Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lost in the changes

I changed my blog background/template and seem to have lost my followers! Oh no! I liked seeing my followers! The "widget" isn't working on my desktop, it just says "Followers" and nothing is below it. But, on my ipad mini I can see them there just fine.  Hmmpf! I hate trying to figure out little glitches.  Everything else seems to be working fine. I'm afraid if I delete the widget and then re-install it, I'll lose everyone.

Segue into my son, who seems to be another "lost" one. He's finally out of Canada, and back in the U.S., but still almost 1000 miles away.....again living in someone's spare room and doing odd jobs. He'll be 23 next week and just seems to be floating along getting by at the minimum.  This latest move just took place less than 2 weeks ago, so not sure how long it will last. I tried to suggest he come home, get a good full time job, so he can save his money for racing or whatever, but he seems to think sporadic work, that he gets paid fairly well for, is going to come out ahead over a steady paycheck. Sorry to burst your bubble, Bud, but you aren't going to make $50k a year working odd jobs in some podunk small town. Ah well, it's his journey and lessons to be learned.  I just see his friends on Facebook starting to act like adults. Either with college degree or not, they have full time jobs, one just bought his first house, another on his 2nd or 3rd promotion at his job, doing well. Another with a new baby and working hard to be responsible and take care of baby.

I only have to feel lost one more week and then DD is coming home for the weekend :-).  Her roomie is making a very quick trip, for family reasons, out of the country mid week and returns Sunday evening and DD will be picking her up from the airport. Since the airport is closer to us than to college DD figures it's a good time to come home for the weekend and pick roomie up at the airport on the way back to school.

DH is just a lost cause, but he will always be, LOL  He's doing fairly well with the adjustment of DD gone, so far. But, she is good about daily contact, even if it's just comments to his posts on Facebook, so that seems to keep him content.  He's even been loading the dishwasher and unloaded it! I don't expect that to last, though.  HAHA!


  1. The "lost" child may not be lost forever, just enjoying different experiences now while he young and unencumbered. My son did something similar, although not wandering terribly far, just sort of drifting with work and not going to school or thinking about what he might want to be when he grows up. The last couple of years (he's now 27) have been much better! Back in college and involved with a sensible girl who encourages him to pursue the more traditional route to adulthood.

    1. Oh, I'm sure he'll come around. I just thought after this past 14 months of being in Canada, he'd have been ready for break at home for awhile to get some work and earn some money.

  2. I can totally understand where your son is coming from. He will have his entire life to work a full time job and pay bills that miraculously appear when you get a good job. I took 4 years off after high school to work, party, travel and whatever else. Then I went to college and worked part time. If I had to do it all again I would but I would do even more of the extreme of being a ski bum and rafting guide. He will find himself with time.

    1. I guess, now that it's been over 4 years since he graduated high school, I was hoping to see that he was ready to start heading in the more traditional direction with his life. Hopefully he finds what he's looking for.
