Saturday, December 17, 2022

Baking weekend

The Christmas sugar cookie dough is made and in the fridge chilling for 3 hours. I know I'm going to regret making it when I'm trying to get it rolled out and it's sticking and when the cookies come out all flattened out and not in the cutter shapes, LOL. My plan is to make these cookies today and the rosette's tomorrow. 

I think I need to dig out my neck adjuster thingy dd got me for Christmas last year and use it a few times. My neck has been feeling tight this week. Probably from the stress about worrying over my mom. 

The cat just knocked over my old wood antique sled that I have some greenery and lights on it - well now the lights won't work. Grrr, LOL. 

What is it with people telling me not to vent or rant or complain on my own blog?! How dare I?! I find it quite funny. Do these people have such perfect lives that they are never upset about anything, ever? Never talk (or write) out what is going through their mind at the time? Spoiler alert! My life is not perfect! I am not perfect! Sometimes things (and people and dogs) bug the crap out of me.  How boring it would be to only portray a perfect life to everyone. And funny when I'm saying the good things (which there are a lot of) in my life, I don't see them commenting on those posts, LOL.

Neighbors want to have a dog? Whatever. Enjoy your dog (we sure immensely enjoyed having our dogs). But it's YOUR dog. It's not my dog. It doesn't belong in my yard or on my back patio, daily, usually twice daily. I chose not to have another dog. YOUR dog should not be MY problem, whatsoever. 


  1. This is your domain. You should write whatever your heart desires. When I rant and when readers support me or share ideas, I feel much better. This is one of the reasons I blog. Good luck with the cookies.

    1. I feel better too and it's nice to have support and get feedback and share idea. The cookies turned out good!

  2. It happens on my blog, too. If I have a good day, rarely does anyone comment. If things happen, everyone has an opinion on my life. Some of those comments never see the light of day. That is rich what one of my main detractors said--write what your heart

    1. The only comments I've ever removed are spam and for the most part everyone has always been very friendly, helpful and supportive in their comments.

  3. If you need to vent, rant or complain then do it! People who act like they have the perfect life seem disingenuous to me. I'd much rather read a blog where the good as well as the bad is shared. The last paragraph you wrote says it all and I couldn't agree more.

    1. I agree, disingenuous I'm pretty sure if I had the perfect life and was so happy I never had anything to complain about....well, I probably wouldn't be spending my time being rude to other's on their blogs, LOL. I also find them a bit ironic...complaining about me complaining HAHA!

  4. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, but this is my first time commenting. I remember where you lived before and thought you were building your dream home out in the country so you could live in peace. I would be beyond angry and frustrated with the dog situation. And you can’t just confront people anymore, bad things can happen! Also I like following about your mom. My mother in law at the age of 94 lived with us for a year and a half. Sorry, but it was horrible. I’m sure if I had a blog I would have haters. I never mistreated her to be clear. I like hearing about your life. I live in FL and it’s so different where you are. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Joyce

    1. That is so nice of you to comment! This couple with the dog at the end of our street - they have 3 acres of land and on the other side of them is like 50 acres of state forest land. Why does their dog need to be on our 2 acres all the time. I can imagine how hard that year and a half was for you. It's such an exhausting disease. Someday I want to visit the Florida Keys.

  5. I have started reading your blog before you moved and I check it every day. I enjoy reading about your everyday life including the ups and downs.
    Vent away! The neighborhood dog situation would cause my head to explode.
    You are doing such a great job caring for your mother and I know
    it's got to be so difficult at times. She is so fortunate to have you as a daughter.
    In my perfect life I have discovered thIs morning that crying will not make the Christmas lights work.
    Anyone who does not like what you share can just move along!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Awww, thank you for commenting and reading! It's too bad crying didn't make the lights work, LOL, but we all get to feel what we are feeling in the moment. When I hooked up the lighted garland on each side of our stair railing, one section didn't work (of course I didn't plug them in before). Thankfully it was the end piece, at least, and I just ordered a replacement because I couldn't get it working.

  6. Roll out the chilled dough on the cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Then, remove the excess dough, never moving the cookies.

    1. it's too late now, but that sounds like a good way. I'll try that next time

  7. I use a large, lightly floured cutting board to roll out cookies, and also dip the cookie cutters in flour (in a pike on a small plate next to the board) before cutting each cookie. Gripe all you want...your space, but people will respond. That said, nobody disagrees with you more than I do on some things, but not this. The behavior you describe is what winds dogs up in shelters. As infuriating as it is to you, as a dog lover, I am sure you also see how sad and dangerous it is too. They are lucky you've been so patient.

    1. I definitely need a better (and floured) prep area to roll and cut. Their dog makes me sad. He's only so hyper because of the owners lack of attention and training. And when I tried to give her all that fresh(frozen) healthy dog food, she said no, he doesn't eat dog food, just their table scraps. It broke my heart for the dog to be cared for so little like that.

  8. I vent or rant too in my blog. I don't find yours complaining, it's telling the story from your perspective. I do not make roll out cookies so kudos to you!

    1. That's what I took what I wrote as - as telling the story of what happened with dh talking to her and then her texting me what she said and my initial reaction as I'm getting these texts. If these dang cookies weren't so good, I'd never make them, LOL.

  9. IF there is a post I am not a fan of, I ignore it / don't comment! I enjoy your blogs and seeing how you live/ how your life plays out. I could do with some cookies!!

    1. That's what I do with blogs I comment on. And if there is something I just feel I have to comment on, but have a different view, I try to be very respectful and say "have you thought about maybe..." or something along those lines, but mostly I just shut my mouth and move on!
