Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Resuming blogging

Resuming blogging will have to wait until I am over the Covid we came down with the last couple of days of the cruise. Hopefully tomorrow.


  1. I just finished a cruise with three friends. Two came down with Covid days apart. Luckily they each had paxlovid to take and each felt better within three days. All three had had vaccines within the last month. I had Covid at the beginning of August so did not get it. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. We got sick on or just after EACH of our three cruises, and that was before COVID. That’s just one of the many reasons I said NEVER AGAIN to cruising. Gah. I barely tolerated the for cruise, and they went downhill from there. Feel better! -Meg B.

  3. UGH! Please rest up and hopefully the symptoms are mild. Sigh!

  4. What bad luck.
    I hope you don't feel too grotty.
    Home soon to your lovely house and your own bed xxx

  5. Bummer!!
    Rest & feel better soon:)

  6. Too bad you got sick. This is why I unfailingly wear a mask still! I hope you get better soon.

  7. Oh I'm so sorry. Hopefully you will feel better soon!
