Sunday, September 22, 2024

Crawling out from under the rock

I will be so happy to be over this bout of Covid. While the cough has subsided quite a bit, it's still definitely there. We had to go get groceries, (we now test negative) so I put in a Walmart order for pickup between 5 and 6pm yesterday. That was a good time to go into the city. I just wanted a vanilla milkshake. DH, who is showing more signs of life then me, finally ate a normal meal of a burger, fries and a coke. So far, I just still mostly sleep - and then more sleep.

I got some sad news last evening that my aunt passed away yesterday. She's my mom's older brother's ex wife (but they were married for like 30 years). A very sweet woman, who I did get to talk to on the phone for awhile after my mom died, so I'm glad I got a chance to talk to her. I think she was in her mid 80's, a couple years older than my mom. (She's also the grandma of the cousin's daughter who recently contacted me about ancestry). I did also let my uncle (my mom's younger brother) know - hard to say if any of them would think to get a hold of him. Even though she and my uncle divorced, she was always still considered a daughter by my grandparents and still just as much family.

We'll see how much energy I manage to have today. Maybe I'll be able to feel like writing some more about the cruise. Reading the Facebook page that was for this cruise  - we aren't the only one's who got sick.

Nothing has sounded good, at all, to eat so far. But, I also didn't have much left in the fridge to choose from this past week. I'm hoping now that we're stocked up again, my appetite will start to come back. 

I had the cutest exchange with the young man who brought our grocery order out to our truck. He was grabbing the bags of out their blue bins and noticed inside one was jello pudding mixes. Suddenly he exclaimed "Cheesecake pudding mix?!!! Are you SERIOUS?!! OMG!" I said yep, it's SO GOOD!. He was so excited. "I never knew such a thing existed! I'm so excited. I can't wait to text my wife about it!" LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. COVID fatigue. We all had a bout with it earlier this summer courtesy of my daughter, but I suffered the most, probably because , unlike the rest of the family, I never got around to getting my boosters. I had three weeks (+) of fatigue, and absolutely no appetite. The fatigue was severe. I would find myself asleep on the couch with no warning! I still have a slight cough. Everyone else barely event noticed they were sick…mild cough, bit of congestion were about it. Take it easy on yourself! -Meg B.
