Saturday, December 10, 2022

Stains gone

The carpet cleaning guy got to mom's place a little after 2pm and was able to drag their big long cleaning hoses up through the window in the 3rd floor, LOL. I was watching on the camera when he first got there and then he said "I was told it was just the bedroom" so they went in there and he's like ok, I'll get this clean and mom says "yes, someone brought their dog in here".....From the camera video it appears he cleaned all the bedroom carpeting, not just the stain area, so that is nice. From the camera view it looks nice and clean. I'll see when I go in on Sunday. Or might wait and take some time off and go in on Tuesday mid day. We're kind of just watching the weather forecast at this point.

I was thinking of taking her computer with me next visit. It's one of those kind that's a monitor/computer all in one, so it's really just the monitor to carry out. My goal is to also fill up one garbage sack and dispose of it more stuff in the big garbage can that is in the laundry room on her floor. Do this every visit, so I have less to get rid of at moving time. DD said she agrees it would be easier to just have her fly over for a couple days to help rather than using up 2 days of driving here and home. But, then when I got up this morning I had a thought that if I remove the monitor she will then notice the modem behind it and probably try to mess with it and then my wifi connection to her cameras will be lost. I think I'll just let it stay where it is.

She did not have the best evening last night. A little after 6:30 she was being restless like she was looking for something or trying to figure something out. I was going to call and she left her apartment. She did come back shortly and her guy friend was with her (he has a walker now) and he's standing just inside her apartment and he says "your bedroom door isn't locked" (it was wide open). She says "what?" he said "you said your bedroom door was locked". Then she says "oh, I don't know...." and he told her to go check her bathroom door, which was also fine and then she said "oh, ok, you can go back to your place now, I don't need to bug you" or something like that. A couple minutes after he left I called her and it was something about not being able to lock her door so she could sleep. After a couple minutes I think I got her calmed down that her door was ok. I also suggested she get her nightgown on and ready for bed.

She then did walk into her room and had her nightgown in hand. She walked out of her room, turning light out and over to her recliner, turned light out and was sitting in her recliner, fully dressed. I'm like No! She is not sleeping in her clothes, in her recliner all night again. I called her back. I'm sure the room is a little lighter than it shows on the camera (and her digital clock/calendar throws off some light) but she's talking to me on the phone in the dark. I told her its time to get her nightgown on for bed, that I didn't want her to sleep in her recliner. She said she doesn't have anywhere to sleep here. I said yes, you have a bed in your bedroom. She said she doesn't know. I said turn a light on so you can see! and then I said go into that other room, you will see your bed. So she did and then seemed ok. When she got off the phone she turned the light out and went into her bedroom/bathroom and I didn't see any movement for awhile. Then about 20 min later she called me asking if I just tried to call her. I didn't think to say it might have been uncle (and a look on the call log this morning and it was). She went back to her bedroom, with her top and underwear still on and went right to bed and slept in that. Well, at least she slept in her bed all night. I have been trying to tell uncle that it's better now if he calls during the day, as she's going to bed pretty early these days. I will try to remind him again. Even if he calls her at 7pm, she's likely snoozing in her recliner and so when talking to him she's going to be even less "with it" at that time. At least it's Saturday now and K is back on duty, so I always feel more at ease with that. And she'll get her a shower this morning.

Today I'm going to get our Christmas cards addressed and ready to go. I should probably start wrapping some presents. They are starting to pile up next to my desk and on top of my filing cabinet. DH always wants to get something for the delivery drivers and mail carrier. I try not to get the same thing every year. This year I decided to go with Frango's. Does anyone know what those are? I know they were pretty regional to the area I grew up in, sold by a nice department store called "Frederick and Nelsons". They were a melt in your mouth chocolate mint I fondly remember almost always having at Christmas time, growing up. Years later the store sold to "The Bon Marche", which later sold to Macys. You can still get Frango's at Macy's, I discovered, so I ordered 4 boxes (an extra "just in case"). They don't come in the cute little box they used to always come in, now a flat box. I wonder if they even taste the same. It's been many years since I had Frangos. Dh's mom used to always get me some for Christmas. It was either that or she would get Brown and Haley's (another local chocolate maker) Almond Roca. Another of my favorite (thought not for my teeth!). Speaking of Brown and Haley's. Years ago, I used to carpool to work with a girl and her sister, who was pregnant with twins at the time, went into labor. I may remember the story wrong, but it's quite the story. Her dh went to get her to the hospital and their car wouldn't start! They had to call a taxi. She couldn't make it to the hospital and started having the twins in the taxi, right in front of the candy factory! LOL. It might have even been that they didn't know they were having twins, too. I just know it was a crazy story.

I need to mop my kitchen floor too. I should probably do that, LOL


  1. Anne Brew

    Good work by the carpet company - stains all gone. I smiled at your mother’s explanation of what or who caused the stain! A definite case of not telling her the truth of that! x

    1. K texted me this morning and said the carpet looks great, so that was good news.

  2. Frangos are delicious! We had them when stores were Dayton's, then sold to Marshall Fields, now Macy's. Our two big downtown Macy's are no more, sad really, but there's still one in Mall of America and maybe one or two other Malls. It has to be hard seeing your moms confusion.

    1. I think the 4th box I bought will be an extra one, I can give in one of our stockings, so I'm sure I'll get to try one again ;)

  3. Wow, I bet that taxi driver almost laid a square egg at the thought of someone giving birth to twins in his cab!!!! I remember when I worked in D.C. it snowed (about three snowflakes but that was enough to bring D.C. to a screeching halt). Anyway, a lady went into labour and thinking they were being sensible they decided to take the metro rather than try to drive. Poor lady gave birth on the Red Line, although I do hope she got lifelong free tickets on the metro after that!

    1. oh gosh, I'd hate to give birth on the metro, LOL. I remember friends sister's story being on the front page of the newspaper, LOL.

  4. My husband used to have to go to Chicago for work a few times a year. He always had to stop at Marshall Fields for a box of Frangos. We loved discovering new flavors.

    1. I haven't had any in many years. It will be interesting to see if I think they still taste the same as always.

    2. Frango chocolate is sold on Amazon. I checked.

  5. I tried to clean the carpet with the spray cleaners I brought, but in the end it was still noticable enough light stain across the carpet. When I told K I was having someone come in to clean it, she didn't say it smelled, she just said yes, the stain didn't come all the way out (I couldn't tell that day for sure because it was still too wet), but I hope it wasn't smelling. Her guy friend has definitely backed off spending time with her, it's just I think she forgets this so she goes and knocks on his door, for example to tell him her door is locked...
