Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Rolling forward

OK, things are moving in the right direction now. My agent texted me on my way home that we were now in primary position with our offer on the (second) house! Then shortly after my broker called and said she got the buy/sell agreement from my agent and was getting the ball rolling on closing - set for Sept 21st.

Here's a sneak peak at the little house that we'll be getting:

We plan to do a little more landscaping out front there. You can't see it in the photo, but there is also a 20x30 shop behind the house that you access from an alley way.  It has a cute little covered front porch area and the front and side yard is fenced in, so great for our dogs.

Can't wait to get there and just breath and relax! It's going to be so quiet compared to here, that's for sure. I can't even imagine quite yet how much different our lives will be going from big metro city area (let alone this drug neighborhood) to this little town of like 600 and only 4,000 in the whole county :)  I think we will like it very much.


  1. How wonderful! I am so glad you can breathe easy now. Good Luck with all the procedures and processes from now on. Wishing you a smooth ride.

    1. Thank you. I'll really breathe easy when our house sale is signed and a done deal. My chiropractor just told me his house sale horror story....now I'm freaked out again LOL

  2. Omg I love it! Look at all that space!!! I am giddy for you! Xoxo

    1. Thanks! it's actually a pretty small lot. there is a house right next door on one side, but on one side is vacant lot, across street is all vacant and on the side of the vacant lot across street is small county hospital. Should all be pretty dang quiet :)

  3. So adorable...hubby would kill for a place like that

    1. it is a pretty cute little house. I'm looking forward to sitting on that front porch and just relaxing and reading a book :)

  4. So nice and peaceful.
    You have to be thrilled.
    Congrats to you both!

  5. that house looks perfect, roll on September 21st......
