Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Oh Good Grief!

So over the weekend while we were working on beautifying our little yard, DH had about a wheelbarrow full of dirt and rocks from digging out some of the holes. Most of the dirt he used elsewhere, but this stuff had too many rocks. He didn't want to dump in it a pile on top of our nice newly graveled area around the shop because it would be too hard to shovel back up, so he put it in 2 small piles right up next to our big shop doors, that sit right on the edge of the alley. I'm talking like 2 small piles - about 2 feet wide and maybe out from the shop doors about a foot. It would be easier to shovel up from the hard dirt/grass ground right there, than on our graveled area. And of course we didn't want to dump in on our just seeded lawn area.

He plans to use a little of it to fill in a low spot and the rest will probably just get spread out right in front of the shop doors, as it's kind of a low spot there and driving something into the shop you kind of have the concrete floor up a bit higher. Anyhow - regardless, it's like a wheelbarrow amount of dirt in 2 small piles.

As he was putting it there, he said "watch - old bitty neighbor lady is going to be calling her son or someone from the city or county is going to show up asking about it". Sure enough later Sunday afternoon he shows up for about 15-20 minutes. Then this morning we are sitting in our office at our computers and see a "city" truck pull in the alley, pull up behind our shop for just a few seconds and then back out down the alley and head back towards town. DH is FUMING right now.

I had told him on Sunday, when he made the comment that he's probably right and just say "hey, I'm in the middle of a landscape project right now. It's not blocking the alley in anyway and it will be moved when I have time (and the muscle energy back) to get it moved later this week. OMG! You should have seen the alley and the area around and in front of the shop when we moved in! The previous owner had crap laying all over AND in the alley (that he kindly left for us to clean up) not to mention all the pick up loads of crap on the other side of the alley - from neighbor lady!

But the city has no problem with our junky neighbor with his junk vehicles and auto parts laying on the shoulder area of the street in front of his house - clearly city property! No problem with them tying their dog up outside and he just barks and barks, non stop.

What the hell is wrong with these people? You have someone move into your economically dying city/county, who want to live quietly, make their place look nice, mind their own business, AND more importantly SPEND their money in your city/county and have to treat people like this? I'm sure as slow as these people all seem to work, it'll be 2 weeks before we get a letter or something about it, which of course, by then DH will have it picked up anyway. We've been trying to laugh it off every time DH goes outside and does something in the back yard (not even going in the alley) and she has to have her son come drive down the alley, but this is pretty much past our tolerance level for stupidity.

Did I mention NO one uses this alley? Of the 3 houses on the alley, we are the only lot which actually would have a need to use it (because of the shop) and we don't even use it, other than rarely. I'm sure our previous owner used it on a regular basis. It appeared he parked his pickup in back here. One time there was someone from the electric company in the alley working up on the pole.


  1. Goodness I hate neighbors and towns like that! If it's on your property what could the city/county even say in the letter? Surely a small pile of dirt isn't creating a nuisance compared to what you've described of the junky folks!! People are crazy. Kind of lights a fire to get your build going, doesn't it? Do you have a timeline for your other property? I dream of building some day!

    1. I went out and looked at it again. I don't even think it was a wheel barrow full - more like a 5 gallon bucket amount. We plan to do the site work this summer and start the build next spring. So, about another year or so is hopefully all.

  2. That neighbor and her son sound certifiably crazy! Good motivation to build and move!

    1. This afternoon a grandson or someone started mowing her lawn. Then the son showed up and some other guys and they sold an old horse trailer that sits out in the back. Then DH showed me the pile of dirt and rocks on the other side of the alley directly across from our shop. Oh really? LOL. If the city actually says something to us about our little pile, we'll say "oh, you mean this pile?" SO STUPID!!

    2. meant to add - you can't really see the pile of rocks and dirt on the other side because of her weeds we can't mow :/

  3. The city is obligated to check out all complaints. They may have tagged her and son as pains, but they will come check. They may write you a letter to assuage this guy. He may even have a crony in the city. Call the city and make appointment. Point out in the meeting that apparently these two loons are on your case and you just wonder why you are always being checked out after the son's complaints. You could even take pictures of your place and her junk/weeds and ask who is the problem. I would not sit and fume about these kooks. Do something to stop them. Oh, yeah, and keep us posted as this is amusing and interesting even though it is making you crazy. You should walk in front of her house and drop a small golf-ball-sized rock and see if son comes to check. They are minor tyrants.

    1. Yes, I was wondering if the city person looked at it and thought it was ridiculous and will just tell her son it's not an issue or if they will actually send something about it. DH did take a picture of it. From what we had/have heard the son is exactly what you said "a minor tyrant". Well, DH likes to work on in the yard and that will include the back yard (she can't see our front)so I guess she'll have to have her son over all the time "checking" LOL.

  4. I hate to say it, but life long residents may get more privileges than newcomers. The whole town may be suspicious of new comers until they've proved themselves. Sometimes towns are that way.

    1. oh, I'm sure they do. She/her son are life long residents and he thinks he's a big shot, LOL. Funny, though that a majority of the people we have met and talked to, turns out they are transplants too, like us. At least the guy who lives across from us (life long) is super nice and friendly. The monthly city and county council meetings you can watch online are a hoot to watch too. No wonder this area is so economically depressed. They reminded me of our racing club meetings LOL
