Thursday, September 19, 2024

Alaska Cruise - part 1

I'm trying to work today. Sleep has not come easy the past 2 nights, but I'm at least managing to get through all my emails and keep up with new emails that are coming in today. I took yesterday day off, hoping I would be all better by today. It not happening yet.

Lot's of blogging days to catch up with! I'll try to condense the recap as much as I can.

We left to head for DD's the Saturday morning before the cruise. We took off around 8:30am and got to her place at around 2:30. For Amos transport we had our larger cage/crate in the back canopy area, with his litter box and a little food. But, dh wanted to try him up in the cab first to see how he did, so we put him in the small cat carrier and set that in the back seat floor. I had given him 3 drops of the cat cbd oil I got to try. I just did the very minimum the directions recommended, since I hadn't given it to him before. He was totally perfect all the way there. After we stopped in town and got gas, and got on the freeway, dh opened the carrier door and we just let him be free. He spent most of his time inside it, but would occasionally come out. So, it was a good drive over there, other than the traffic hitting the metro area, but that's just normal there, LOL.

We hung out at their house for the afternoon and then went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. DH loves carne asada, so he was excited to finally have that again. The rest of the evening the guys watched a race on tv while dd and I worked on a puzzle she had started.

DH said he needed more underwear for the cruise (turns out he did NOT! good grief - he brought twice as many clothes as I did!) so Sunday morning dd and I took off, stopped to get coffee's, and went to Kohl's for underwear. I kind of wanted to look for a new purse and also I have been trying to find a dark brown lightweight cardigan sweater. When we walked in a greeter handed us each a mystery coupon. DD's was $5 Kohl's cash and mine was $15. Nice. I found a purse, on sale for 40%off. At first I wasn't loving it, but it was "ok". Also not a color (like a bone color) I would normally pick, but it ticked off all the features I was looking for. Turns out now I love it! It's the perfect size and also has a divider inside to help keep things separated. And outside end pockets that my phone will slip into perfectly, so it is easy to retrieve and not be digging around in my purse to find it. No luck finding a sweater though. We also tried Marshalls.

On Saturday night, while getting into his large leather duffel bag, dh said it felt "sticky" and smelled. He's only used it the one time, when I bought it for our trip to Utah, so he hasn't used it in 15 months. He wanted me to pick up a new suitcase for him while we were out shopping. Then dd said he could just use her really large suitcase, she won't be needing it any time soon, so we opted for that, rather than spending the money on another suitcase.

After we grabbed some lunch at their house, we then went to see the 5 acres property they will be building their house on. I had seen it last time I was there, but dh had not. Their neighbor (they will share a driveway) was out mowing so we all chatted with him quite awhile. OMG - LOL - I think he and dh are brothers from another mother! I was like OMG dd, you are moving in next door to your dad! haha!

Dinner was some Costco pasta and just relaxing for the evening. We needed to leave around 9am in the morning to head to the cruise pier.


  1. I am excited to see your recaps but please make sure you are resting!! Take another sick day if you need to. Rest is so important!

  2. 1st, take care of you!
    2nd, I think we all (readers) want all the scoop on your cruise 🛳

  3. My mom and our next door neighbour used to just cross their arms and lean on the garden fence to yack. You may need to get one installed for your DH!!! Oh and I hope you feel better soon! Covid fatigue is nasty!
