something to wonder about. lol

    1. Definitely the son does, too. This is a small town, so people talk and before we even moved here and were looking at a couple of houses for sale, we were talking to one of the neighbors on another house we looked at (they happened to be outside) and his name was actually brought up (of course we didn't know anything/anybody at that time) because the house was near the school. He thinks he's some big man in town (he runs the 2 schools) and then the neighbors at our property know of him too, of course. Our neighbor across the street mentioned him too. So far, not one single person has had something nice to say about him. Whatever! Guess he'll be busy checking out the alley every day LOL.
