Friday, September 6, 2024

Signing out

This should be my last post for about 10 days or so. We will have internet on board the cruise, so I may just post a picture or two each day, instead of writing out a post. I can't type well on my ipad. 

I'm pretty much ready to go. Just will need to add the things I use tomorrow morning getting ready, into my suitcase. Both our suitcases are jam packed. We will have the backpack, that will have the 12 pack of Mountain Dew in it, but coming home that will be empty and we can use that for any purchases or stuff things from our suitcase into it, if we need to fit a purchase into a suitcase.

Work wise, I've got everything on my list to get done before I leave done. Now I'm just kind of half working/half not. Getting personal things done and checking work emails for the next couple of hours in case there is something that needs to be done before I'm off.

Packing, I think I'm going to cut down one pair of jeans and a couple of tops. I can easily wear a few of the tops more than once. That'll make a bit more room. I usually wear my jeans several days, as long as I don't spill something on them or not outside working in the yard. Plus I have a pair of tan colored jeans, that are new, I can wear a couple of times.

Not sure yet what time we are leaving tomorrow - probably get going around 8 or 8:30 in the morning, since it's about a 7 hour drive. DD has made plans for us to go out to Mexican food one of the nights and will do the Costco chicken penne pasta for the other dinner. Mexican food sounds really good - we haven't been to a Mexican restaurant in a long time.

I hope to have lots to tell of our travels, when I return.